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    Geb lom goop deem hloo gobba Dorbo glem.
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    MERICA !!!!!!!11
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  1. why is it not recommended for me to download with ckan?
  2. is it possible to customize the warp look/color because i would think thats cool
  3. Can you make a compatibility mod for restock or would that be really hard?
  4. It would be interesting if you made it so that Kerbin was a dying world so there would be a story saying that the Kerbals polluted their planet. But that's unlikely.
  5. Hey I recently found a mod for kerbin side but it is out of date for me and I don't know if it is for you. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/203096-v100-kerbin-side-remastered-the-life-aquatic/
  6. I recently checked the date and it says it's four days after. But I understand if working on projects like this take a long time, so take your time!
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