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Everything posted by oniontrain

  1. Universal Storage, in addition to having lots of other cool stuff, has the fuel cell that powers at least four of them reliably, if you don't want all the stuff with Interstellar or Near Future.
  2. I can't seem to get it working at all. Clean install, with no other mods. The parts show up but there's no menus. Output log has this error in it I can't find the "attempting to replace xxxxx" error in output_log or KSP.log, but both have this message repeated a bunch of times I posted about this earlier but I was also running a bunch of other mods at the time and decided to retry with a clean install. It's still giving the same behavior unfortunately. KSP .24.2, both x86 and x64 versions, with mechjeb I did check for this but it is not anywhere in my logs. Is anyone else having this problem, or is there a fix for it?
  3. Not sure if this is the Squad problem mentioned earlier, something I screwed up installing, or a legit bug, but I can't get the plugin to load despite the parts showing up. I don't see the specific error mentioned in Sarbian's earlier post about it, but I have several errors on ksp.log. Version 2.3.0 and KSP .24 X64. This error shows up multiple times as well : If it's a Squad problem I'll just have to land this base by hand I guess.
  4. I think I'm having this same problem, I've got the regular EVE clouds and the Sun is yellow up close but the flare is white. I am using the x64 version, I've tried installing all the recommended mods then BA last, maybe I'm doing something out of order?
  5. Thanks for working on an update, this is my go-to structural and tanks pack. I'm still itching for those modular ones Talisar showed models of a while back.
  6. Yeah Kerbtown is great. I can't install it though, because I have too much other stuff installed. Hopefully 64 bit is coming soon. I really want to make some models for it. Shame about the airbags, but I've go no idea how that stuff works. If I had the slightest idea of how to do any kind of programming I'd try and figure it out.
  7. Quick question, is there a way to make the deployed airbags buoyant like the firespitter pontoons are? Preferably only when they're deployed.
  8. Are there any free spots? I kinda want to do a tank farm and refinery.
  9. Nice work on the modeling and textures, I just started using this when it was linked by dmagic. Looking forward to the KAS containers. Will it be dependent on TAC in the future? Because I don't use it and don't particularly plan to, I kill enough kerbals as it is.
  10. A definitely looks more natural, eagerly awaiting the new version.
  11. The second Duna picture looks more like Mars unfiltered to me. Is there anyway to darken the shadow by turning off the ambient lighting instead of using a cloud layer to 'fake' it? I know Novaslisko somehow managed to do it in alternis kerbol, but I've got no idea how.
  12. Does this work with the sandstorms on Duna or would it need some tweaking?
  13. My thoughts, for what it's worth: There's plenty of NTR mods, I'd be more interested in a compatibility patch to make FtMN and the stock ones use the NFP fuels kinda like how they're supposed to run on hydrogen. I'd do it but I don't know how to even start balancing something like that. Base/station parts are what I'd personally like. Especially if I can use them as replacement parts for Station science's welded stock parts. I think he's still looking for a modeler, actually. As far as compatibility goes, being able to use modularfueltanks might be neat, can't think of anything else really. I basically use NFP because it's more focused than Interstellar.
  14. Everything looks like it's working fine in the new KSP version. I'm really looking forward to the modular nodes you posted a while back. Any news on that?
  15. I've gotten normal maps working in game before, feel free to PM me and I might be able to help on that end. I started work on a rover yard type thing with Kerbtown but haven't gotten the time to finish it, but I've gotten most of the texture stuff figured out.
  16. I really like the new idea too. I use the crap out of these for all kinds of stuff. The only problem I had with the radial tanks was that adding one plus the mount usually resulted in LESS Delta-V so they really weren't worth using. The half tank with built in base is probably the way to go for those, I can't think of a better way to do it, I mostly used the half tanks as adapters with some bonus fuel.
  17. How hard would it be to get this working with Kosmos parts? Is it just a matter of changing the model or is there more to it than that?
  18. Thanks again for maintaining the mod, I've been itching for the envelopes to science up in atmosphere.
  19. This keeps getting better and better! I like the new textures, now I won't have to use the ones I made that the mapping was off on the bands.
  20. I hope this isn't abandoned, these are seriously some of my favorite building parts.
  21. And I was just about to post the textures I did! Now I gotta redo them. Would adding a normal map be as simple as making it and just naming it with a 001 suffix or would it have to be changed in Unity?
  22. Is there still a version of the older riveted textures? I accidentally deleted mine.
  23. I'd be interested in doing some modular refinery/industrial parts. What texture size are most people using?
  24. I want to do some more random buildings for people to just generally use as assets. Do we have a set of standards or references to go by, like how wide we should make roads, how big a Kerbal is for doors, and stuff like that? I can't think of a good way to do roads without using really big textures for stuff. Other useful info would be stuff like texture size and polycount info, I have never done anything for Unity before so it's kind of all guesswork for me. Basically what I'm asking about is kind of like a design FAQ.
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