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Everything posted by Deadweasel

  1. "It'll get here when it gets here! You expect me to just snap my fingers and- oh."
  2. The images aren't too difficult as long as you know what you're doing in Photoshop. I've been messing around with it since way back in Photoshop 3, and I'm still learning little tricks that make an image look epic. Recently I got into layer modes that allow me to shortcut the process of creating realistic engine flames and smoke, and give bright light elements that thing that makes them really pop. The one scene of the scout hovering up to the cliff side represents quite a few firsts for me in particular, and provided the first opportunity I'd had in quite some time to put the warp tool to serious use. I've gotten acquainted with how some people are doing their time-lapse caps of their artwork creation process, so I'm thinking of doing something similar while creating the images for chapter 5. It might not pan out too well though, so if I don't get to do it for this chapter, (based on the fact that a good chunk of the story happens where I can't easily create images for it), then I'll most certainly be able to for chapter 6. Whenever I can do it though, I'll be sure to include a link to it in the original post alongside the chapter links. In the meantime, I'm also still trying to keep a lookout for a means of either creating or getting my hands on a Kerbal model that I can pose, which will pave the way for quite a few more images. Currently I can only really create scenes that can be sourced from the game, but if I could get a poseable Kerbal that I can modify for each of the crew members, I could go completely crazy with the artwork. I've already been working on their "all-home" and garage in Sketchup, so if the day comes when I can actually put kerbals into those scenes, I'll be ready to go.
  3. LOVE the look of that little bird! Care to share the .craft?
  4. Hehehe working on it, this one's a bit tough. Things were getting too convoluted and out of hand so I went back for a do-over.
  5. *queue dramatic music* In a world, Where physics are on permanent lunch break, One man DARES to dream. It's a tale of love, loss, heartache and triumph. ..and gimmicks. Lots of gimmicks. Coming this fall, 2013: Tucker- *record scratch* -errr... Flight of the Navigat- *polite cough* -uhhh... Flight of Frankenstein...? Right, Flight of Frankenstein! Coming soon in IMAX Real3D, to a theater near you!
  6. Gives a whole new meaning to "dusting off" for landing.
  7. So your arrival on Minmus could be considered- *puts on glasses* -a sweeping victory?
  8. I am of the opinion that somebody at NASA is looking at this game and going "Awwww... How cute! Here, let me show you how it's really done." A few days later, a new user pops up with an epic mod/plugin that totally changes the way we see the game. Again. Hey, it's either NASA, or we're back to MIB again. Seriously, I'm going to consider my theory completely proven if somebody releases a solar ray simulator to fark with any computers onboard at random. I can just see it now... Altimeter and/or navball just stop working and go dark, MechJeb starts returning really screwy values and driving the ship completely off its tits, cats and dogs living together- MASS HYSTERIA!
  9. Most likely this one: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/css-50/
  10. Just thought you folks might like to see this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrwpXEiTDVk
  11. Your wish is my command! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYSQxsRpIO0
  12. "Aspire" my eye! More like INSPIRED! That is gorgeous!!
  13. Seconded! (Though I know he's not likely to release that kerbal model, much as I'd be drooling over it! )
  14. You should check out the Procedural Fairings part mod. Really sexy and far less laggy for large ships.
  15. Oy! With your smartness and useless trivia and whatnot! You're dead-on, I had completely forgotten about that.
  16. Ahh... Well one thing that it does break compatibility with is the Kerbal Mod Manager, which apparently doesn't look in more than one place for mods. It's seeing everything in GameData, but nothing from multi-wheels or the other mod installed in the default location. Other than that your mods do indeed "play well with others" in the game itself.
  17. Wait... is that a Ford Tri-motor?! Holy COW!!
  18. TT's mods still use the original folder layout, NOT the new one based on GameData. IIRC, it's because a plugin he's relying on for some of his stuff doesn't accommodate it either.
  19. Actually, I was going to say something along those lines, though cosmic rays aren't really rays of light. In fact it's most likely they weren't actually seeing visible light at any point, but their optic nerves were interpreting cosmic ray collisions as sparkles and traces. Think of a time when you hit your head really hard. You "see stars", but you aren't really seeing little flashes of light; you're experiencing the after-effects of direct stimulation of the optic nerves.
  20. You are the newest addition to the "My Favorite People" list. Love reading about these little details I didn't know about before. Paul Harvey reference and everything! <3 /Paul Harvey was the only excuse for AM radio's existence during my youth, in my opinion.
  21. Shhh!! Not too loud! If word of this gets out, somebody at ScyFy is going to get inspired for yet another "ScyFy Original" movie. Now I've got that head exploding scene from Scanners in my head. D:
  22. ...your justly-won free internet is right this way.
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