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Everything posted by TheCardinal

  1. Chaff should be effective too, as well in space as in the atmosphere.
  2. A shame the yellow cabs are still unreleased. Those are the parts which almost make me want to ask for a releasedate of those. (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, know what i mean, huh?!)
  3. Thank you 1096bimu for a pretty booster! The revival of the IFE times is finally here! Thank you HoneyFox for the plugin!
  4. Unfortunately the combidockingports are causing a problem on my KSP installation (with a lot of mods). Just after launching a craft with one of the combiports, the image of the VAB/SPH changes into a picture of space. Pressing keys or mouseclicks have mpp effect anymore.
  5. At present it is already hard enough to get a (space)craft at it's destination. It seems the player will be forced to do all kinds of additional launches (and research) to enable the use of certain parts. That resembles Civilization. In Civilization, i consider it functional but i don't like it in KSP.
  6. I don't know if i like the path ksp 0.22 is moving on. Yes, it will expand the game and gameplay but i'm not sure if this is the way to do it.
  7. Almost all the mbm files are 4MB. The largetwofoldengine has six of those, making it more than 24 MB for just that part.
  8. Why don't you change this "utterly pointless" mod into a utterly superb mod, AncientGammonar? Vary size, weight, direction, speed, frequency etc. and implement (catastrophic) damage (dependant on weight and speed)? The strike produces heat on a certain part, the larger the weight and speed, the larger the heat. If the heat exceeds the parts heat tolerance then .... KABOOM! A spaceflight becomes more thrilling etc.
  9. I fully agree. I've been wanting that ever since i have two monitors.
  10. Thank you, M4ck! It has happened so often that i was in need of port x while one or more ports y were free (and useless at the time). This solves a lot of docking problems, now and in the future.
  11. Frankly, i can't say i like the composition but i admire your ability to compose and your performance.
  12. Brilliant, M4ck! A request though. Could you combine the two smallest ones for me, please?
  13. It's about 20 miles (32 km) from Manchester but several smaller towns are closer than that.
  14. A radio telescope has to be even further away from cities due to the electronic signals eminating from a city.
  15. Just wait for it. No need to pressure the creator.
  16. "2. As an added bonus. Now you can replenish your RCS fuel. Go to the same FlagCase and select "Replenish RCS Fuel." Currently it's endless but I will implement a limit on each case at a later time." Why not deduct an amount of fuel and oxidizer? That puts a hard limit on the amount of (producable) RCS and it is imaginable that a specific reaction between the two produces RCS.
  17. I just mentioned red as an example (the ISA mapsat indicates anomalies with red points). 100 square kilometers on Kerbin does mean that the user still has to check with a rover or another craft of some sorts. Now i'm thinking about it, it seem to enhance the search in yet another (unused) way. At some stage i don't doubt that water (with H2 and O2) will appear in KSP as a required resource. This mod could well be used as an omnipotent utility to whatever resource one chooses, including water.
  18. Perhaps it has been mentioned/asked before in this thread. If so, sorry for asking it again. The Kethane scanners detect Kethane, but they can also detect other materials (providing etc.). Would you be willing to adapt the Kethane scanners in such a way that they can detect the anomalies (easter eggs)? A cell could be colored red for instance in Kethane cellmap whenever the detector notices an anomalies. You could even add false positives if you consider it cheating.
  19. A 4000 liter Kethanetank is the same size as a Rockomax X200-16 tank, so in the space of 1 liter of fuel you can fit 2,5 liters of Kethane.
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