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Mister Dilsby

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Posts posted by Mister Dilsby

  1. 1 hour ago, Just Jim said:

    Hmmm, so I'm curious, did the crew seem to overheat at all, or is this purely a visual effect? And I'm glad you kept it, it's too good to waste... :wink:

    Oh, it's real all right. Bill did do a "simulation" pass at 45km, which went pretty well until the bridge crew overheated and poofed, one by one. It was sickening.

    1 hour ago, adsii1970 said:

    Definitely a very hot episode! I love the visual effects... how hard was it aero-braking something that big?

    Really not too hard! Like I said I just had Kenlie set prograde, and let the ship coast through. When it got back above 50km, I warped it ahead to just before atmospheric entry. It all went really smoothly until the last pass--you'll see images from that one in the next update :D 


  2. 3 minutes ago, Dman979 said:

    Fiery faces aside, I don't think this should be happening. They were in a sealed cargo bay, and got reentry effects?

    Yeah--doors are closed, and both inline nodes are connected to a solid part. I considered ignoring the effect as being unrealistic but it was just too darn funny not to show :) Hey, maybe it's something else entirely--like, the heat making the plasma screen on the forward bulkhead leak...um, mini sunspots...yeah that's it...

  3. 2 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

    Hahaha, this actually made me laugh. How else do you think the gang keeps up with the great space opera! *enter ominous voice* Streaming across the galaxy to a monitor close to you - it's The Saga of Emiko Station!

    "And no you cannot just binge-read it on the release day, we're making it up as we go along!" :D 

  4. 51 minutes ago, KAL 9000 said:

    Then why did Kenlie say, "It's fine."? They are on fire, only Jeb would think it was fine :wink:.

    You might think that, but I take my cues from the in-game reactions of the Kerbals. Everyone on the ship was fine--even Clauselle, who is normally the first one to start freaking out.

    I think that the algorithm that determines Kerbal reactions primarily considers the situation the craft is in. Then it applies the "brave/stupid/badS" values of the crew to determine their reactions. One of the more important situation bits is "Crashing/Not Crashing". In this case the ship was "suborbital" due to the fact its periapsis was inside atmosphere, but it was on track to pass out of the atmosphere--hence, not "about to crash". If its periapsis were below ground or if it was spinning like crazy, I think all but the most badS would have indeed been freaking out. As it was, SAS was sufficient to hold prograde, and despite the visuals no parts had even gotten hot enough to show temperature gauges, much less explode.

    So, as far as makes sense in the world of KSP, everything was fine. :) 

    48 minutes ago, DarkOwl57 said:

    Yeah, if I had a fiery mustache like that, I would say the exact same thing.

    Yes, but--

    14 minutes ago, max_creative said:

    Lol. Kuzzter likes the comic pages sniped out of quotes though... 

    Indeed I do, @DarkOwl57:) It would clutter the pages beyond belief if people quoted the panels, and it really does mess things up for anyone trying to read by scrolling through. I do appreciate that you snipped all but the page you were referring to. If anyone does really need to quote a page to make their point, then OK, but then please put it in a spoiler tag :) 

    Well, I hear  it's cold up in your part of the world these days.  Hopefully your computer helped heat the house :wink:

    It did get a little hot, yeah--but really, it was fine. *slurp* *melt*

  5. Holey moho! Two full pages of comments in two days since the last update? I'm glad I started a new thread for the moon pronunciation discussion! As always, I appreciate very much every post that is relevant to the topic of Kerbfleet's mission to Jool. 

    That said, here are more pages! And yeah, around Laythe it's kind of hard to NOT make every page a splash page :) 





    Right, so we did that. Actually we did that a lot of times. After completing the capture burn KE indicated 1400 m/s left in the tanks. I dragged a node to estimate how much it would take to reduce the apoapsis from about 3000 klicks down to something more reasonable for landing and recovery operations...and yeah, that was a few hundred I did not want to spend if I didn't have to. 

    So, basically for the last two Earth days Intrepid has been braking in the background while I do other stuff. I lost count, but it took over a dozen passes to get to my target apoapsis of 800 klicks. I didn't want to go too low, as I would have to pay fuel to climb back out of the well no matter what. Hopefully I've calculated the correct sweet spot and we'll have enough in the tanks to accomplish all we set out to do on Laythe, then eject and capture at Pol.

    Skimmeroo launches next :) 

  6. 7 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

    Simply add a custom flag with the vessel's name, and use the stock flag selector to change the name of the ship. :) What's nice is that the nameplate is separate from the mission flag. Not sure where to place the nameplate though, perhaps on the nose or on the sides.

    Oh, I like this VERY much! Put that IVA in the front and this may well become a Kerbfleet part :) 

    Or, if I may suggest--create an inline version with open ends fore and aft. Not sure if that's possible with a crew space, but if it is--then instruments, viewscreens etc could go on the fore and aft bulkheads when the bridge is assembled in line with fuel tanks, cargo bays etc.

  7. 40 minutes ago, eloquentJane said:

    Laythe is a bit of an odd one for me. Its pronounced similarly to lathe, but where lathe is a long unstressed syllable, Laythe is a short stressed syllable. People who know linguistics probably understand what I'm talking about here.

    Yeah, it sure is an odd one. If only we had someone around here who knew linguistics...better still if they knew how to embed those cool special characters that leave no doubt as to the pronunciation--oh!

    54 minutes ago, Snark said:

    The tool "lathe" is pronounced /leɪð/, in which the "th" has a voiced sound, like "th" in "the".

    I pronounce "Laythe" as /leɪθ/, i.e. with a voiceless "th", as in "thin".

    Ah, you're right! I hadn't thought that through with sufficient precision, or I'd have made the second one a poll option. And speaking of 'poll', I went with the 'pollen' option immediately on reading the science reports comparing Pol to a grain of such. 


  8. 1 minute ago, Garrett Kerman said:

    @Kuzzter so you still can tell, those continents don't seem reversed. However, you could orbit in a really funky way... (insert maths)

    You mean, if the Ghost's ship were orbiting Kerbulus bearing west not east? Nope, I don't think so. For convenience of orientation let's call the continent Kerbin's KSC is on Kerbafrica. In the shot we can see the large knob projecting westward, where "Morokko" and the "Kote d'Ivoire" are located. The Kiberian penninsula is north of this knob. The orbit is irrelevant: the Ghost's ship could be going west-to-east, east-to-west, or polar for that matter--the planet still looks the same.

    So on Kerbin if the map is oriented such that north is up then Morokko is to the left and KSC is to the right. Look at the statue's right eye (which is on your left)--to put the Morokkan coast of Kerbulus on your left, as it is in the shot with the Ghost, you would have to rotate the whole image such that the Kape of Good Hope would be toward the top of the page. You can see in the picture you posted that it's not.

    Anyway, before this gets way out of hand, that's Kerbin. I have spoken. /wordofgod

  9. 27 minutes ago, Alchemist said:

    Well, that's definitely was supposed to be like methane, just with k.

    Well yeah, but I've heard professionals say both meh-thane and mee-thane. (That last one is just silly, sort of the way shoppers at a certain US big-box store put on airs and call it "Targét")

    I'm sure we English speakers have half a dozen different ways to pronounce "See-Aitch-Four", if you want to get technical :) 

  10. 14 minutes ago, kunok said:

    Somewhat oftopic, isn't there any writing normalization initiative in english linguists? 

    Nope. We can't even decide among ourselves how things should be spelled let alone pronounced. Some favour one spelling, while others favor another. And then we have the debates involving how things are spelled now as opposed to the way they used to be spelt. And if you understand that all right, then consider the innumerable alternate spellings that were once errors but, through frequent use, are now alright for all but the most formal situations.

  11. 2 minutes ago, HoloYolo said:

    The messages I got when someone reped me made me feel like I truly deserved it. 

    That, and the fact that no one could give more than a few reps in a 24 hour period made each one REALLY special. Also, getting reputation used to be one of the very few things that would light up the little "Notifications" tab (the others being a PM, which is sort of rare, and an infraction/warning which oh-my-what-have-I-done!) So when you logged on and saw that you got an immediate thrill of positive goodness.

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