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Everything posted by TheCardinal

  1. I've noticed that the kethane mod doesn't work when the MapSat mod is added. It might be my machine/in game mod collection. Does anybody else have the same problem?
  2. This really is like a religous discussion: One side against the other. ("your side failed ...") I don't see the point in following this thread any longer. All kinds of numbers and percentages are dropped into this thread as "proof", yet all of those numbers are based on assumptions and guestimates. Nobody knows the exact influence a radiation dose has on a persons life expectancy. Talking only of "incident related deaths" or just cancers excludes many important factors such as chronic disorders and health. Like so often the financial gains seem to be the most (if not the only) important thing. Radiophobia is a nice buzz word used to silence opposing voices but in fact there's noone in his right mind who will eat fish caught in the sea in front of Fukushima. Doesn't that make us all radiophobic? I'm willing to admit that i might be wrong. I don't know everything and never will. In this case i prefer to err on the side of caution. Better safe than sorry. Cheerio!
  3. I don´t understand the necessity to start calling names. If that´s the way you think you can win an argument so be it. No sir, it was not to impress the Party and not illegal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7oDyuMssCY
  4. It was a test to check procedures. Ironic enough it was meant to ensure the safety of the plant.
  5. No, you haven't. Personally, I'm absolutely opposed to nuclear energy. And not because i don't know anything about it or don't understand it. There have been a lot of arguments in this thread (pro and contra) but unfortunately a lot of them are false. Take the argument that NE is safe and that the risk is immeasurably small. The number of (major) accidents isn't immeasurable small which proves that the risks are a lot larger than previously assumed. The risk in itself isn't so important (although about a millon to a billion times larger than previously stated) compared to the consequences of a mishap. Large area's of land have become unusable for a (very) long period (Chernobyl, Fukushima) and many people have received (normally considered unhealthy) doses of radiation. I.m.o. the potential damage is too large.
  6. Personally, i made only one excursion into the career mode and otherwise stuck to the sandbox. The career mode has too many parts that are inexplicably far into the tech tree. It just doesn't make any sense. Take f.i. wheels. How can you have (fuel-)pumps without the discovery of the wheel? And what special kind of science is necessary for ladders? I did enjoy the career mode video's though.
  7. I agree with you (and others) that planes become available much too late. You play KSP for your enjoyment so start anew from scratch with YOUR tech tree. Isn't there a proverb saying something like "It's better to turn halfway than to err completely"?
  8. I've been following this thread since the beginning until today, which will be the last day. It has become a thread mostly of followers which seem to like to gang up against a dissenting voice, such as Dragon01. Dragon01 has developed mods, is quite knowledgable on KSP, the customs and development (just look at the number of forum posts). Doesn't he have the right to voice his opinion just like every other member of the forum? Does it have to result in two pages of condemnation? Frankly, the design of the Dauntless is brilliant but i don't care if it never flies in KSP. Usually the endproduct of a design is less pleasing than the design itself. Cheers, TheCardinal P.s. no need to react to this post. I won't read it anyway.
  9. Your reaction was somewhat strong, GangreneTVP. I can understand your frustration though. Similar things have happened to me (and sometimes still do). I agree with you that a better save-system would be an improvement of the game. One of the responses was a list of other games which, like KSP, don't have such a system. That list is besides the point and i could easily write down a list of games with such a system ten times as long (which would be besides the point as well). The point is that the KSP savefile system currently is inadequate and should be improved in order to facilitate the user.
  10. In previous versions i've asked already for an annunciator panel. Combined with the proper audible alarms it would be smashing.
  11. I like your work on the large dockingport. It always seemed a bit strange that only the medium docking port has a version with a cover. I do have a suggestion on (another type of) dockingports. A radially attachable, extending docking port, round or square, with a (much) larger range as the current one. The last one always has the problem that some parts one the side of a craft are in the way, thus preventing docking. Even better would be a docking port which doesn't need a counterpart on the other craft . In the same way attachable as the robotarms or the KAS.
  12. I'm sorry if this question has been asked before. I couldn't find it when searching. Is there a complete overview of the tech-tree and what parts are released with each achievement (research)? If so, can somebody please point me to the right direction. If not, can sombody provide such an overview? Cheers.
  13. Licenses: I'm allowing redistribution only alongside the mod as a whole and only for non-commercial use. My interpretation is that alteration is allowed providing the mod is redistributed as a whole and non-comercially. Perhaps a mod can confirm or deny this interpretation.
  14. Frankly, i can't reproduce the error myself anymore. The instance it occurred, i tried to create a specialised RCS tank in the shape of a cone. Fuel and oxidizer are added default in the partgenerator so i had to remove the fuel content. As long as i had some fuel (and oxidizer) in the tank, the max amount of RCS was about 760 l. Once there was 0 fuel/oxidizer, the maximum amount grew to over 2260 l. Adding just 1 l of fuel and it was back to about 760 l. It must have been a fluke as i can't reproduce it now.
  15. Why not make Kerbin a teapot and Duna a coffepot?
  16. You took the words right out of my mouth.
  17. I'm sorry to be the bringer of bad news but the calculating of the available volume is somewhat flawed. Make a monopropellant tank then add 10 liters of fuel and oxidizer. You'll see the volume change dramatically.
  18. I hope you won't change the shape of the Ranger 25 IVA too much, Ohfive30. I like it (very much) as it is now. It's exactly the shape of a rover (and crane) cabin as i imagine it. Nice work!
  19. A lovely design and texture! Perhaps a silly question but what use has the enginecone? Does it still have an effect at an isp of 9000?
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