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Mr. Kerbin

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Everything posted by Mr. Kerbin

  1. https://spacedock.info/mod/352/Kerbal Space Ponies Yes, it is very possible. https://spacedock.info/mod/1824/TextureReplacer
  2. Nice. But, uh, will you do like some other mission report now too or not? Just asking, as this was all you really did on the forum.
  3. What does that mean? Here's an entry- EE Rocks (Eve Explodium Rocks) (Pop Rocks) They pop in your mouth! Maybe, a little too much. Harvested straight from Eve*! Buy now for the low, low price of 1,000 funds! *and maybe some ejecta from Minmus. Also, no refunds, and you can't sue (or any family member) if you explode from EE Rocks.
  4. While by no means am I the author, that is a great fuel station!
  5. Wait a minute, you mean to say it's over????? But, but I want to see the VentureStar fly for the first time! See the Harmony station be assembled! NOOOOOOO!!!!!! Jokes aside, it was a great story while it lasted.
  6. Banned for stealing cats. Newer page.
  7. Moonfall. First of all, the supposed power source is a white dwarf, yet, a white dwarf is the size of the Earth. How does that fit in the moon??? Secondly, I think flying a Space Shuttle through water ( the whole vehicle) would cause some problems. Also, why didn’t the AI attack with the Apollo missions? Then, why does the president think that sending NUCLEAR BOMBS WOULD HELP??? Another example, is that the insanely fast turnaround time, after all the shuttle’s were put in museums, they are still able to be used within a week? How does that not make any problems?? And even after that, how did the ET and SRB’s get made so fast? I know, apocalypse reasons, but come on! That is such a short time! Okay, now I’m done.
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