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Everything posted by TheCardinal

  1. The weight of Kethane is 2 tons per 1000 liters, but kethane tanks are normally empty when building craft. The modules work prefectly. I have succesfully created a combined fuel / Kethane tank. The disadvantage of adding Kethane through modules is that the amount of Kethane isn't variable.
  2. I didn't copy the new version over the old, I created new (sub-)directories and copied all files not present in the new version from the old version. There are several specific textures i created.
  3. I'm using Wings3d. I know what you mean about the edge split modifier but this is the first thing i've ever designed using such a program. I'm taking it one step at a time.
  4. A man visits the doctor and complains that his side hurts when he presses it. The doctor replies that he shouldn't press his side. I will refrain from further comments from now on.
  5. I did notice a thing which can be improved. On the second page every file is shown; textures and other files. When a non-texture file is selected (f.i. "Your texture here!.txt"), the program generates an error. This can be solved by only showing texture files. It is a pity Kethane tanks are still not possible even though it is quite easy to modify the cfg files manually. I haven't tried the addition of modules yet. Will report back on that later.
  6. Due to the excellent explanations posted by Ruregathon, i finally have started building a shuttle of my own. the shape grew by itself and is not based on the WEKA. Yet it looks a bit similar, probably because i like the WEKA so much. Here are some initial renderings of the Pook.
  7. First impression is that it is easier to work with and allows for the easy creation of sets of tanks. In this version the textures are shown beforehand and i like that very much!
  8. No spaceport is having one of it's tantrums again. I've tried (and failed) several times as well.
  9. Respectively: -Yes -Yes -Yes/No. Do not use blanks in the name, other than that your free to choose the (third part of the) name. It doesn't really matter if you call it A1, Z99 or even thirdnode. However, a part with multiple dockingnodes will show multiple dockingrelated lines with buttons. It will be unclear which line will (f.i.) undock the topnode and which the bottom node.
  10. No and no. Still, it will happen as many companies see the advantages for them.
  11. Why isn't there a train line to the industrial area? Isn't that the most obvious place for the (easy) transportation of goods from and to the factories, the port and the freight airport?
  12. Such orbital construction facilities wouldn´t be very economic as those can be produced on earth as well. However a chemistry-medicine factory for special types of medicins could be.
  13. I'm sorry your initial question NGTOne became so diluted to something else (even though the resulting discussion is very interesting!) . Back to your question. With the current technology taken into account, i don't believe the designs are efficient enough to be realised. One of the major problems with those designs is that they rely on (almost) 100% recycling. Everything which is required at some stage has to be brought "up", as there are no harvestable resources like a colony on a planet or moon.
  14. The image immediately makes me think of a train station in Belgium (or was it France? My memory fails me at this time.) which resembles this very closely.
  15. Scientist said previously that the earth was flat and one shouldn't venture to the edge. It is absolutely uncertain what the long term effects of an impact of a large asteroid or comet would be. The estimate is based on several assumptions which cannot be confirmed or denied. It is more of a gestimation than a valid estimation. I consider that famous last words. Your conclusion that the human race will survive because previously some species survived such impacts is over-optimistic in my opinion. Sure, some humans will survive the initial impact and probably a few years after that but i believe that some decades later all humans will have perished. . Besides, it is not what we know which causes the necessity to create a colony in space, it is what we don't know which makes it essential for the survival of the human race. Let's assume 99.9% of the human population vanishes by whatever cause. 8 million looks like a large number but geographically speaking it is a very low number, considering no more fuel, electricity, food, clean drinking water, health care and other "accomplishments of society". A very large number of that 8 million will die in the following years due to all kinds of causes (even toothdecay). . A colony on the moon or on mars has to be(come) selfsufficiënt sooner or later due to the distance and costs of transport. A lot of writers have already imagined the end of the earth due to plagues, impacts etc. Personally i believe they were all too optimistic (probably because books with a happy end sells better).
  16. This is magnificient! I've been hoping something like this mod would be developed someday. Two questions: - have you considered directing/echoing "print" commands to file? (as flightlog) - will you support reading statusses from parts (some day)?
  17. I know the tutorial wasn't meant to teach using Wings3D, however being able to follow the tutorial step by step makes it easier to learn.
  18. A base is anything which is used as the central spot of activities. It therefor can even be a small, one Kerbal lander.
  19. One of the things i believe needs to be added for sure in the next area is a petrochemical plant (or perhaps even on a seperate island). The liquid fuel and oxidizer has to come from some place, right?
  20. I'll download it as it's very usefull. If only all dockingports of a vessel could be chosen as well ....
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