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Everything posted by DareMightyThingsJPL

  1. I love the revamps so and the stock system support! Can't wait to go back to the dwarf minor planets in my save. Will need to as well - I think my already planted flags may be either underground or floating in the air. Questions: - Is it ok if I write some basic Spacedust configs for the comets? I'm unsure of Ervo's atmospheric composition, and how dense resource scattering should be, but I have basic experience adding SpaceDustUnbound support, giving Crokslev and Havous some rock and water to their rings. If you can give like rough percentages of what Ervo's atmosphere should be made of, it would be helpful. - How much are the rings altered in the optional patch? is it just a higher resolution, or are they extended or made smaller - Again, for SpaceDustUnbound configs.
  2. It is part of Sterling Systems Thermal. It is part of the system heat simulation, but is not a part from system heat. To use Sterling Systems thermal, you will have to have Sterling Systems Core installed. Then after you put Sterling Systems Core into your gamedata folder, download Sterling Systems Thermal. Next, place the Sterling Systems Thermal Folder inside the folder that contains Sterling Systems. Don't place it into the folder for Sterling Systems Core: that is inside the Sterling Systems folder. Just place it into the Sterling Systems folder. Alright, now, just incase you haven't already, install B9 Partswitch and KSP Community Fixes, as well as Module Manager ( I assume you have already ) Finally, open up KSP, go into the VAB, and look under the thermal category. There should be a part that looks like an upside down, black adapter part. That is the Shadow Shield. Knowing me, I have probably made this all the more confusing, but I hope it helps. If my advice is a bit hard to follow, there is an installation guide on the Sterling Systems github page.
  3. There is a great thread on the forums that has many texturing techniques, I believe it is called something along the lines of 'The Kopernicus planet texturing repository.' I'll find the link. There is also a page that contains the basics of how to work Kopernicus:
  4. Whilst this doesn't exist as a radiator, there is a radiation shadow shield that is part of system heat and adds a whole lot of loop area (higher loop area influences how fast your thing heat up with system heat installed).
  5. Sorry, I'm back again! I have some more engine ideas Tungsten-core antimatter rockets. Highly similar to nuclear thermal rockets, but instead of heating up the core with a fission reaction, you fire antiprotons at a tungsten core to heat it up, to which you pass your propellant over. I believe they would fill a niece in high thrust, low ISP antimatter rockets. Gas core and even plasma core concepts are out there too, with an upper limit of 100,000 seconds of ISP for the plasma core. As with normal nuclear thermal rockets, the choice propellant is hydrogen, although you can use other propellants such as water, like the currently implemented SULEU NTR in Sterling can switch propellants. Deuterium-Deuterium breeder fusion rocket. Basic idea is that the products of D-D fusion are better, more effective, higher yielding, easier to ignite, fusion fuels; Helium-3 and Tritium, and you create another fusion reaction by putting extra deuterium into a second reaction area, where your better Deuterium-Helium-3 and Deuterium-Tritium fusion can take place. Mass driver. A magnetic railgun that fires projectiles at a certain rate. ISP estimates of roughly 3000 seconds. Would probably only be effective in a vacuum due to low T/W. You could use ore as the propellant; many proponents tout its use in asteroid moving operations as... the asteroid is right there, and you can directly use it as reaction mass! Microwave electrothermal. Heat up water with microwave radiation and send it flying backwards. A relatively low efficiency electric propulsion system using water. The balancing would be for early-mid game in career mode where you have to keep cost low. These would be great for rational resources integration, as their propellant is water, a commonly found resource.
  6. YES this mod is perfect! Idea, maybe you could give the Lagrange points custom icons like how the Kcalbeloh System planet-pack does. That way it's easier to tell planets and the points apart on the map screen. As for compatibility with other mods, I'd suggest doing OPM. I think it is the most popular planet-pack, and as such you'd be appealing to a wider audience
  7. Do you think you could add a pulsed solid core NTR? I haven's seen any mod that adds it, including KSP:IE. In short, it is a bimodal NTR that can function as either a normal NTR or pulsed mode that allows for thrust and ISP amplification by pulsing the core like a TRIGA reactor. I've tried to get access to the paper that describes the concept, but it is unfortunately behind a paywall. However, the Atomic Rockets website and other places have summarys of the information contained in it.
  8. Ohhhhhh this mod looks soo good!! Can't wait for it's release. Question: Do you plan to add support for Spacedust?
  9. Sorry for the necropost, but on your ModsOfMaar post, this mod isn't marked as abandoned. Just letting you know so you can change it, since you've stopped development on this mod.
  10. For parity with the NFP having 2.5m size tanks for xenon and such, will you be adding such tanks for the caesium resource?
  11. Speaking of Ervos atmosphere, do you plan to add Spacedust compatibility for it?
  12. Have you added any moons with atmospheres? If you have (or plan to), you might want to write Spacedust configs for them. Adds the ability to harvest resources from atmospheres and exospheres
  13. Thanks, Will take a gander at installing that older version of KSPCF until you fix it
  14. Sorry for being a nuisance again, but I'm having issues - pretty sure it's a bug of some sort. Whenever I radially attach any of the dusty plasma radiators to a vessel, upon launch, the kraken strikes and destroys the vessel. Autostrut doesn't seem to fix or even mitigate this, and normal struts don't help either. All and sizes and variants of the dusty plasma radiators seem to be subject this. I will send my mod list if needed, as well as anything needed. Notes - - Speeds up to 250m/s are reported on the navball after the kraken strikes. - non radial attachment (ie, just the part on its own, attached to nothing) has no effect.
  15. Sorry, not sure if i specified clearly enough: The engine plumes do not appear. Inside the engine bell, coloration which would be caused by the exhaust is present. Hope that cleared things up. Again, as i said - Happy to send you my mods list or some images if need be.
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