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Everything posted by RedSh0t

  1. i'm sorry, i never used dropbox, thanks a lot for the help! about installing far, maybe now that i think about it, it could be when i tried to play with rss. thanks man
  2. Here is the ksp log: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wk7r2wjsg6x830rv5u8s6/KSP.log?rlkey=d5wpjf71rkmr239wqn2tv02de&dl=0 And this is the Module manager config cache: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/m346676vn5o8th8fqfx93/ModuleManager.ConfigCache?rlkey=wd78c4u6yt2qlot2l3lp4h6mc&dl=0
  3. hi, for fresh reinstall you mean uninstalling it from steam, reinstalling it and downloading my modpack again? And how do i post my log file?
  4. hi, i'm having a problem with opt, the wings don't produce lift and elevons don't work, i don't have ferram installed and i don't know what could be the problem, if needed i can post the mod list
  5. thanks, i will post it there.
  6. Hi, this is not correlated to the topic, becouse i'm pretty desperate to fix a bug with opt, essentially the wings don't produce any lift, i don't know what could be the problem, as i don't have far installed, but the problem appears also with tundra exploration, do you know what mod could be cousing this? i can send the mod list if you want.
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