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Mister Dilsby

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Posts posted by Mister Dilsby

  1. 1 hour ago, Flow said:

    I didn't even know Dilsby is into Earth politics enough to actually comment on Donald Trump tweets. Just not sure what the latter will do when he finds out little green man are talking to him on Twitter. 

    Well, we're not going to discuss politics on the Forum of course...but yeah, if I can ever bait DJT into a Twitter war with a Kerbal, I think I will have won the Internet forever :) 

  2. 2 hours ago, Red Iron Crown said:

    Consolidated a few threads on this issue and moved to the Kerbal Network. I am observing the same issue, there is definitely something wrong. I've passed it up the line to get fixed.

    Oh good, I've not gone crazy :) Thanks for taking this on Red

  3. So, no proper update today but we have some progress in the so-called "mission" part of this mission report. Posting some pics because we might not catch up to Intrepid in Chapter 15 until she's in Bop orbit (haven't decided).

    After a successful liftoff, Val finds Intrepid in polar orbit right where she left her. Here's Qwammer on final approach to Q-bay. Jool, Laythe and Tylo visible in background, Vall in fore.



    Captin on the bridge! Welcome back, Val!



    Here's our ejection burn from Vall orbit...



    And with that burn completed, we just need a planar correction to intercept Bop.



    I will most likely not attempt to land the ship on Bop, the terrain is ridiculous and gravity is a bit worse than Pol. But we'll see how I feel about that after the 11th or 12th Qwammer mission. :/ 

  4. 7 hours ago, parameciumkid said:

    I like how you're making the plot up as you go along xD

    5 hours ago, Dman979 said:

    No, he's not. He's had this series in his head since [snip]

    I recall mentioning during the E:O0 trial that he didn't plan things out too far in advance. Looking back, I'm sure that he took some umbrage at that. Sorry, Kuzzter! :)

    I do take a lot of umbrage, don't I? :) It's OK Dman, and to be clear there are are some things I plan out way in advance--months, or sometimes years ahead , as in the case Dman cited. But there are also things I decide on a much shorter timescale, and some things that don't get written until they're actually happening. The big elements, the What This Story Is Really About stuff, of course that's already decided. And just like in the example above of Jeb spotting Kerbulus, I do spend some time and some panels preparing the story before those big elements happen. 

    Another thing I've said before is that I do not tend to spend time telling a story that I do not intend to go anywhere. The "Kerbahashi Maru" scenario Dman mentions is a good example of this. I used Dislby's experience with the simulator in Eve: Order Zero to go a bit deeper into his character and explore the theme of a person struggling with command responsibility--which was a big part of the story (and not just for Dilsby) in that book. Then I flashed back to it when Dilsby ordered Tedus to abort to surface. Looking back at those pages, I can see a lot of elements that have made their way into the present story (I still laugh at how alike some elements of the bridge are to Intrepid's) Are there still bits and pieces of clues in there, or in Val's simulator flashback [Which I can't seem to find the link to! Did I really write it?] , that have yet to appear in Jool Odyssey? Maybe, maybe not. But yeah, if you want to get some idea of where I'm going next in a story, you can do worse than to look at what I've already shown you :) 


    30 minutes ago, FyunchClick said:

    Seems like the universe is about to instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. Or at least, by one that is more "Loud and Clear".

    This is one of those things that I haven't decided yet :) At minimum, of course, updating to 1.2 cannot change the story towards a direction I don't want to go. We'll see, I have a few possibilities in mind for when the 'disturbance' occurs...

  5. 5 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

    Oh no...  Houston, we have a really bad problem...  :(

    Hey, what were we just talking about? Just weave that disaster into the story, right? Nothing an author of your caliber can't handle! :P 

    But seriously, best of luck--worst case is a revert to the last 1.1.3 savefile perhaps?

  6. 1 hour ago, Azimech said:

    I didn't change the exterior, just what's under the hood. I'm not happy with the side panels as well ... someday I'll redesign those.

    Just whatever you do, don't make the doors open. The only proper way into a '69 Charger is through the window. (after butt-sliding across the hood, of course.)

  7. 5 minutes ago, 0111narwhalz said:

    Every time Bill presses the F5 button, the laser surges from the Vallhenge.

    Well, I don't often show it on-page, but we (that is, Bill and I) do use F5 quite a bit and I admit sometimes even F9. Hey, sometimes I'm too busy getting awesome screenshots to pay attention to little things like "terrain" and "altitude", OK?



    ...and anyway, while we did indeed F5 several times in and around the Vallhenge anomaly, no beam was observed until Clauselle sent the five tones.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Deddly said:

    Hmmmm, so now the Kerbulans think that Intrepid is onto them and knows their location. It'll be interesting to see how that affects their choices.

    Well, the shot did miss by at least a million meters--if Intrepid did know their location they have a funny way of showing it :) 

    It's transmitting the persistence! But to where? And why?

    Honestly, sometimes I don't even know. Seriously. I didn't even decide on the whole "death laser persistence upload" thing until Qwammer was parked on the surface next to it. :P 

  9. 2 hours ago, Just Jim said:

    Early on I remember seeing a couple other authors have to give up on their stories because something in the game updated and changed, and it screwed up their plot lines. 

    A few brushes with this sort of thing early on are the whole reason Kerbfleet Bill can do what Kerbfleet Bill can do :) But yeah, writing interesting fiction tied to an actual mission is very, very hard and @Just Jim is great at it. Some call it  "serialized" storytelling, as was often done in the 19th century, but it's even worse than that--Dickens never had to publish his story updates in between articles from his own critics, and he never had to deal with things like his "spirit visitation/time travel" mod not getting updated :) 

  10. 1 hour ago, Dman979 said:

    Because it's not my clef. I did viola, and that's treble.

    Please. I was a tuba player, I can't even sight-read the top of the bass clef. (Sure, I play trombone now, but my motto is "I was just on my way to the right note")  I had to keep repeating to myself, "Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge" to get that last panel right.

    1 hour ago, Just Jim said:

    I'm somewhat reluctant to admit I'm old enough to have gotten it right off the bat...  :rolleyes:

    Never feel bad for having lived! But hey, you're probably one of the few around here who reads treble so that counts for something too.

  11. 1 hour ago, Andem said:

    Damn, I suppose this is what I get for dropping of of band at the first chance. :rolleyes:

    OK, for those of you who didn't stay in band (and those of you who did, but whose memories don't go back to 1977) I think this is as good a clip as any to explain that sequence of tones:


    30 minutes ago, Torgo said:

    I wonder how many strips before Dilsby starts making Vallhenge replicas out of mashed potatoes, or whatever else might be at hand. 

    Hm... just because I didn't think of that doesn't mean I'm not going to use it. :D 

  12. 20 hours ago, Araym said:

    how will you handle the porting on KSP 1.2? Are you going to do it later, when all of your mods will be updated? (I take a look to new USI-LS balancement, and now kerbals eat a lot less... will your Intrepid be able to "communicate" to home thru the new radio network??? have you tried some tests???)

    I'm still catching up, so I've not really thought much about it yet. At minimum of course the Intrepid and other continuing craft would have to be able to load, so I would have to make sure all my part mods and texture replacer (for uniforms) were updated before I tried to port. 

    9 hours ago, Terwin said:

    The USI mods have save-breaking changes as part of the transition to 1.2, so I do not think it is possible for him to upgrade unless he hyper-edits the Intrpeid home, recovers it, creates a new Intrepid with the same crew and resource levels, then hyper-edits it back to where it was.  Probably not worth the effort.

    Eek! I wonder if it's something that I can correct in the USI config file, or if it's truly save-breaking? I guess I'll find out when I finally download 1.2! In the meantime...



  13. 2 hours ago, Torgo said:

    If his experience was anything like mine...

    A) Being very thankful for the advent of digital photography, so that he didn't need to buy, transport and process about a billion rolls of film

    B) Wishing he had a 32 Terabyte memory card

    C) Spending days looking over all the pictures he did manage to cram onto the memory cards at hand

    D) Trying to figure out the order in which the subjects of those pictures become Kerbal ships

    E) Planning his return trip

    You're not far off--and add to that, F) catching up on the job they actually pay me for, after a few days away :) 

    But here's something else for the KSP fan to appreciate; the sidewalk outside Air&Space features a scale model of our Solar System! That's @Nimzo Kerman and his sister standing with the inner planets. Jupiter and the others are several more tour bus lengths down the road. You can see the size of the sun in the model; the gas giants are about the size of marbles, and Earth is just a coarse grain of sand. Each planet's plaque includes that planet as well as its major moons, with orbits to scale.


  14. 6 minutes ago, greenTurtle1134 said:

    Again, sorry if I was right and I ruined it for you.

    Hmm... If you really thought that was a possibility, then why on Kerbin would you post such a thing and ruin the story for everyone?

    But I think it's fair to say that no one will connect ALL the dots between all the clues and foreshadowing and Chekhov guns etc etc. So speculate away!  In any case I don't comment on the veracity of fan theories for what will happen next, ever. And I like the posts I like, for no reason other than that I like them. That's it. 

    4 hours ago, something said:

    We do know from @Kuzzter that the Kerbulans are based on the Romulans - not the Klingons. After all the Kerbulans still suspect some form of weapon on the Intreprid which they like to acquire.

    Well, really they're a mashup of Romulans and Mirror Universe with a little Klingon thrown in :) 

  15. 5 hours ago, Dman979 said:

    On the other hand, I can see it being correct for one major reason- @Kuzzter hasn't repped it yet. He normally gives some acknowledgement of theories, unless they're close to what he has planned.

    Wow, I must have achieved some crazy levels of fame if people are guessing based on which theories I repped. Either that or people have no idea what to do in a week with no comic :)

    Reallu,  I rep things that amuse me. That's all. If I didn't rep something though, it doesn't mean that it didn't amuse me. But it could!

    2 hours ago, Deddly said:

    He likes wild speculation though, so how about the Intrepid burns up in Laythe's atmosphere and everybody dies, The End.

    Now that amused me. Also it would be a lot less work for me than Plan A, 

  16. 11 hours ago, Just Jim said:

    And if they have visited the forum, then they may already know who you are! 

    Well, we did tour the WH gardens yesterday but didn't see any family, oh well. Spent about an hour in Air&Space and will probably make a longer visit today...one of the exhibits I enjoy most is the scale model of the solar system outside the museum; stand at Jupiter, the size of a marble, and see the orbits of the inner planets and the bocce ball sun down the block. Turn around to see just how far out the outer planets are, the distances are mind-boggling! 

    15 hours ago, Emperor of the Titan Squid said:

    I just retread chapter 8.What is the Cruiser WIP

    It's something I haven't worked on in a while but would like to get back to: a long duration explorer ship like Intrepid, but without the hangar and air wing. Hoping to get back to it as Jool Odyssey winds down :) 

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