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  1. Wait, I just saw what you mean, how did I do that? Definetely better than T2.
  2. Yeah, I really hope it will be taken over by another studio. I would love to see colonies, interstellar and multiplayer...
  3. I get that, but why is written here? Kerbal Space Program 2 (not dying and getting a new owner) Hype Train. Or is it just that? Hype?
  4. Yeah, I'm still having the same issue in The worst thing is that when I ask people on discord THEY DON'T HAVE ANY PROBLEM! I have no idea why!
  5. I think that in the show and tell videos and the feature videos, they told us that there is a reason for hauling such a large amount of kerbals.
  6. I also want to thank you I have been having this since the 4th patch.
  7. I am really happy that they are doing their best and fixing important bugs along the way, keep up the good work team!
  8. I am still having issues with the celestial camera, still can't switch to it while in orbit! Anyone else having similar problems?
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