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Mr. Kerbin

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Everything posted by Mr. Kerbin

  1. Gets a Pineapple Inserts Jeb
  2. I have 3 SSTO's. 1. The Donnager class, which is totally not a ripoff of one of Matt Lowne's SSTO's! These are for the cargo version. Wet Mass = 45.554 tons. Dry Mass = 18.184 tons. Payload = 3.5 tons. 2. The Skylon class, which has gone through five different versions! Wet Mass (cargo ver) = 182.145 tons. Dry mass = 44.495 tons. Cargo = 20 tons. Crew (crew ver)= 48 3. The Energia class, the most powerful. Capable of lifting 45 tons and have ~700 Delta V left! Wet Mass = 425.948 tons. Dry Mass = 79.948 tons. Tested Payload = 45 tons. Potential Max Crew = 64
  3. 10/10 Read your Beyond, CKR, and Apollo-Mars mission report, sad it’s over.
  4. N -1 @ColdJ @Kerbalsaurus @Admiral Fluffy @AlamoVampire Come quick! Thank you Aviator01.
  5. I have arrived! @Angelo Kerman?
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