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Mr. Kerbin

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Everything posted by Mr. Kerbin

  1. WE'RE BACK! WITH THE MOST EPIC SHOTS EVER! YES! But seriously, thank you Toaster355, for not giving up in the state of this forum.
  2. Gets a Pineapple Inserts Jeb
  3. I have 3 SSTO's. 1. The Donnager class, which is totally not a ripoff of one of Matt Lowne's SSTO's! These are for the cargo version. Wet Mass = 45.554 tons. Dry Mass = 18.184 tons. Payload = 3.5 tons. 2. The Skylon class, which has gone through five different versions! Wet Mass (cargo ver) = 182.145 tons. Dry mass = 44.495 tons. Cargo = 20 tons. Crew (crew ver)= 48 3. The Energia class, the most powerful. Capable of lifting 45 tons and have ~700 Delta V left! Wet Mass = 425.948 tons. Dry Mass = 79.948 tons. Tested Payload = 45 tons. Potential Max Crew = 64
  4. 10/10 Read your Beyond, CKR, and Apollo-Mars mission report, sad it’s over.
  5. N -1 @ColdJ @Kerbalsaurus @Admiral Fluffy @AlamoVampire Come quick! Thank you Aviator01.
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