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Everything posted by KerbolRacer21

  1. Hey guys. This forum is for high quality, highspeed race or drift cars in ksp 1. Feel free to post specs!
  2. I am having trouble with my drifting cars any tips guys???
  3. btw could you expand to curseforge cuz i'm not comfortable with space dock and git hub that much.. -cheers
  4. could u post the mod download details please so i could download it? It seems rlly cool!! P.S How do you make mods, isn't it like rlly hard??? -cheers
  5. Yo akron could u please post the mods download details again cuz i can't find thm and also is this for ksp 1 or ksp 2???
  6. I noticed that you guys were talking about manuever tools. I don't rlly understand how to use them. Any tips for beginners?
  7. Hey guys can you post high speed race ccar designs that have good speed and are good at cornering. If possible please post the car specs and images! -cheers
  8. Also i need help to make a good suspesion thx!
  9. I have been making lots of ksp cars and i have made a formula f car that can go at max 160 m/s but it has trouble cornering and with suspesion any tips guys?
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