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    just a wind

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  1. The Pteron mod maintainer is online. @zer0Kerbal FYI, I saw in the description of the mod that you would like to receive help in its development. I uploaded the alpha channel texture to you github repository. Please pay attention when you have free time and thanks in advance! https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/Pteron/issues/48
  2. -posted twice due to network troubles-
  3. Got it, it was just critical for me to know that I didn't break something even more by trying to fix it Personally, I don't think this mod is well described enough. But I guess it has value out of sentimental attachment. I'll do the bare minimum for it this time.
  4. @urturino I'm also a little confused: do the wheels of this craft turn? The parts that were provided in the link look partially broken to me and incompatible with the new version of the game.
  5. I started with the most difficult part - the parts from the Pteron mod (PMSRV). The explanation for the situation turned out to be quite obvious - the alpha channel for these parts was not implemented at all, but the texture had a brightness of 255, which corresponds to full specular gloss. However, there are also other problems. When I tried to fix the texture, I noticed that the material is not quite correctly defined, and in some places it does not appear as expected with proper rendering with shaders. The screenshots show a silky focused shine on the matte part and a type of highlights on the geometry that is not corrected by simply fixing the alpha channel, because the wheels and engine also look silky. For now, I am thinking about what to do with this, but the best thing we can do for this mod is to contact the author and agree on joint revisions of the model materials. Of course, I am ready to pass on all the edits without indicating my authorship, since these are only recommendations. To be honest, I just don't want to make big changes on my own without permission to do so, and I think that since this is a mod for just one set of parts, it makes more sense to not make a mod on top of this mod, but to merge it all into one design that will remain unchanged compared to the original without lighting and reflection mods, and will look corrected with lighting and reflection mods. Anyway, here is a rough alpha channel sketch that I think would be appropriate for this case. I'm still working on it.
  6. Hi guys! I have a suggestion on how to speed up the adaptation of the mod to all other modded parts. I would like to ask you to attach links to the mods that break when combined with ShineFix. I will analyze the list of dependencies and interactions of configs, and perhaps, thanks to a systematic approach, I will identify a common pattern that currently causes an error in my configs. Otherwise, of course, it will be necessary to turn off the mod for a number of parts one by one or release fixes for them. This will take more time, but in theory it is achievable. However, the first attempt should be based on some general configurable rule. The reason I'm asking for a list of links is not because I'm too lazy to figure out the mods myself, but because I can't guarantee that I'll install exactly the same version of the mod as you. Some, as I saw, are not adapted to the latest version, and were supported by different people at different times. What ultimately works and what doesn't is contradictory in the comments - for some, everything is fine, for others, the build is very specific. It didn't work for me right away either. This probably seems a bit impolite, so I apologize for asking this, but in theory this could greatly reduce the time it takes to release new versions. Thanks in advance!
  7. I understand that not every mod is implemented well enough from an alpha channel perspective. This means that I will have to look into them in more detail, but this is also good news - it gives me a reason to look into this and improve the configs in future releases. I'll try to invest my time in developing this mod over the weekend.
  8. Good day! Sure, will fix it asap
  9. Thanks for the question! There is an installation guide in GitHub, added it in the forum topic Manual installation Get the latest .zip from releases. Unzip it, paste 000_ShineFix folder in your game's GameData folder. Requirements: https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/ https://github.com/LGhassen/Deferred https://github.com/KSPModdingLibs/Shabby https://github.com/KSPModdingLibs/HarmonyKSP └──────GameData ├──────ModuleManager.dll ├──────000_Harmony ├──────000_ShineFix ├──────Shabby └──────zzz_Deferred
  10. Actually, no: it's a blank space. I understand that it looks like white artifacts, but it's a space hangar beside the part, it can be seen while moving
  11. https://github.com/rockmeowstar/KSP_ShineFix/releases/tag/v1.2.2 Pleasy try this one (don't forget to remove your previous version)
  12. Curious, this one is from the latest release. But I have found one more thing to fix, will update the mod asap
  13. This is literally what I did yesterday. Will update it soon
  14. Now about the front part of the model: for the rectangular version, there are two holes in the upper front side of the cabin (circled by blue color), and too much alpha channel in the door hinges (circled by green). The second one causes the situation when it's working like a mirror with the shaders (And yes, now it's 1.5.1) And great work anyway, just for your convenience, I immediately gave feedback as a tester cause I asked about this part before
  15. Hello! I feel a bit stupid because I wrote about my problem right under the solution. Yes, it worked, thanks!
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