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  1. Hype train has run out of steam, it will not get any more.
  2. Be honest, they're not developers, they're distributors, they're salesmen.
  3. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMi34sQ0iUk TL; DR: They'll just try to make money out of dead games. That's it, we're 100% dead. No more updates. Looks like KSA is the future.
  4. Looks like things are bad. KSP and PD websites are returning NXDOMAIN unless you put a subdomain. dns.google says NOERROR, but i'm getting DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN on Edge and Chrome whenever i try to access https://privatedivision.com/ or https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/.
  5. Something tells me this drama will lead to a class action lawsuit...
  6. What use is there in praying for that which has long gone to heaven?
  7. Regardless of what happened one thing is clear: The competitors are the future, and by 2030, no one will have heard of Kerbals anymore. KSP will be relegated to the trash can of gaming history, just like F-Zero.
  8. Six feet under, completely decomposed. The dream you signed up for no longer exists. It's gone. Go play with the kittens.
  9. So... skipping the introduction, this framework was developed by MCToon, an anti-Flat Earth youtuber, due to the plethora of confusing and dishonest challenges on the internet. The original can be found here: mctoon.net/legit-challenge-framework/ Anyway, let me know what you think. Legit Challlenge Framework MCToon Planarwalk December 2018 Version 0.9c 1.0 Introduction There are a lot of challenges on the internet including YouTube channels. Unfortunately, many are not handled in a predictable and honest manner. When challenges are successfully met they are rejected, parameters are changed after the solutions are submitted or the solutions are simply ignored. The Legit Challenge Framework is intended to provide a guide for challenges to assist in providing a predictable and honest challenge. This framework lays out parameters that allow an objective analysis of the submitted solutions and provides an arbitration mechanism. The guidelines also provide a mechanism to prevent modifications to the challenge after being issued, for example, after a solution is submitted. 2.0 Process 2.1 Create the Challenge Text The “Challenge Issuer” is to fill out the form in Appendix A. All the parameters of the challenge are spelled out in the form. This filled-out form is called the “Challenge Text”. 2.2 Calculate the message digest Once the Challenge Text has been created it is used to obtain a “Message Digest”. After the Message Digest has been calculated any changes to the Challenge Text will change the Message Digest. The Challenge Text cannot change after the Message Digest has been calculated. If changes must be made, a new Message Digest must be calculated. Use only the Message Digest corresponding to the correct and final Challenge Text. 2.3.1 Calculating the Message Digest Online message hashes can be calculated on several websites: https://www.freeformatter.com/message-digest.html 2.3.2 Message Digest algorithm SHA-256 is the preferred algorithm. 2.3 Present the challenge Present the challenge using whatever mechanism is desired. The complete and unmodified Challenge Text must be included. For example, if a video is made presenting the challenge, the Challenge Text would be included in the video description. The video should include a useful overview of the challenge, however, the official challenge is embodied in the Challenge Text. If there are discrepancies between the challenge described in the video and the Challenge Text, the Challenge Text is to be used. The Message Digest MUST be included in the challenge presentation. This guarantees that the Challenge Text cannot be later manipulated. 3.0 Submission mechanism The Challenge Text specifies how “Challenge Solvers” are to communicate their submissions. 4.0 Judging Judging is to be done according to the process as stated in the Challenge Text. Since the Challenge Text cannot be modified after issuing the challenge the process used for evaluating the solution will be available for everyone to see. Results will be communicated to the Challenge Solver using the mechanism stated in the Challenge Text. 5.0 Arbitration If a submission is rejected by the judge and the Challenge Solver does not agree the arbitration process is activated. 5.1 Judge panel selection Arbitration will cause a panel of three judges to be selected. Full authority to evaluate the solutions is delegated to the judging panel. Judge qualifications must be specified in the Challenge Text. For example, for a challenge related to sea navigation the judge’s qualifications might be “Qualified judges must hold a current international shipping license.” 5.1.1 Challenge Issuer Judge The Challenge Issuer selects one judge. 5.1.2 Challenge Solvers judge All of the Challenge Solvers together select a single judge. All Challenge Solvers must decide among themselves how to choose their one judge. 5.1.3 Independent Judge A third judge is selected by a poll on a Reddit thread. One of the Challenge Solvers is to create the thread. The Reddit thread has 2 weeks to assemble starting when it is created. All parties can recruit members to participate in the Reddit thread. In the end, a poll is conducted on the channel to select the third judge. 5.2.Judging The judges review the challenge parameters and the solution or solutions. They decide if any of the solutions appropriately satisfied the challenge and declare either a failure to satisfy the challenge or announce one or more winning solutions. Appendix A. Framework form The form below is to be filled out. Sections in square brackets are to be replaced with challenge text. Do not modify other text. Do not remove any sections or leave any blank, if something is not relevant, state this or simply use “N/A”. If additional information is needed, the notes section should be used. ----- Legit Challenge Framework v0.9c Preface: [Optional introductory information] Challenge: [Be very descriptive and avoid ambiguity.] Acceptance parameters: [Provide clear parameters to define a successful solution. Include appropriate evaluation methodologies and acceptable margins of error. Real-world measurements absolutely require a realistic margin of error or do not qualify as a Legit Challenge.] Submission method: [Video or web page or email or YouTube comment or whatever is desired.] Submission communication method: [Method to contact challenge organizer when a challenge is submitted. This could be a comment on the original YouTube challenge video, however these sometimes get missed so an additional method such as email, Twitter DM, SMS message, etc. can be specified to avoid missing a submission.] Prize: [Clearly state the prize including the type of currency.] Timing and Number of solutions: [If more than one solution is allowed, specify. If it’s only the first correct solution, specify.] Escrow: [For monetary prizes escrow is required.] Judge: [Who is the judge and how it will be judged.] Arbitration: [Arbitration is required, this is to state the qualifications of the judges. See the Arbitration section of the framework. Qualifications for the judges on the panel must be specified.] Expiration: [When, if ever, does the challenge expire. If the challenge organizer specifies the challenge can end anytime with an announcement, specify the method of the announcement.] Notes: [Any additional notes or items can be added here.]
  10. Be honest, KSP2 is dead. Right now, the only meaningful way to complain to T2 is a class action.
  11. There is no roadmap anymore, no updates coming. No dev team - Intercept is gone, and there are rumors that PD is going with it. There will be no colonies, no other star systems, nothing. Early Access has become Only Access, and this is the game you're stuck with. All you can do now... is complain to Steam.
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