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Everything posted by TheSandboxMaster

  1. Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel Core i7-7700HQ | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 1050 Ti, Intel HD Graphics 630 | RAM: 32 GB Basically, what happens is that every time you either reload a craft (opening it through the load option) or copy the light using alt-left click, the light's angle will not be facing the right way, despite the VAB saying so. Do note that this only applies inside the VAB, and not during launch. Also, editing the angle to a different angle and then moving it back will fix it. How to replicate: -Go to VAB. -Select any light that has a configurable angle. -Select an angle (other than 0 of course). -Either save the craft and load, or copy the light. -Angle will still say it is facing the saved location, but it will not be shown facing the right direction. (thanks to anth for providing video evidence) Video Evidence: AngleNotReflectedInVAB.mp4 Included Attachments:
  2. Turns out it was because I was running in 32-bit mode... I think my RAM is just faulty.
  3. Making History DLC appears to be the cause of the crashes, as when I unload it, it does not crash my game. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ppjsffajsy1xiuay8rbnj/Player.log?rlkey=u4hfmh13afyfd6hnk7oizzqn3&dl=0
  4. Update: I performed a test and heating doesn't seem to be the issue either. I have absolutely nothing to work off of.
  5. Edit: I have come to the conclusion that I have faulty hardware. So, I've had this issue for a while now, and I used to be able to use temporary workarounds to fix it, but I can't get it to work anymore. So basically, every time I boot up KSP through Steam, and then the PD Launcher, it will attempt to load, then crash my entire laptop. Now, my laptop may not have the newest technology, but it should absolutely be able to run KSP, and had done so just fine in the past. For 40 hours! And out of nowhere the game suddenly crashes as soon as it tries to load, which makes me very sad. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game, going through the files, searching up possible solutions, but nothing seems to help me. A possible outcome that my friend and I came to was that my laptop is shutting down to prevent it from reaching deadly temperatures, but I will look more into that later. I also observed Task Manager, and noticed that the application did not ever max out my CPU or RAM, so I am absolutely stumped. And it can run KSP2 fine as well which should obviously crash my laptop if KSP1 does. Here are my laptop's components in case it is a hardware issue: Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz 2.81 GHz Installed RAM 32.0 GB (31.9 GB usable) Product ID 00325-96229-38653-AAOEM System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
  6. I'm still new to these forums, so I'm not exactly sure how to link a video capture, but there have been other reports of this bug.
  7. For some really strange reason, whenever I timewarp/accelerate the time, the game thinks I am stuck accelerating at that speed, and refuses to change back at all. This means that I can't change the throttle or do maneuvers, which makes the game impossible. I've tried multiple solutions but it seems like the only thing that can fix it is by resetting to a save previous to the bug, which means I would lose hours of progress, which is very frustrating!
  8. By dreaming about reaching the Mun (I am new and I am struggling)
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