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  1. Wanted to wonder if waterfall configs are ever planned? if not I might try make them myself if possible
  2. That is 100% a very weird issue, if i'm being honest it could be one of two things I'm not necessarily well versed or knowledgeable enough to give you an educated opinion, but from personal experience I've had headphones where there's a faint beeping/alarm noise as you described. It could also be coming directly from your PC, i've heard that happen to people. But really your issue is incredibly unique, I know my way around computers but this is a field i'm 100% not an expert on, i'm sure someone on this forum could answer it, if you haven't already try bring it up as an issue on github, but given how unique this issue is I don't think it could be 100% the mods fault.
  3. As the comment above says you just need to update CD, in other words though, in the updated one, I do see the black textures thing happen at times, but usually you just need to put a new part on it, it usually only occurs when you move it sometimes.
  4. Nothing seems out of the ordinary, i'm not a CKAN expert but I have seen mods that get "double uploaded", it's the same file on both.
  5. It's is a pretty big task to be fair, restock pretty much revamps all of the stock parts, as opposed to part mods which usually have no more than 10-20 parts at the most. And there are people doing it aswell, just not their top priority obviously.
  6. Like the guy said above i'd probably scale it up a whole lot more and make the planets just much more detailed and unique, especially more detailed geological features like canyons and volcanoes, add an extra gas giant with rings (basically opm). One of the problems i've always had with the stock system is that even with all the mods the stock planets often look cartoonishly bland. I've always adored the way the tharsis plateau and valles marineris look on mars.
  7. Words can't describe how much i've enjoyed the near future mods over the years. Such a brilliantly crafted collection and I can't thank you enough for your work. Wish nothing but the best
  8. I don't think it'll be too long until we see a volumetric mod arise again for JNSQ, as above has stated that we now know it's possible, possibly even more. I personally would love to see a LOT more jnsq mods in general. On the bright side at-least some of us got the files in time, enough to be satisfied until another mod arises.
  9. It usually happens during flight in normal view, it subsides in internal or map view, I'd explain it as like hearing the sound from a lower quality video, sounding somewhat muffled and less clear, hearable and audible, no crackling or anything it's just "lower quality" just a little less clear that it's well notable. Both this mod and RSE have muffling effects, moreover RSE muffles audio in internal and slowly muffles it to no sound in a vaccum. I'm not really educated enough on modding here to make a sound judgement but those were just some things I'd point out. The issue does go away when I uninstall the g-effects mod, with audio returning to it's normal clarity. (but I also might add an unrelated thing that when uninstalling it the consciousness bar is still there and g-ratings but the effects themselves aren't). Again i'm not really well versed in ksp modding so i'm unsure if it's a conflict or an isolated issue.
  10. I've had some issues with the audio when I installed this mod, for some reason whenever I have it installed in-flight the audio quality drops noticeably, while going back up to normal quality when in map view, tracking or just at the ksc. It seemingly only occurs when this is installed, I must add that I do have RSE, which could be conflicting in some type of way as it is a sound mod, but i'm not sure myself.
  11. KSP1 will stagnate pretty much, eventually the modding will reach it's limits, and the flow of mods in general will stop. until the ksp ip is released from the shackles of taketwo the franchise is effectively doomed. I personally hope that an actual company with intent to make a great ksp sequel buys the ip but who knows. People will still play ksp 1 for a long time, it's a unique experience games like juno new origins just won't ever accomplish. I am very hopeful that eventually good things will turn out and we'll actually get the sequel we've been dreaming of, but it's pretty much just a waiting game now.
  12. Love the mod but one issue I have is that the clouds are a little too dense and thick / smooth, as opposed to the varying shapes of stock.
  13. I like jnsq and all but MAN is it a drag to download at times
  14. One of the things I really like about this mod is the detail, as "cartoony" as the general design is I really love how high fidelity it is, there's detail that's just incredible for a mod made pretty much a decade ago, especially the IVAs. Although I agree with everyone else in the sentiment we most likely won't ever truly see this mod get any support. I really hope there's more unique mods in the work that accomplish a level of detail like this mod.
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