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Everything posted by mrneon

  1. I'd honestly prefer interesting geological formations. Cool canyons and cliffs. But.... anomalies aren't bad at all. Awesome easter eggs. SCANsats would be helpful.
  2. The title says it, but i don't know where to make a brand new profile, i can't do it in-game.
  3. Atmospheric Elross is something i thought about recently. Give it some steroids and a lovely little atmosphere! It would really earn the title of the 8th planet. On a second note, is there any way to make Mrokrok and Bongbong not boring? I am broke and can't afford volumetrics, can you spoil it for me? I'm totally gonna pretend this isn't Alternis Kerbol Tylo
  4. Dayum. Volatus' clouds will be magnificent (Yes, i still am a Volatus lover) Also, will Tyrant have clouds? And is Arachnid the furthest object with an atmosphere in this mod? Or do you plan on more? (of course, not counting gas planets)
  5. More specifically, rovers and boats. I'd appreciate some unknown, underrated ones.
  6. Should i enhance my earlier pain and suffering and make a post-update Anune grand tour after the update? (Does this one add Anune's expansion or not?)
  7. Aw, man. Volumetrics. Shame i am too broke to afford them. Amazing work though.
  8. Man, this thread's dead. Someone done something in this mod lately? I'd discuss things, i'm bored.
  9. That's horrible. If you plan on doing them yourself, will there be some "interesting" reports, that are more lore-deep than others?
  10. It has arrived, the last piece of visual remasters
  11. Oh well. Then it's the second one. What about Kronk? Is it also a minor moon? Question: When will there be the custom science reports?
  12. This is such an interesting mod, but the sheer amount of moons is overwhelming to me. It's still a great mod for the micro-moon enjoyers and asteroid enjoyers!
  13. Yay! I completed the first grand tour in history of the mod (i think)
  14. First of all, i am not a good player. In fact, i'm bad. So this is not fully legit. (I used orbit setting to put the mothership in Kerbin orbit.) 1. Introduction This is my first grand tour and the first grand tour in the planetpack "Beyond Jool". I used 4 vessels, 3 landers and 1 mothership to get to the planet. The whole tour was packed with flawless moments, and mistakes, making it truly - follow the Kerbal Way. The "Pre-Update" is there because Anune will be accompanied by another gas giant, and two other moons. Otherwise: The Anune 3. 2. Anune Itself Anune is a small, purple, ringed gas giant in Beyond Jool, far away from Jool and Sarkin, the largest planet. It has 3 moons - Merrink, Merza, and the atmospheric Arachnid, and i went to every single one of them. 3. The Vessels. 1. NS "Landerling", used as a lander for Merrink. It had enough deltaV to land and go back easily. 2. NS "Stern", a lander for Merza. 3. NS "Sandpiercer", the atmospheric lander for Arachnid. 4. The mothership, NSIPM-019E "Nauren" So, how did we get there? 4. The Mission Start - Getting out of Kerbin The mothership had 13 Kerbals, but only 5 of them were important: Jeb, Bill, Bob, Val and Gradock Kerman. Here's the mothership in orbit, just before leaving it. This thing has a TWR of pain and suffering, so the mission was lengthy and stressful. Year 1, Day 161 - Anune Transfer Burn The mothership began it's burn on this day, for Anune. Year 12, Day 332 - Anune Arrival After 12 years and 332 days, the Nauren finally captured itself in orbit of Anune. It began to start it's journey to Merrink, the innermost and smallest moon. Year 12, Day 335 - Arrival at Merrink It took 3 days to get to Merrink. The mothership started to prepare Valentina and Gradock for landing. Anune looks beautiful here. Departure for Merrink Shortly after, Val and Gradock left Nauren for the moon. Merrink - Landing Valentina and Gradock landed flawlessly at Garantina Hills, and planted one of Neospace's unoriginal flags into the regolith. The lander proved itself to be very reliable. Merrink - Rendezvous I used MechJeb to rendezvous and dock with the mothership. There were some problems but in the end, i did it. Merrink - Departure for Merza Shortly after docking, Nauren proceeded to burn towards Merza, Merrink's bigger cousin and the biggest moon of Anune. Merza - Arrival (Year 12, Day 341) After starting to orbit Merza, Jeb and Bill prepared for undocking. However, one of the stupid engineers in Neospace welded a docking port the wrong way, rendering the lander unable to dock, and the lander itself accidentally jettisoned supporting lander tanks. Merza - Landing Despite the inconveniences, the spacecraft landed quite easily, thanks to Jeb's good piloting. Unfortunately, Jeb forgot to plant a flag on Merza, so we don't know how to name their landing region. They were rewarded with a distant view of Sarkin, however. Merza - Ditching The Lander Unfortunately, Jeb and Bill couldn't take Stern to dock with the mothership, so they had to ditch it nearby and EVA to Nauren, followed by departure for Arachnid. Arachnid - Arrival (Year 12, Day 349) The crew arrived at the frigid desert moon of Arachnid 8 days later. This time, Valentina and Bob would land on it. Arachnid - Landing The lander worked without any problems, and the duo planted the flag in it's sand, at Iznyoska Valley. Arachnid - Departure Bob and Val, spending 4 grueling days in orbit of Arachnid due to mistakes in MechJeb's programming in their lander, finally docked with Nauren, but they broke off the top part. Year 12, Day 361 - Anune Departure After 26 days of being in the Anune System, the Nauren departed from it. Year 18, Day 5 - Kerbin Transfer Burn 2 years passed, and the engines started up again, to make a burn one last time - to The Pale Blue Karble. Year 28, Day 273 - Kerbin Arrival The crew celebrated coming to their home after 28 years, making history as the first ever mission recorded to Anune, and the first ever Anune Grand Tour. A retrieving spaceship arrived to them shortly after. 5. Conclusion Although it was my first grand tour and i've met some problems on the way, it was fun. Beyond Jool is an amazing mod, i highly recommend checking it out. There are even more interesting objects than the three moons and Anune, i just chose them because they were fairly easy. So goodbye, and sorry if the post is bland, but i'm tired. Special Thanks to: @Mr. Kerbin - The Developer of Beyond Jool, and for making this awesome mod @FTLparachute and @Kevin_kerman for being the cool guys i've had fun discussing this mod.
  15. Finally - after 96 years of Jeb in a metal limbo, he came back to home, without Bill, Bob, and Val. https://imgur.com/a/nvJ0t0T
  16. Update. How do i even explain this? https://imgur.com/a/6uhlCYO ...i crashed my lander with timewarp and staging. So i had to land Jeb. Do i get a title of "First Crewed Kotta Landing" or "First Ever Miserably Failed Kotta Landing"?! ... https://imgur.com/a/ay4VSyi Atleast Jeb saw The Tyrlatusrise.
  17. Arrival at the Blue Ringed Beast, Sarkin. Yes, there are MK2 Exp. noses on the back. I actually nailed the design. https://imgur.com/a/rgo0Nbt
  18. Behold... The Kotta Konqueror! I'll conquer Kotta first, and then do the grand tour later. (Yes, i am still bad at posting images.) https://imgur.com/a/gObl4jP About Heff, he has some trauma from Super-Eve, but maybe he'll do it?
  19. Kotta? Sure, will do. This time on sandbox, no career. Or maybe, i'll do an Anune grand tour? I won't record a video but might do it.
  20. Nevermind, i crashed on take off. Remember, DO NOT pitch down on Volatus. But i still landed, yippee! (I'm gonna rescue them someday) It's still a title! (I am not touching Tyrant. Ever. Next landing might be Sapp.)
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