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Mister Dilsby

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Posts posted by Mister Dilsby

  1. 12 minutes ago, Chemp said:

    Well, Kuzzter still has his best pilot available to pick them up: Jeb!

    Actually my best available pilots are a two-kerb team, Effive and Effnine Kerman. You may have worked with them yourselves, once or twice :) 

    But hey, this should give you a pretty good idea of what I did--or at least, what I tried to do:




    So--I'm not sure if this is a 1.1.3 bug or a 'feature', but with Skimmeroo splashed down, the crew could not perform the 'climb out' or 'clamber' action AT ALL. This became very disconcerting when I had Bob jump over the side and could not get him back aboard, even using the ladder, or having him stand on the submerged wing... fortunately Effnine was passing by and was able to haul him up.

    Similarly, Bob has no way to get out of the onboard luxury hot tub (there's an RTG back there somewhere) that was once the science bay. Yes, there's a ladder, but it's not really for climbing, it's really just to hang onto when grabbing data. I recall now that I-- that is, Bill--only tested getting in/out of the bay with the prototype parked on the runway.

    And if you're sharp-eyed, and/or you actually read the dialogue, you'll have noticed that uniform-of-the-day for Laythe is IVA suits with helmets. I figure if the atmosphere is thick enough to fly a plane with stubby wings, it's thick enough for the lighter and more fashionable option. 

    Next up, Tedus will attempt to beach his jetboat, drain the science bay, and hope that Bob will be able to climb out then. Or maybe he'll fall out of the bay before they get there--climbing problem solved, but since I already know he won't be able to get back aboard while Skimmeroo is splashed, he'll have a nice long swim ahead of him :) 

  2. 9 hours ago, Deddly said:

    If it's stranded, well... there's always the Qwammer, right?

    Well, right before the Tylo landing Val did mention that sending down the Qwammer is the plan if anything happens to Skimmeroo on Laythe...

    7 hours ago, Dman979 said:

    And are Kuzzter's piloting skills good enough to hit a target that small? No disrespect, but the last time he had to land nearby a stranded ship, he was off by 75.5 km.

    Well, yeah, there's that. :( But if it did manage to hit land, I think it would have little problem making orbit again. There is a LOT of dV in those tanks.

    5 hours ago, KSK said:

    Sounds like Skimmeroo is a bit nose-light then, which would make sense (I think) if most of the fuel is at the back and she's not getting as much lift as expected from the main wings, so those canards are having a disproportionate effect.

    Exactly. It launched full and Tedus dead-sticked it into the water, so I don't have the ability to transfer fuel forward. But of course, having too much fuel is a problem that's easy to solve :) 

    2 hours ago, DarkOwl57 said:

    I say that they could just turn around, fire the engines up to a VERRY small speed (I mean like 1% throttle) and just coast back to land and takeoff from that

    Possibly. My intention was actually to come in a bit west of that land mass, glide in and land just shy of the beach--but as @Dman979 so helpfully pointed out, I am not quite that precise with my atmospheric entries :) I do need to get to a land mass at some point, if for no other reason than to plant a flag and yell "For Science!" But, we'll see :) 

    And next update, we'll have another fun Laythe water effect that could have been avoided if I'd Bill had just tested the darn thing!

  3. Okay guys I can't tell anyone what to do here but personally now that you all know about and are thinking of Buzz, I am going back to posting about Kerbals :wink: 

    14 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

    Now back to something else not really on topic... lol... do you know if that Camera Focus Changer mod you mentioned is compatible with 1.2? I am really curious about trying it.

    Thanks for the topic check :) I can't answer though since we're still in 1.1.3. Would appreciate a report on that myself.

  4. Just now, monstah said:

    And you're just about to crack 10K. How many would Green Iron Crown have by now?

    Negative eleventy-umpteen godzillion. Looking forward to RIC joining me in--what, the Rep Lakh Group? 

    And congrats @monstah! Someone will come by to fit you for your official clubhouse smoking jacket shortly. (yes, it's the jacket that's smoking, not the wearer--you'll get used to it.)

  5. Let's make some more re-entry effects.




    What, you think I plan everything? Well, usually--but not this time :) 

    As I alluded in the posts about mods, I really don't like using them to make the mission too easy. That includes Hyperedit, a.k.a. "Bill Space Program". Going back to the very first post of this thread, you can see we used BSP quite a bit to test craft for the Tylo landing. This is why the ship that actually landed on Tylo (the Qwammer) looks nothing like the one Jeb is flying to the opening strains of "Also Sprach Jebediah Zarathustra" 

    But Laythe is different, right? It's just like Kerbin, except with less gravity and lower atmosphere. Heck, anything that works on Kerbin should work even better there! So we only did the live tests, with ships like the "Laythe X7", and once we had Skimmeroo we never looked back.

    Since then, listening to comments from @Geschosskopf and others I began to understand that the air and water on Laythe is a bit different from Kerbin's--but by that time the plane was docked in the hangar bay and there was no going back. So I didn't bother to simulate a landing and takeoff then, either. What you're seeing in the panels above is the first time I've ever put any craft into Laythe's atmosphere, in any S.A.V.E. or any KSP version, ever.

    So I guess we (and Bob) are all going to find out what happens together :D 

  6. 1 hour ago, Cydonian Monk said:

    I do have an idea that'll make things easier: when I get the chance I'll put "Next Post" links at the end of each chapter. Won't be until this weekend though.

    A very good idea. I've been archiving mine as Imgur albums, but of course that's easier in my format (all images) than it is in yours. Starting in Jool Odyssey I've also put links to the first post of each chapter in the thread OP.

    You know, you could put an index on your OP with links to the first post in each chapter, along with a "back to index" link at the end of each one, like @Just Jim does. I think that would word well also.

  7. 2 hours ago, SteveD80 said:

    I have built a gas station at Minmus and Ike.  I think I have also built a ferry capable of flying between them with enough delta-v to ignore transfer windows.  And so my question is: Should my ferry leave Minmus/Ike directly to interplanetary transit, or would it be better to get close to Kerbin/Duna before departing?

    If you have a fully fueled ferry at Minmus then yes, eject straight from there to interplanetary. While a burn from low Kerbin periapsis is more efficient, you would have to burn a good amount of fuel to reduce your periapsis from Minmus's orbit down to that point. 

    All of my interplanetary missions leave from Minmus orbit, in fact for a while I maintained a fueling station there ("Minmus Outbound") that I kept filled by drone "ore piggies" from the surface. And when I returned from Duna and Eve, I did so by topping off the tanks at Ike and Gilly respectively. Will do the same from Pol on my way out of the Jool system.

  8. 1 minute ago, Dman979 said:

    How many do you have now?

    Still not many. 

    Mods that make things look nice and help me take better pictures:

    • EVE
    • Texture Replacer
    • Distant Object Enhancement
    • Kerbal Animation Suite
    • Camera Focus Changer

    Mods that help me fly the missions:

    • Kerbal Engineer
    • HyperEdit (for "simulations" and sound stages only)

    Mods that add realism:

    • USI-Life Support

    Part mods:

    • Already mentioned above--USI-Life support, Kerbal Engineer
    • USI Kontainers and Reactors 
    • Wild Blue Industries awesome plasma screens
    • Nebula decals 
    • Planetary Base Systems (habs, lab, and some other spaces on Intrepid)

    I'm still committed to staying away from mods that make the mission easier. Looking at the list I think I've still managed to do so: my engines, fuel tanks and control systems are all stock. I guess one exception might be the USI fission reactors, but really I wouldn't even have those if I didn't need the extra power to run life support. 

  9. Just now, Angel-125 said:

    I would think that the crew would be safe since they're inside of the cargo bay- or was it open at the time so you could take the screenshots?

    Nope, it was closed! One nice thing about the cargo-bay-as-bridge-playset, you can always get the IVA view no matter what :) I just use the Camera Focus mod to center my view where I want it. For shots from front of the bridge I focus on the turbolift, for shots looking forward I focus on Dilsby's console or on the viewscreen :) 

  10. 4 minutes ago, KAL 9000 said:

    Shirley you mean Admiral! Kuzzter has earned that honor! 

    Well, that is a cavalry hat I'm wearing, so perhaps if I did have a rank (I don't) it would be from the ground/air tradition...rather than clutter the thread with three pages of discussion on the subject and perhaps a new poll thread, let's just say that such a Kerbfleet rank (which I still don't have) would be properly spelled 'Genrill' -- noting that any similarity to certain homonymic human cavalry officers, living or dead, is purely coincidental. :wink: 

  11. 3 hours ago, adsii1970 said:

    Alan B. Shepherd: "That's a bit beyond my time, son. Oh, that's good... he's already qualified to be one of the brainy nerds that work here..."

    That is TRULY amazing! Not just that Admiral Shepard was actually on the tour in 1980, but that 10 year old you had the perspicacity to impress him. Well done sir!

  12. Uv6xB9G.png



    And the Bob and Tedus show is back! :D 

    So, some fun details about the aerobrake, not all of which I translated to the comic. After about 15 nice passes holding prograde through 48km, the apoapsis had dropped from 3100km to 1200km. I wanted 800km, and did not want to go through a bunch more passes to get there. Deciding that the velocity had dropped enough to risk it, I did a small burn at top of orbit to lower periapsis to 47,400m. 

    Everything went fine on atmospheric entry--no explosions or roasted kerbals--but the altitude was low enough for the many wing elements that make up Intrepid's hull to start lifting. And if you thought that when I designed the ship I made sure about things like placing COM ahead of COL... well, you'd be very wrong. It's not supposed to fly! And it doesn't!

    The ship flipped through the upper atmosphere pretty much as you see it in the first page of this update: two full revolutions and out. The apoapsis had dropped right to where I wanted it--no damage either, woo hoo!

    So, we're flying in a nice formation now but in the next update the two craft will separate: Intrepid thrusting prograde to stabilize her orbit, Skimmeroo dropping periapsis to enter Laythe atmosphere and touch down somewhere in the Sagen Sea. It's going to be spectacular! Stay tuned!


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