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Everything posted by 缪zy

  1. The only good news is it will probably works with stockalike station parts
  2. I'm curious about why many mods support with near future tech but not far further tech
  3. yeah but I don't think it will works with BDAmory and it probably will be conflict with TURD
  4. Actually there is a vapercone mod
  5. So can I use MOARdV's Avionics Systems instead of RasterPropMonitor for the stock inline docking ports as it's a development of RPM?
  6. Thank you for telling me But I wonder what would happen if I add Principia at the same time
  7. Can anybody tell me how to improve the graphic of BDArmory? It doesn't looks fit with the Restock parts.
  8. So can this mod works with Restock & Restock+ or should I add another mod? Are there any mod recommended?
  9. BASIC : Luna Multiplayer(LMP) Community Tech Tree Chatterer VISUAL MODS : Scatterer Environmental Visual Enhancements(EVE) True Volumentric Clouds / Astronomer's Visual Pack Parallax 20 Firefly Vacorcones Waterfall Engine Lighting Rocket Sound Enhancement(RSE) Sunflares of Maar Planet Shine TUFX Restock & Restock+ Z Theme TOOLS & FEATURES : Free IVA Principia Textures Unlimited Recolour Depot(TURD) MOARdVs Avionics Systerns(MAS) Trajectories Better Time Warp Continued Docking Port Alignment Indicator(DPAI) Distant Object Enhancement Camera Tools Continued Kerbal Engineer Redux PARTS : BDArmory Plus(BDA+) Stockalike Station Parts PLANET : Outer Planets Mod(OPM) "Maybe someday I'll turn it into link"
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