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oleg kerman

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Everything posted by oleg kerman

  1. it is a coastal launchpad that you can unlock to launch form there.
  2. Thank you for your comment! I will take a look at that video too.
  3. Objectives: Establish constant presence of kerbls on Dune in long term and have regular science missions in short term. Make it as cost effective and simple as possible. Establish refinery/ refueling station on Ike for future missions aimed to explore Kerbol system and beyond. Steps: Send unmanned probes for scouting surface of Dune/ Ike for future missions. Establish constant network to KSC. sent 1st manned mission for fly-by of Dune and to test spacecraft itself. Sent 1st mission for 1st landing on Dune for exploration. Make more manned missions for scouting possible locations for establishing future bases. Repeat steps 2-5 for Ike. Establish fuel depot around Dune for future exploration missions.
  4. does it support near future tech or cryogenic engines/fuel tanks?
  5. Hello, I am playing ksp on a laptop with intel5 and 24gb of ram, but with very slow gpu, I have 24 fps with 50 parts and lowest graphics settings (if go above 100 parts it is unplayable ), so does anybody know any technics on how to make your part count go down or any mod to make it more optimized?
  6. I bought KSP a long time ago and didn't update it from 1.6 till 1.11 was released, and when I did update it I got to choose 1 free DLC and about half a year ago I bought the second one, don't regret any of my discissions at all
  7. Spaceflight Simulator 2 (SFS2) will come out soon, which is basically ksp but oversimplified and VERY optimized (they say you could play it on your phone). I don't know if it could be a "successor", but an alternative for sure. here is Steam link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2960460/Spaceflight_Simulator_2/
  8. I would add cryogenic engines and tanks, kerbalizer, and waterfall
  9. привет, я тут новый, но в кербал играю с 2020. Я недавно нашёл мод который добавляет колёса, хавер платвормы т.д. и увидел твой пост, так что решил рассказать тебе о нём несмотря на то что ты опублековал данный вопрос пол года назад. p.s. надеюсь что ты это прочтьёшью
  10. Would be nice if we had ability to rotate kerbals in all axis, like a spaceship, pitching and yawing them.
  11. I was building a starship-like vehicles recently and wanted to find a mode that would allow me to make heat shield tiles, aka: radially mounted heat shields. Some might say to just download starship mod itself, but it point of my challenge not to use it. I found one mode that adds such heatshield which is called "Radial Heat Shields", but it kind of sucks since you need to apply each tile individually, which makes your pat count go up by a lot. So I wanted to ask community if you know any modes for radially mounted heatshields. p.s. sorry for bad English, I am Russian and this is my first post
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