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Everything posted by Fox62

  1. Who said that the landers came here on their own? And the fuel comes from Artemis Station, if you had actually been paying attention you would have guessed that! The landers were brought to the Moon by the Moonshuttle, which was assembled in orbit. Therefore bypassing the need to launch a massive spacecraft. Also, if that's the case, then how the hell would Constellation have worked? Your understanding of the rocket equation is invalid.
  2. Banned for using tiny text in your signature.
  3. They probably want the part of the Mission in Eve's SOI done with as fast as possible.
  4. Banned for having pointless code in Sig.
  5. Damn. That guys a frigging badass.
  6. The personnel would use modified Altair landers that are, after personnel delivery, flown back up to the station remotely and refuelled. They have been modified so that they only use reusable and replaceable droptanks during descent, and an internal fueltank during ascent and rendevouz manuevers. The cargo would use conventional Altair Cargo Landers. Also, the Moonshuttle was assembled in orbit.
  7. Talk to the folks behind Project Babylon, I bet that they would be willing to fold Project Babylon into this. (Maybe, no promises)
  8. Manfred Von Richtofen (AKA the Red Baron). He is credited with 80 kills. Need I say more?
  9. Dang. I got nothing, but seriously, the dude on the bike is practically a spitting image of Jeb when it comes to motorbike racing!
  10. He posted a link to a wiki in one of the earlier posts on this page. However, 9/10 for Jeb.
  11. Whoever that male Kerbal is, he's going for an amusing ride!
  12. Hence why the Moonshuttle uses NERVA engines.
  13. Banned for enforcing sig rules.
  14. I use it all the time, because I like to design my rockets, without having to also be able to fly them myself.
  15. What happened to the Mecha Legs? I want to make replicas of the Mecha Tengu from Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3. And parts for making replicas of the King Oni mecha would also be nice.
  16. Banned for bannning someone because they banned you. Insane Troll Logic FTW.
  17. 5/10 It's a Microsoft Paint Drawing, not much to say.
  18. Cue the master of all things quantum.
  19. They aren't using asparagus staging so much as simply feeding fuel into the main stage to add a stage without making it much taller.
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