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Ker Ball One

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Everything posted by Ker Ball One

  1. Oh no sugar, he didn't leave you at the altar. You were engaged to be married sometime in the next 5 years, maybe. Your mom and auntie have been telling you he's no good for a long time now. There was always something fishy about someone with commitment issues talkin about a long-term engagement. It's not speculation, it's just common sense and wisdom. You paid the money. That got you invested so deeply that you'll never see anything as evidence to the contrary. Again, take momma's advice. Don't sit around waiting for him to tell you what is going to happen. It's already happened. It's just time to open your eyes and see that it's already been done. You can't heal and move on until you have reached acceptance of the things that have already happened. *strained analogy requires imagining it being spoken with a southern accent
  2. You seem to be stuck on repeat. And stuck waiting at a bus stop for a ride that will never come. While you are waiting loyally for someone to tell you what will happen... I am saying that it's already happened. I'm sorry he left you. But honey, he ain't coming back.
  3. Yeah. I know. I'm just illustrating a point about dreaming and wishing so hard it bends reality. Cancelled isn't a concern. That word is meaningless here. Abandonment is the question. And yes, there's a huge difference. Because of the "Early Access" business model, this kind of project can be "abandoned" without being "cancelled". They simply just stop paying everyone and ignore the community. Then the project is abandoned. And this is exactly what has happened. No further proof required. The studio will be laid off and they won't get paid beyond that date. And they've already stopped all communications. It's like so many dead FOSS projects. They don't call them "cancelled", they call them "abandoned". Yes, that leaves people with hope. But it's functionally dead until someone forks it. The problem is that KSP is not open source, so nobody can just pick it up. I think it's a fallacy to think that there's equal burden to prove one way or another. The burden of proof is absolutely on them to confirm that they are still working on this. I'm sure they will say that they will continue to "Support" the game. But it's another term that is equally vague and weak. We know that there are minor updates in the pipeline already, so support is likely to mean just continuing to flush the pipe. People paid full price for a game that will be "developed further", not merely "supported" at it's current stage. Again, that is the serious problem with asking full price for an early access game. "Early Access" assumes that there is more development to be done. No, I disagree with that seriously. There are very big clues, even hard evidence about what has happened and what is happening now. It's just that people who paid have a sunken cost fallacy and are completely blinded to all of the clues right in their face. That's why denial is the first and often the strongest stage of grief. Unfortunately, when something is abandoned without communication, there will always be people who cling to the remote possibilities that linger. It's like a bad breakup, where one side is so invested in the relationship. And Nate has just ghosted you. Don't cling to the hope. His lack of acknowledgment is all the proof you need to move on.
  4. No. There is much more evidence on one side here, it's not equal. Anyone in limbo has put themselves there and only stays there because they're in stage 1 of grief. Denial. The game is abandoned. Maybe not dead because of residual updates still in the pipeline, and any devs that might continue to work until next months layoff is official. The rug is pulled, we felt the floor give out from under us. Don't believe the hopium that tells you your flying. We should not expect evidence and acknowledgement from Nate or T2. Their silence speaks loud enough.
  5. Since we're all dreaming big... I'm now hoping that Bethesda games has bought the rights to Kerbal Space Program, and will integrate into Starfield! They could introduce a new star system to visit and explorer their new Shattered Space DLC. The Kerbol star system gets unlocked in NG+ as an alternate universe where physics is more realistic and ship design becomes more complicated. The colony system is already built in. The Grav Drive takes care of interstellar travel. They'd have to overhaul a new ship building system. And start from scratch with orbital mechanics. Keep the starfield graphics. There will have to be some way to get planets and moons moving in orbits. Perhaps use the principia system. Can you just imagine going through the multiverse portal into NG+ and coming out in a new star system with moving planets and moons, and landing on a strange new world filled with little green people.
  6. That's very poor accuracy since the map can't zoom very far and isn't flat. That marker can be 100km off.
  7. So how did KSP 1 mods like MKS manage to do reasonably well? Maybe it was shortcuts like removing certain elements from the game's physics engine, and putting placeholders that just managed inputs and outputs. Similar to the idea of handling high park counts, by fusing entire sub-assemblies together into single parts with the included modules. Many sub assemblies can be created that don't necessarily need internal interactions. That's where I think the source code could be of value. Not to replicate their roadmap exactly as they would have done it. But rather to create the same features within a framework that bypasses the limitations. Does KSP2 even have a creation kit for mod developers yet?
  8. I just had the craziest fever dream about the intercept games graphics design team that does the marketing videos, in the last weeks of employment, creating something special... A spoof on the final scene of Star Wars: Rogue One. Kerbals, after witnessing the Kraken destroy their space station (named the intercept), are carrying a data disc to a rebel escape pod. Explosions in the background they relay hand off the disc to other kerbals. Desperately trying to get the data to safety. They finally get the data into the hands of a princess Leia looking Kerbal. "Hope". Fade to Black. Alongside this promotional video, is the entire Source Code for KSP2 along with a Mod Creation development kit.
  9. That's fair. It's not that expensive for a full space sim game. I wonder if the mere existence of KSP2 has distracted the modding community from KSP1.
  10. I'd be very weary of the first stage of grief here. Denial that this is a real rug pull. When something like this happens, and the other side goes silent like this... it's comforting to think, they are just busy reworking the problem and will come back with a solution (like it's just a break while they regroup). Their silence speaks volumes. As for improvements over KSP1 that we did get. Sure, but that also clouds judgement. When comparing it to stock KSP1, it's easy to be impressed. When compared to a fully modded KSP1, the improvements are not so impressive. I go a step forward, and am suspicious of ANY game studio that deals in an "Early Access" model. They don't get my money unless I am part of an exclusive beta group that has direct feedback into the dev process. And honestly, a way to get a refund if they just decide to take years to make progress. They might as well asked for crowdsource development, which would have been more honest.
  11. This is a problem with the entire business model of Early Access. No matter how many disclaimer they put, or how many people remind everyone that this game is "only Early Access", "in Alpha", and "to be patient"... People's expectation are set by the money they pay. People paid full game prices for a game that only had 20% of the features of the first game, was full of bugs, and that had very little chance of success from the start. Despite the rampant optimism. The company did not give this game the resources it needed to stand on its own, instead they relied on the Goodwill of the first game. And they also relied on free labor from the modding community to fix the game.
  12. I have been trying to play with Parallax's Scatters with colliders enabled. Although my Mun base WAS free of rocks, as I reload (especially after restarting the game), the scatters shift a bit. I think the actual GPS lat/long of my base is constant, but the terrain scatters move a bit. Maybe not shifting, but each grouping of Mun rock formations can rotate or move around. This means that sometime the scene loads with my base on top of a rock that wasn't there before. Any way to fix this? I have been trying to decrease the density of Mun scatters, by adjusting things like _Seed, _SpawnChance, _Range, but it does not appear to clear the area of rocks around my existing base.
  13. Same here. The 4th button in the top-left corner (looks like music shuffle icon) is supposed to toggle the setting to keep showing the message in its original location on-screen. Occasionally it does show the messages, but a bit delayed, but most messages will not show. I want to use One Window as an archive in case I'm not looking when messages appear for a few seconds, so I can look back at what happened and when. But I do not want to keep the window open to see messages. So this mod is broken on 1.12.5
  14. Thanks. You do have an extensive set of mods (like me). Probably only one that is incompatible with Kerbalism. I too can't really play without some of them, especially Kerbalism. I just fixed my issue (nuclear reactors not producing EC in the background). Although different from your Solar Panel issue, I will tell you how I solved mine in hopes it can give you an idea on how to fix yours. First the bad news, it required knowledge of ModuleManager patches. Had to read up on the handbook and syntax just to understand a bit how it works. I found out that Kerbalism does have a support patch for USI nuclear reactors (called ReactorPack). The MKS parts are a bit different though, and there were no patches for them. I modified "..\GameData\KerbalismConfig\Support\USI\USI_ReactorPack.cfg" by adding a section that copied from the existing USI_Nuke* parts, for my Tundra_PDU* parts. I still need to work on getting the MKS resources (also from RationalResources) that are running resource converters, to also process in the background. I have a semi-self-sustaining base on the Mun. The power running in the background was crucial, but I also want the reactor, fuel plant, assembly plant and refineries to consume the Machinery resource like they should. More importantly, I want them converting resources to make parts and materials for further base building. UPDATE: Just remembered that resource conversions for MKS uses the stock "catch-up" system. So they don't get calculated in the background in real-time like Kerbalism (which is important for Life Support systems), but rather will get updated in 6 hour chunks to be resolved to their new values when I reload the vessel. For base building resource gathering/converting, it is fine. For your issue. I too have KCT, but I disable it for testing. You can just go to Space Center, click (right-click?) the toolbar for KCT, deselect the Enable button and click save. However, it is better to test with a separate instance, which you can create with CKAN by going to File > manage game instances > Select > New Game Instance > Clone. This way you can feel free to uninstall mods, mess with config files and really test. It is also good to uninstall the big mods that are unrelated so your game can load faster so you can test quickly as you make changes. I would start looking at all the files in GameData\KerbalismConfig/ and start searching for everything that modifies/patches solar panels (I know Interstellar does). Also search through "..\Logs\ModuleManager\ModuleManager.log" for patches that might load and change things. Here is the Kerbalism chart for modules that support background simulation.
  15. @Astraph I noticed you were running Interstellar, which is why your solar panel output is in MegaJoules rather than stock Electric Charge. That may be the issue for you. The nuclear engine/reactor is also from Interstellar btw. When I tried to reproduce your setup, the solar panels did still work (even though they have the Interstellar ModuleManager patch that displays MegaJoules). I cannot replicate your exact issue. There may be one or more mods that interfere by patching the solar output in a way that breaks Kerbalism's background calculations. My problem may be similar, but probably from a different cause. My solar panels always work (loaded or background), but my nuclear reactors (MKS) only work while it's the active loaded vessel. In fact, it seems like other MKS parts (ex. Nuclear Fuel Plant) also do not perform conversion while in the background.
  16. @Astraph I'm trying to reproduce your conditions. I've installed Kerbal atomics and have a simple remote guidance probe core, with those same solar panels and a nuclear engine. The solar panels do seem to work when unloaded. But not seeing power from the RTG on the nuclear engine. What is the exact part name for your nuclear engine? Have you tested without any SCANsat parts? You should be able to test on the launchpad. Also, can you upload a list of all your mods.
  17. Were you able to reproduce the same issue using different solar panels, stock and non-stock?
  18. @Astraph I am seeing a similar issue. Power production while vessel is loaded, but not producing when unloaded. Also, I too am seeing that "converter" produce EC. No idea where that is coming from, as I have nothing else that would produce power. UPDATE: I managed to reproduce where my 16.4/s EC was coming from. I have RTGs and a few EC sources from the Global Construciton mod workshops. So @Astraph check for other sources of EC to account for that 0.2/s EC. Are you running an RTG, that is producing EC? This means that other sources of EC, other than your solar panels, and my reactors, are still working with Kerbalism in the background.
  19. Help needed: Having an issue with "dump" resource in an ISRU process. In my example, I am trying to create shielding from the Solid Oxide Electrolysis (SOE) process of an ISRU (tried multiple ISRU convert-o-tron parts). I am full on Oxygen, and want to dump O2, but even though the PAW process option says to Dump Oxygen, the O2 levels still climb and the shielding production stops when O2 is full. I can even see that Dumping the shielding doesn't not actually work either, as it continues to produce shielding. Does anyone know of a fix for this? I don't want to have to go into the GameData/KerbalismConfig/Profiles/Default.cfg and delete the O2 output of this process entirely. So any help is appreciated. UPDATE: Solution is to reload the flight scene (leave to Tracking Station/Space Center). Not sure if switching vessels to a farther unloaded craft would work too.
  20. I'm running Kerbalism with reliability enabled, meaning I have limited ignitions. I know that Ascent Guidance has a PVG mode for RSS/RO, which will limit ignitions on ascent. Does Landing Guidance have something similar?
  21. I decided to just copy the MKS part cfg files into GameData, without the add-on DLL files for MKS. I can get all the great supply chain resource goodies of MKS without the Kolony logistics features. It's the parts I like best about MKS anyway. I prefer the Life Support of Kerbalism over USI-LS, and Global Construction can be installed standalone without MKS for the off world construction aspect. Global Construction with Rational Resources and MKS parts-only, does not conflict with Kerbalism and offers everything I want. I did also modify the "category" in the MKS part cfg files from 'none' to appropriate categories because in the VAB/SPH they were unsearchable. They did show up in filters by manufacturer and other types, but I like to use the search function. For Global Construction, the only thing I did, was tone down the color saturation on the Ground parts that were ugly mustard yellow, to make them more standard stock gray.
  22. Hmm... well SOS source code shows that there are a few files and references to KRASH. https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SOS/blob/master/SOS/KRASHWrapper.cs It also has a REFERENCE Include for the KRASH.dll so it appears SOS is meant to be aware of KRASH and probably not interfere. But it does interfere so I'm looking if its an easy fix. UPDATE: Looks to be an easy fix. Appears that although there are several checks to ensure that reverting a flight is only available if the game engine allows it... There was a check for KRASH simulation that simply ignored the further checks and created it's own pause menu without the revert button or checks. https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SOS/issues/2 / https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SOS/pull/3
  23. Added the option to auto fill ALL crewable pods. https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/CrewRandR/pull/16
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