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Everything posted by Nyxilo

  1. Quick question: I saw that dynamic deflection used to be based on dynamic pressure rather than airspeed - is this something that can be restored? I'd like to base my control surface deflection on dynamic pressure rather than airspeed.
  2. Oh well. Never heard of it, but sounds like exactly what I was looking for MODERATEAOA - Boolean - toggles AoA moderation for the craft. MODERATEG - Boolean - toggles G-force moderation for the craft. Thanks !
  3. Some patches have been made by @MrShelter here They have been added to the Default Config (as specified on the git) for the most part (SWE, Waterfall Restock, Avalanche) but for whatever reason fixes for Restock Waterfall Expansion slipped through - maybe some others did. Else, try uninstalling both SWE and RSE then reinstall them using CKAN - or triple check your versions, as SWE should've been patched five months ago Hope that helps.
  4. Hey, do you think there's an easy way to add more shortcuts to AA ? I'm usually always having G / side-G moderation turned on, but sometimes (for aerobatics, of course ) I have to deactivate sideslip moderation and aoa moderation aswell in a split second The thing is, if I use the moderation toggle, I loose G-limits, and usually end up in a RUD (or is it RPD then ?) so, yeah. That's just a smol QoL thingy, but would be nice if it could be available. Anyway, this mod is awesome. Never going back to the OG SAS
  5. Do you think this mod could be updated to use [KSP 1.1.3] RSS DateTime Formatter v1.0 - KSP1 Mod Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums ? I don't know if that could even be possible but... you know.. for those kind of players...
  6. Small other issue I found, the Aerodynamic Nose Cone - Kerbal Space Program Wiki when switched over to "paint" resets back to Restock's white config (which I would guess is the second in the slider, so in the same place as "paint" ?) Changing back to stock color then paint again seems to solve the issue, but it is quite inconsistent. Replacing the part does work, tho.
  7. Hey @MrShelter, just remembered that someone already did a few configs for TURD / Restock (including that goddamn Small Nose Cone) I don't think they are aware of your new initiative to make configs for Restock. Maybe they could be merged in your configs ? As far as I know there is no conflict between both sources of configs - and it allows me to recolour most of the parts I use (said, all the aero ones ) Thanks for your amazing work !
  8. This is quite stunning, to say the least... That's not maybe where to ask for this, but do you have any update on Parallax Continued / RSS Reborn compatibility ? Or maybe it's on RSS Reborn's side and it has nothing to do with Parallax Continued, uh.
  9. Okay. This time is the right one, I'll hit every single building in the KSC. Right ? Right ? On the technical side, I've swtiched again to RSS and changed the livery + a ton of internal stuff no one cares about
  10. Just save the craft and reload it, should disappear It happens only when you add / move a part like intakes or jet engines That is due to the depth mask of Restock, if I'm not wrong
  11. Hi, I was recently looking at the console and my KSP.log and it looks like RSE is throwing an exception every fifteen milliseconds while in flight It is the following : NullReferenceException RocketSoundEnhancement.RSE_PartAudioManager.LateUpdate () (at <80da5f92e59a4e1e8c62d932c2676817>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) I know nothing about Unity so, could someone help me figuring out what this is ?
  12. Is there a methodology somewhere on how to configure dynamic deflection? I haven't found anything on the forums and, apart from testing all the control surfaces and limiting them to the edge of the stall, I don't really have any idea how to proceed.
  13. If it's linked to the physics frame rendering that means your delta-time per physics frame also impacts a lot, because else if @MrShelter is speaking about in-game seconds, IRL it could be delayed by a lot. I've made some tests and at 0.12 it's real time (but my GPU is bottlenecked by the dying CPU so I have "stutters") and at the lowest, 0.02, the game runs at 0.55 speed, i'd say. Two hours of flight turned into 3 and a half... So, if you were to increase the in-game voxel update time for FAR, that would require you to decrease the delta-time per physics frame for the whole game, meaning in-game FAR would be updated faster but you would "see" IRL the same speed because you've reduced the game's speed. Else you have a god-like CPU who eats KSP's physics frame and you don't care.
  14. A nice addition to FAR would be modifying the sliders in the elevon's settings. I.e. : instead of setting the deflection to +/- 40° having something similar to BG Servo's where you can set for example +10°/-50° I see a good use for AOA Slats for example, because they should be able to deflect downwards but not upwards. Anyway, awesome mod, been using it for years now !
  15. This worked, but then the stock sun reappears below. I got rid of it by using “givesOffLight = false” but then everything goes dark because the “Sun” doesn't emit light...as expected. Yeah. As in real life, the accretion disk should emit a huge amount of light (not implemented in Singularity) and this is something I want to keep (i.e. use the Sun's light instead of the Disk's). I'll stick with my poor solution for now, I played around a bit with the Light node and the Subscale node but it got me nowhere. In the end it looks like that : (File name is Sun.CFG)
  16. I've tried it but it didn't worked because of Scatterer which was applying its effects at the same time. In the end the solution was just to create a Scatterer Sun config and replacing every flare / spikes / ghost by a black pixel. It's a bit of brute-force but it worked.
  17. I was finally able to fix the problems I had with Singularity, thanks to a messy Scatterer / Kopernicus setup. Using Kopernicus I removed the Corona and using Scatterer I just created a configuration for the Sun and forced the Sunflares into 1x1 black/transparent pixels. https://imgur.com/vLGJ9pz.png As these are standalone files (a .cfg for the patch and all these black pixels with different names), I don't think I can PR on GIthub, so where should I put them? If necessary, of course. I've also included a small setup for a black hole and its textures, borrowed from the EventHorizon mod.
  18. Does anyone know how to properly hide the sunflare on a given star ? Using "givesOffLight = False" doesn't work as said in the wiki "Whether the star should emit light and have a LensFlare effect, or whether it's an object like a black hole", it only cuts off the light but leaves the LensFlare in place. The LensFlare is what I'm trying to remove but without any success so far. Is there a parameter I missed ? Note : I need to disable both Scatterer & the Stock Sunflare.
  19. Yeah, it worked I don't know why some engines have @fx-engine-something-running and others have @fx-engine-something-power Anyway, know eveything's fine, thanks for your fixes
  20. CKAN works on my side, it registered the 1:v1.0.1 as the latest version, which is the right one, right ? Got an issue with Deferred Rendering conflitcs but it was with Parallax Contined though.
  21. I think RWE is using the stock layout (maybe ?) with High / Low / Shutdown / Startup sounds for each airbreathing engine However I have no idea what's going on in RSE with the resonnances sounds and stuff Your fix worked absolutely fine on RWE ! Now that I hear correclty the sounds I can tell RSE has pretty nice turbine sounds, but yeah, it's the same for both the Panther and Whiplash Rotos are amazing though Edit : Everything is muffled correctly besides the panthers in Afterburner mode Edit2 : The line "@fx-panther-wet-power{!AUDIO,* {}}" was lacking in your CFG fix, but it stilldidn't change, while supersonic you can hear the full AB in front of the craft, wherehas the rest of the sounds are near inaudible (as it should be)
  22. RWE does modify "only" 15 engines (the 6 Airbreathing + 9 Lox), but the thing is the way audio is used in RSE differs a lot from stock / RWE For example, I don't see a disengage sound in RSE and it looks like it uses sounds as layers rather than complete, full audios
  23. Could something like that work ? If [RWE Detected] then [use RWE_sound.mp3] instead of [RSE_sound.mp3] remove [Stock_audio] I was just thinking about changing the path to the sounds, which means RSE could still apply its effects but with RWE's sounds I'm not familiar at all with the AFTER: LAST: and all that stuff in the CFGs to be honest, usually if i'm opening a CFG it's to edit the atmosphere curves or mach curves of an engine rather than something else x))) Edit : so, one one side RWE is getting rid of the Stock bloc (audio, particles, etc), and on the other side it looks like we could change the audioClip path to force RSE to use RWE's sounds and that's maybe the easy part. The complex one would be, I think, to get rid of RWE's stock (who's already getting rid of Stock ones, etc...) I'm only focusing on the jet engines for now, I don't know if there's a similar issue with rocket engines
  24. Maybe because AA doesn't like the torque of your engine. I think I had a similar issue and solved it by making everything contraprop. Have you had the issue with a non-prop plane ?
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