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Everything posted by DareMightyThingsJPL

  1. Ok, Thanks. I will make the next calculations assuming an exhaust velocity of 5% c
  2. I've long been interested in the concept of the NSWR (Nuclear Saltwater Rocket), and their high thrust with high efficiency, what would be called a torch-drive in sci-fi. However, I haven't been able to find their theoretical maximum performance. Sure, I know that in https://path-2.narod.ru/design/base_e/nswr.pdf , they conceptualize a NSWR that can go interstellar, having an Isp of approx. 480,000 seconds. But they limit the rocket with using 90% enriched uranium. Furthermore, there may be fissionable isotopes of different elements that release more energy than U233, that could be used. So I must ask, what would be the theoretical maximum Isp that a NSWR could achieve?
  3. Possibly, although i must say I haven't had issues with it. Try it anyways - shouldn't be harm in doing so. Sorry if this doesn't work, but I hope at least it helps narrow down the problem.
  4. If you have mods that use parallax scatters, remove them. Parallax itself is fine to use, as well as stock parallax scatters, but most parallax configs don't work. That's what fixed it for me.
  5. That sounds like a good idea, and for 'shorter' burns (less than 6-8 hours) I can see that working. However, any longer burns you'll run into the issue of not being able to play KSP due to the burn still transpiring. This can somewhat be amended with 4x physical timewarp, but for really long engine burns (like when you go interstellar) that have durations multiple real-world days, this problem will persist.
  6. Hello. I'd just like to add that Crokslev's Sattellite Craters biome isn't properly capitalised.
  7. Ocasionally when flying a vessel, and I enter timewarp, my crafts position (not the orbit, position) change spontaneously. This has caused issues in landings, but most of the time i don't need to maximize my science gain, so it's no big deal.
  8. Unfortunately, as far i know there is no other mods that have their functionality. You'll likely have to make a decision on whether you want kraken-based instability of bug-caused instability.
  9. Do you have advanced tweakables enabled in settings? It allows for you to add invisible struts to parts that either link to the vessel's heaviest part, it's root part , or the parts grandparent (the part attached to whatever part is attached). I use it a lot in large builds, so I hope this helps.
  10. That's wild, I've never heard or seen any mod produce an effect like that, I will attack that issue by fixing the infinite loading bug (which should stop the subsequent occurrences). I will attempt to keep in touch with you regarding playtesting opportunities in the near future. I can say that i had this issue as well. I believe this is an issue in part caused by KSS2. There is a disclaimer on the Github for KSS2 some parallax mods conflict with KSS2's parallax configs. When i had this issue, to fix it I simply removed the parallax folder from MPE, and that fixed it. This is my experience though: It could differ from the experience of others.
  11. Yes, I see the argument against diamond radiators, at least, their application at lower temperatures. Reviewing my idea, they would have to relegate themselves to higher temperature to be adequate, and we do already have liquid drop radiators. I like the idea of ISRU-optimized radiators, there is a large gap between the low temp 350K radiators and the high temp, fully metal 1100K radiators, and they'd fit in nicely. I think this is a concept you should look into further, there may be existing designs that operate at the required temperatures. Maybe look at Project Rho; the Atomic Rockets website. They have a page or two on radiators and thermal control systems. First off, I'm unsure whether Betavoltaics or Diamond batteries sounds cooler. I'll leave what you call them up to you, and I think you overall have the right idea on how to implement them. Also, don't add a new resource for them - It'd be much easier just to have them function as the stock RTGs typically do. Have a great rest of your day/night!
  12. I still don't know either! I feel as though I'm a victim of the Dunning-Kruger Effect: Thought that i knew what i was doing because I've done similar before, but turns out I had no idea what I was doing. I'll say, that's a pretty neat idea!
  13. I'd like to request that LqdTritium and Tritium be added to the various tank patches! Tried adding them myself and ended up with an infinite loading screen.
  14. If I had to suggest some additions, icons for: - Ocean planets (like, all ocean and no land) - A dedicated icon for moons - 'Venusian' planets, ie planets with a dense atmosphere - Minor planets - Minor moons (eg captured asteroids and non-spherical moons) - Binary planets - Brown Dwarfs And of course, ringed versions for each one for parity (except the binary planet icon, for obvious reasons)
  15. I think that the asteroid Icon could be reworked, but apart from that everything works well.
  16. The mod itself has been released and can be found on it's github page, the new update has not been.
  17. Hello. I have two new ideas for additions (remember, only ideas, in no way do you need to work on them right now, as i said, you've got a lot to work on). Both are related to carbon, oddly enough. First: diamond radiators. Diamonds melt at a higher temperature than most other materials, and so would be an ideal radiator material. Maybe it would function as a microchannel graphene radiator, but maybe needing less (or more) surface area to cool the craft. Or, it could function at an intermediate temperature between high temp. radiators, and the microchannel graphene heat radiators in Heat Control, or they could be the hottest radiator. (to be clear, we are using synthetic diamonds). Second: diamond batteries. They aren't a literal batteries, but the press is calling them that. They are similar to RTGs, in that they use radioactive decay to generate power. However, instead of using heavy radioisotopes, they use carbon-14, the same that is used in radiocarbon dating. Having a long half life, they could serve a niece in interstellar travel, where long term, reliable power sources as needed. In game, they could function as mass efficient RTGs with lower power output, but thousands of years of operational lifetime. They have been made IRL recently, so it can be done.
  18. Is there a difference between antimatter initiated, and antimatter catalyzed microfission/microfusion? I know the difference between fission and fusion, but was wondering why some engines used 'catalyzed', whilst others used 'initiated' in their names.
  19. Oh! I always thought that it was a technical issue, seeing as (far as i know) no other asteroid generator mod has comet support.
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