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Everything posted by Iapetus7342

  1. Delete the code that manages KSC's position, set Sanctar's isHomeworld flag to false and make Magnifica its own body that orbits Kerbol suuuuppeeeer far away
  2. I landed on Derbin's poles in Whirligig World. Here's 4 photos I took during EDL that I shared to the Virtual Photographers subreddit.
  3. Cough cough "You think an ultra-dense planetary body is in the same bracket of unrealism as a system full of dozens of black holes that miraculously balance themselves at all the L1/2 points of all the moons and planets? Because it's not. 1/10th scale planets with kepler physics is good enough for introducing players to gravity and space travel, representing lagrange points as black holes was not 'good enough' for stock KSP. Reality doesn't validate the image you have of Squad's developers all sitting around a table thinking "how could we possibly represent lagrange points in a keplarian universe?" and failing to think of what this mod does. They certainly thought of it, and they certainly heard it a lot from players, but it's not the "rather obvious solution" you think it is. Black holes that you can use to swing 180 degrees in your orbit is clearly not the miraculous key to L-points in keplarian physics that Squad was looking for. " 1. This is how lagrangian points have to work in Patched Conics. 2. You are also ignoring my advice to ignore the mod if you don't like it. Either use Principia or make your own magical lagrange points that don't act like pocket black holes that orbit in-sync with the planets of your system of choice.
  4. There is a simple solution to this: Ignore the gosh diddily darn mod! If you don't like how langrange points work in this mod, might i suggest ignoring the mod or making your own?
  5. HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? /j
  6. I got the idea from Exo's Planet Jam 3, where one of the planetary systems (Mun Kon Wawa and Mun Kon Tawa) share a ring.
  7. Maybe you could add another binary planet similar to Kevin-Kelvin, but only one of the planets are habitable. This binary would also have 2 other moons and a shared ring system orbiting the barycenter!
  8. Scatterer is fully compatable with Parallax. IDK how to change the settings tho
  9. Parallax is compatable with Kcalbeloh and Beyond Home, with there being mods to add scatters for OPM and MPE. Precursors is also planning to release a Parallax update soon. (these are all the ones i can remember off the top of my head)
  10. Heads up, Discord images don't work here. Try putting your images on Imgur instead.
  11. As a redditor myself I can confirm that there are indeed entitled users who complain and complain and complain over and over about paid mods, like, it's not hurting anyone at all
  12. The way that TSPR improves the planets goes like this: Identify planet Delete it from existence Replace it with a better looking copycat ??? Profit. This means that Minmus is identified by TSPR and is deleted after MKR loads its patches, with the TSPR clone keeping Minmus' original orbit. Your best bet is to: A; Copy+Paste MKR's Minmus orbit data into TSPR Minmus' file, OR B; Use Hyperedit to manually drag Minmus back to where it should be. Hope this helps!
  13. It's better than nothing. Also this is the same system with comically-dense planets and a moon of a far-off gas giant that has liquid water on its surface so the lagrange points not lagranging is likely the least of your concerns
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