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Everything posted by DareMightyThingsJPL

  1. If true, it is a huge step forward.
  2. That depends quite a bit on the fusion fuel. Some fusion fuels produce radioisotopes, which can be even more expensive to dispose of than normal nuclear waste, and we end up with the same problem as with nuclear energy. Furthermore, some of the best fusion fuels are too rare (looking at you, Helium-3) to be practical for generations to come.
  3. It is a recently made re-entry effect mod that is configurable for the atmospheres of different planets. It comes with stock configs, but any others will either have to be made yourself using the in-game editor, or supplied by planet modders.
  4. "..Fine, we'll set up our own moon system, with one big guy, and quasi-satellites!" - The Inner System, 4.5 Billion Years Ago
  5. If there is indeed someone is up to it, I'd suggest either contacting mod creators for the cannon atmosphere composition of their planets, or check the in-game science reports to see roughly what elements, substances, chemicals the atmosphere is made of. Furthermore, if the atmospheres have Spacedust Configs, you can graph atmosphere composition to figure out what concentration and what % of gases make up the atmosphere.
  6. I can concur, I'm also having this issue. @loki130 I think i found the issue with the autostruts. After a bit of research, the autostruts seem to be hard-coded to unlock at the stock node where struts are unlocked. As such, removing this node makes autostruts being unable to be unlocked. If you want to fix this, I'd suggest replacing the technode where struts are unlocked in your mod, with the stock node, and then add a patch that adds the part that you'd unlock in the now removed technode. I'm unsure if this will work, but it's worth a shot, and it's the only way as far I as know to fix the problem
  7. Seems like a good idea, I agree with this, especially for the MPD thrusters. It also fits with FFT - the recently added Arcjet RCS thrusters have both a lithium and a hydrogen variant. I'm unsure about the VASIMIRs - whilst hydrogen fuel is a consideration IRL for fuel, the ones currently implemented already have two modes (Argon and Xenon). I don't know whether hydrogen fuel would work with the PITs. Overall, I think it's a good idea, maybe one that needs more thought on implementation.
  8. I think it's his choice too. It's just... Annoying where is the link to the method? Simply downloading the latest mod version that contains the parts, and copying all items relating to the parts, into the newest version that doesn't contain them. Make sure all parts are in their right files - if a part is in a file that doesn't exist in the new version, make a new file, which matches the name of the fil in the old version, labeled the exact same. Hopefully this works, but it can be labour intensive, and frustrating to get wrong. Furthermore, if you plan on adding the old FFT engines using this method, note that some parts which worked in older versions, obviously won't work now due to mod compatibility issues.
  9. I hadn't published said config anywhere. But since you do want to try it out, here : @PART[strl-rctrms-*]:AFTER[SterlingSystems] { +MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter],0:NEEDS[!SystemHeat] { @ConverterName = Tritium Breeder @StartActionName = Start Tritium Breeder @StopActionName = Stop Tritium Breeder @ToggleActionName = Toggle Tritium Breeder INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Lithium Ratio = 0.00000988946 @Ratio *= #$/refPower$ FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = LqdTritium Ratio = 0.00000988946 @Ratio *= #$/refPower$ DumpExcess = false FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL } } +MODULE[ModuleSystemHeatConverter],0:NEEDS[SystemHeat] { @ConverterName = Tritium Breeder @StartActionName = Start Tritium Breeder @StopActionName = Stop Tritium Breeder @ToggleActionName = Toggle Tritium Breeder INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Lithium Ratio = 0.00000988946 @Ratio *= #$/refPower$ FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = LqdTritium Ratio = 0.00000988946 @Ratio *= #$/refPower$ DumpExcess = false FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL } } } @PART[strl-tankdrumb-*]:AFTER[SterlingSystems] { @MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch],0 { SUBTYPE { name = Tritium title = LqdTritium // primaryColor = BoringGreen // secondaryColor = BoringGreen RESOURCE { name = LqdTritium unitsPerVolume = 5 } } } MODULE { name = ModuleGenerator isAlwaysActive = true decayTime = 220838400 // 24 yr @ 6 hr/dd decayRate = #$/refVolume$ @decayRate /= #$decayTime$ INPUT_RESOURCE { name = LqdTritium rate = #$../decayRate$ } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = LqdHe3 rate = #$../decayRate$ } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = ThermalPower rate = #$/refVolume$ @rate /= 200 } } } Yep - realised that quite quickly - Thanks, by the way.
  10. On that note, if you do want to restore the engines, it's pretty simple file editing. I've revived some of the very old FFT engines using this method. I think it's his choice what to do with the mod, and it's fine if you disagree.
  11. Looking quite nice. Like the Beta symbol on them, think it's aesthetic. Is the RTG without fins just for comparison or it it a planned feature?
  12. Thanks. I'll check it out, and I'll report my findings. Might take a bit though, just want to make sure it work with no issues.
  13. Here are my stock choices. Here are my modded playthough choices.
  14. @FreeThinker Hello, I'm working on a personal modification for Interstellar Extended that plans to make all heat-producing parts and radiators use Nertea's SystemHeat mod. It models heating and cooling in terms of kilowatts, megawatts and gigawatts, a measure of how much heat a part produces or radiates away, expressed as energy. I've had difficulty in finding how much heat parts should produce, specifically how much they produced when expressed as kilowatts, megawatts and gigawatts. If you can help in any way, it would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance, and I hope this isn't to much of a bother.
  15. Ok, Thanks. I will make the next calculations assuming an exhaust velocity of 5% c
  16. I've long been interested in the concept of the NSWR (Nuclear Saltwater Rocket), and their high thrust with high efficiency, what would be called a torch-drive in sci-fi. However, I haven't been able to find their theoretical maximum performance. Sure, I know that in https://path-2.narod.ru/design/base_e/nswr.pdf , they conceptualize a NSWR that can go interstellar, having an Isp of approx. 480,000 seconds. But they limit the rocket with using 90% enriched uranium. Furthermore, there may be fissionable isotopes of different elements that release more energy than U233, that could be used. So I must ask, what would be the theoretical maximum Isp that a NSWR could achieve?
  17. Possibly, although i must say I haven't had issues with it. Try it anyways - shouldn't be harm in doing so. Sorry if this doesn't work, but I hope at least it helps narrow down the problem.
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