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  1. Edited. Seems (for me at least) that exiting a shuttle craft on EVA with the Impulse Engines active in Hover LANDING mode and zero thrust causes a CTD. FYI - Turn off the Impulse Engine(s) before EVA!
  2. Also, sorry, it is possible to add an inventory space to either/both of the shuttles please? They would be great to put a load of the ground based testing equipment in.
  3. Is it possible to add a new UI control - a 'throttle' with zero being in the centre of the axis, such that dragging (with the mouse or a physical joystick etc) the grabbable 'puck' up, increases the hover of the impulse engine and pulling it below centre decreases the hover so that you can lower it gradually to the ground etc.
  4. Hi. It's broken (it displays "This organisation can't accept donations right now.") Do you want to DM me your paypal email?
  5. Hey Shadow... Do you have a Ko-Fi/Paypal/Donate thing? I cannot describe to you how stunning, emotional and amazing your mod is (the Ent-A moves me to tears) and I'd like to donate. I can't find one on the thread header or profile page.
  6. Hi. Your Enterprise-A is a thing of beauty. I humbly bow before you. xXx I do have a small problem, if you'd be so kind as to help? I have installed the latest update via CKAN and I can see the nacelles in the VAB, but I can't find any of the saucer sections, bridges or secondary hulls or even the pylons. Are they unlocked at some point in the tech tree? I've looked at all the locked nodes and I can't see them there either. Have I screwed it up somehow? NM, I'm an idiot. Okay, I'm still an idiot. Is there another mod I have to install in order to assemble the Enterprise as it's far too large for the VAB or Spaceplane hanger to assemble. Does this have to be done in orbit by cheat coding each part up to space and using a cheat engineer to assemble it? Sorry to ask...
  7. For someone who has never modded a Unity project or KSP mod before, would you be willing to clarify which files I need to make these changes to (and clarify what I need to remove / replace with these lines of 'code') so that I can get this to work please? Thanks.
  8. Thank you so much for your help and advice. I'll try it out!
  9. Please can someone help? I'm trying to use CKAN to install EL and SimpleConstruction however when I have either individual installed and try and install the other I get a conflict: How are you all managing to get EL to work with SimpleConstruction? Also, a separate question, but can EL craft new Repair Kits and EVA Extra Tanks for an existing colony on a planet (or space station) as at the moment I'm having to make a supply rocket just to take more repair kits and this seems crazy.
  10. Please can someone tell me how to get this working as when I try and install it from CKAN it complains that Extraplanetary Launchpads is not compatible. What's going wrong?
  11. I'm having a problem installing OPM from CKAN. My KSP is working fine, I quit, open CKAN install OPM and OPM - Parallax with Scatters, apply, relaunch and then the game sits on a black screen at some point during 'load' and never leaves - I have to quit with Task Manager. I'm on Win11. I saw a post in this thread where the user had installed everything incorrectly (folder names were wrong and they had multiple version of a file) so to pre-empt that as a possibility, here's a screen grab of my meagre mod list. http:// Can anyone please help me work out the issue? Thanks ETA: If I do NOT install OPM - Parallax and Scatters and ONLY OPM then it works fine. My Parallax and Scatterer mods are up-to-date according to CKAn.
  12. Hi. @linuxgurugamer Do you think it would be possible to add in functionality to rotate the view of the camera to compensate for an incorrect docking port (rotational) alignment? I'm having HUGE issues with docking ports and getting the up /down, left/right to match up with ship and camera. If a port was out of rotational alignment, a fix in this camera mod would help immensely. Thanks.
  13. How did you get on? I'm thinking of doing my own pack too.
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