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Everything posted by Tecorian

  1. OK, maybe i´m not very patient. But does anybody know, how the stats about the recolor work from this genius guy @lBoBl is? Can´t wait for using this mod
  2. Testing new ship designs for Jool and beyond. This one with the Kerbstein engine. Next one with the Daedalus engine I have to "adjust" some parameters at the Daedalus Engine, looks like, it is too weak, comparing the Kerbstein drive. Realstic than? I dont know...
  3. Does anyone knows or has links, how much computer power is needed, to do this landing manouver with the starship?
  4. MechJeb should work like this for you. You have to bring your ship to station etc. like near as 100-150 meters and even this approaching can do MechJeb for you
  5. All tipps from @Vanamondeshould be checked first. Also for me, the screenshot gives not enough information . Clipping error like @Martian Emigrant wrote can be the mistake. When you have eliminated the error in manual docking, try this mod, which gives you the opportunity, do the docking manover automated.
  6. I´m just wondering, which materials would stand the gravitational forces, when this vessel beginns to spinning around the long axis to gain gravitation 1.475 trillion tons is - very heavy... But - very big respect and gratulations to build this monster of ship.
  7. To be honest, i doubt, if the idea from No 1 is realistic. Cuting (cyrogenic) tanks apart is heavy work on earth, dangerous too and additonally, you will need some heavy duty bulldozer to move all this regolith. in your listing, i believe Nr. 5 is the most realistic concept, cause you can do this with lightwight material. Despite the low gravity on moon, i think, 1st settlements should avoid any complex structures and therefore no devices for artifical gravity. personally, i believe in some kind of lightwight inflatable but strong structures will be the best and later on, you can protect them also with regolith in a 2nd step, like this concept from the ESA:
  8. i don´t know any mods for this purpose. but in the main menue, go to graphics, start the programm in an window mode, not fullscreen. set Anti-Alasing to "0", general reducing details to a minimun and test it backwards with more and more details until you reach again your lagging you will know than, whan influences your PC most. i don´t find the thread, but a member has posted here in the forum some good additional tipps recently plz seach for them Best thing to get performance ist to invest in some more Rams - so i did. F.E.: With > 150 installed mods, 32Gb is too less, actually i have 4 x 32 GB DDR5 6000 Kingston Fury Renegade, so still some reserve...
  9. So i do my (very rare) missions to Eve in several steps. Mostly, a standard VTOL Lander with some ressources in the orbit. Principially, i use the same VTOL lander, which i have originally developed for Duna Missions. It has two stages, while from Duna i can start the whole vehicle again and refill in Orbit, from Eve i need the second stage and loose the 1st stage backwards to orbit. Sadly, i have only pics from an Duna mission on my work-laptop Prepairing the lander for the travel with ion-engines: meeting the big habitat-vessel in duna Orbit. propulsion-scetion is docked to the habitat, the lander is sidewards the two capsules are emergency capsules for the habitat, able to land on duna, kerbin or Eve with chutes ans landing engines Descent from orbit:
  10. Well, in this special case maybe a cheat will help you. Go ingame into the menue. Way below you can switch to settings and there are cheatoptions. Go to the setting "position" and choose kerbin and a very low altitude - maybe 5 m or so. The programm will tell you, if you are too low. Your spacecraft will appear just above the ground or water and you can recover it and gain the science points. Whenn you have no docking possibility, even a big rescue action with a spacecraft, which has a cargo bay to recover the vessel will fail. With noch connecting possibility, normally your rescue vehicle will loose the recovered vessel. maybe someone else has a better idea... ?
  11. It depends, how you approach Duna. If you build spacecraft with plenty of fuel for decelerating into a Mars Orbit, a denser atmosphere will be easier. If you build them "Nasa-style" with a direct decent from space with no deceleration before, you will need defintitly heatshields an a better landing concept, which influences also the size of the Starting-rocket, his travelling speed to Duna and so on. I have also modified Duna similar to you, but only about 20% more gravity with actual no chance of the atmosphere. And regular landing stuff on duna with scycranes So, at least heatshields does make sense. @stock duna, in my opinion, a heatshield makes no sense at all. simplified, you need only a barrel with fuel, a little engine and some chutes.
  12. Moho - just fine Eve - too purple, i would prefer more like the real Venus Gilly - never visited Kerbin - fine for me; Mun could be a little bigger and harder to land; Minimus should have more structures to discover Duna - fine for me, a little bit more atmosphere to have a harder time to land, more eastereggs Jool and his moons - fine, Laythe morerealistic ice caps and more strucural land, some more eastereggs - ancient civilisation? Eeloo - i don´t need this one I would prefer 1-2 more gasgiants, maybe also with rings and far out something like pluto + charon als al last final goal.
  13. So, not today, i have posted this Spacecraft earlier somewhere else. But, it is a very good reentry vehicle and also able to do landing operations on f. e. Mun or Minmus. Of course not able, to start from Kerbin. With working lift in the rear-section, so my Kerbals need no dangerous ladder. Here bunrning for reentry and going into atmosphere.
  14. Center of weight is nearly in the middle of the rocket. When burning fuel, the lower part will be lighter than the upper part... Maybe too much payload? I would try to attach some thrusters and climb above 20.000 and start then to go with the horizon. Maybe you can stabilize the flightpath in the thin air better with the thrusters.
  15. Cant´await this modding work. THX a lot in advance!
  16. This Warp-Bubble looks very interesting for me. When i use the Warp-Drive, it looks more like "normal" ? How do you create this visual effect?
  17. Also Cargo Bays are producing a lot of drag. Try wings from the OPT Mod for the MK2 bodys (scaling them down with tweakscale) I have best results for supersonic vehicles and spacegliders with the OPT mod.
  18. I guess you have mounted them symetrically with 2R. Use MM and it should work, at least, it works for me.
  19. Hi Oleg, welcome to the Forum. For radial Heatshilds you might have a look to the "Sterling Systms" mod, which offers all common sizes of heat shields from 1.25 m up to 5 m. You can also build with them heatshields all over the body of MK3 and MK2 space gliders and many other good stuff comes with the mod. Highly recommended, but be aware, that you might have to install additional mods for working. All needed additional stuff comes in the gamedata file of the mod. You might check all comments of the brilliant author, who is @JadeOfMaar Edit: You might be also interrested in the Kerbalized Space x mod, which offeers a BFR Spaceship. Works pretty well for me @harrisjosh2711 is also a brilliant mod creator.
  20. Yes , that was exactly, what i meant. Thanks a lot (downloading), appreciate very much your superfast reply!!!
  21. @GoldForest: Very interesting!!! What ist this for a command capsule you use in the very last pic on the left upper side?
  22. Yeah, but i did a mistake prior discovering KSP1 and build a nice little pc with a little microATX board with only two Ram-slots So, i have no space for more and on top my wife says there is no more money for more Ram - and we all know, wifes are always right, or?
  23. Well, not calculated, but installed: 144 mods (no RSS/RO !) with about 94500 patches (or how they called it in the loading screen?) System: Ryzen 7 7800x3D, 96 GB DDR 5 Ram 6000, CL30-36-36-76, XFX RX 6900 XT, 16 GiB But, this is on the edge, sometimes i get lags, especially, when several big spaceships are in orbit of the same planet
  24. i think, this is not a theme of misalignment, cause without the heatshields all my spacesplanes working very well without spinning. So generally i have the best expierence, when i do it like here: CoM and Col nearly won´t move, when i release the freight in Orbit. But i discovered just now, when i set the wings in a slightly upper angle to the body (about 4-5°), i don´t need any counterweights for the heatshields. The spaceship still wobbles slightly around, but will remain stable while reentry. Again, the main reason for me to use this mod is not, that i need a heatshield, but it is looking more realistic, when to lower body is tiled and black
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