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Mr. Kerbin

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Everything posted by Mr. Kerbin

  1. I’m back for the third time in a row , This time, to ask how, when, and why does it seem @Deddly got an upgrade. That said, where is “Forum Administrator” on the moderator scale? Is it like a new CM? Also, when is the “Your Moderators” thread going to get updated for this?
  2. I build public relations with RedAl1en1, and we now have a co-base/settlement/city/something. Our hill.
  3. I get Wernher von Kerman to build a K-2 ICBM and explode your base, then rebuild the hill. My hill.
  4. KASA-Ad Astra Ibimus To The Stars We Will Go. Hello! You join me in the middle of a save, at a Duna Transfer Window. So far we have - built relay stations - found many anomalies on The Mun - built a type of interplanetary vehicle - and are currently building a new base on Minmus.(This is on pause until the Sandcastle mod is finished.) Part 1: Duna, the red planet.
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