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  1. One thing I've noticed that causes it (and can correct it) is if I'm switching between the Map and regular game with the UI hidden. it appears the game resets the UI state but the mods don't. So I have found I can at least get the manever node window unhidden by hiding the UI again by pressing F2 and then switching to the map. This seems to flip the coin again and gets them back in sync.
  2. Currently it appears that you can still have limited control of a vessel even if out of range - you can set SAS to any of the default points, use max throttle, and do part actions like science experiments, solar panel deployment and staging by right clicking the part and doing the action via the parts menu. Is there a way to disable this and leave an unconnected vessel completely dead in the water so I'm not tempted to "cheat" when my probe is out of range? I didn't see an option for this in the mods menu.
  3. This mod got me to start my stream playthrough over. Proper comm relays and occlusion were something I was really missing from this game. Thanks for your work!
  4. I keep having an issue where the node editor window keeps getting "hidden" out of sync with the rest of the UI, and it doesn't show up unless I press F2 to hide the UI, and then it's the only UI element visible. Is this a known issue? If not I can mess around a bit and see what steps I can take to recreate it, but it does happen rather often.
  5. Relays don't really function in KSP2 yet though, right? I'm assuming this mod doesn't add that functionality, just provides visual information?
  6. In my experience it helps, but not always.
  7. Also rover controls don't remap along with other vehicle controls and still seem stuck to WASD
  8. I also think this is a fantastic idea, and wanted this even with ScanSAT back in the day. Either I'm blind or didn't see an entry for this in your current roadmap though? Just curious so I can keep an eye out for it. Fantastic work!
  9. Can also confirm this issue. This is a significant problem for people who require left handed input or have a disability that requires custom keybinds. Can also confirm that it has been there since launch, and that it can be circumvented by quickly opening the inputs menu and closing, but still annoying.
  10. I've been planning to set up an icecast internet radio station made up of music played on my Twitch stream. Would it be possible to set this up to play an internet radio station, maybe via a streaming mp3 file?
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