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Mr. Kerbin

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Everything posted by Mr. Kerbin

  1. ... No. There, however, is only one body with a atmosphere in the mod.
  2. Are you saying I shifted it, or we need to shift it? In any case, I was not blaming anyone, merely saying that KSP was meant and built on to be 32 bit. By the time it was 64 bit, it was too late.
  3. No. Just saying that mods add to the fire a bit, but not much considering the problem still exists in stock.
  4. I think this is a problem stemming from KSP being originally 32 bit. Since it was only meant to take (from what I heard) 4 GB of RAM. But by the time 1.1 & 64 bit was released, too much had been made to replace all that core data. KSP, then took lots and lots of RAM, as then there was no limit or hard boundaries to keep it down. Then we got here. The developers were never the problem, it was that KSP was meant to be 32 bit. Oh yeah, then you got mods that use even more RAM!
  5. @damerell Is it okay if my rover blew up, then teleport the rover back? (It is the same rover, and the 4 died.) It exploded because I accidentally used timewarp when (accidentally) jumping off the side of a hill?
  6. Well, it seems comets, ones with tails and stuff, are gone forever. Comets Disabled indefinitely WHY?!?!? WHY @Vabien WHY!?!?!?11 (insert thunder & stuff here) Anyway, should I add the E ring to Sarkin? Maybe just enough ring to make this? Perhaps we can make a "The Day Kerbin Smiled" picture?
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