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Everything posted by oniontrain

  1. All right, I'll make a new instance and kill all mods except kopernicus and see what happens. The base was on the Mun if that makes a difference. I wasn't really seeing it on Kerbin.
  2. Why would Kopernicus cause extreme lag with surface bases, even with no planet packs installed? I am getting single digit FPS on the surface of a planet with a small base, and no lag at all with a much larger orbital station that's also covered in lights. Uninstalling Kopernicus fixes the lag, even if it was just installed by itself with no actual planet packs.
  3. Yup. It was Kopernicus, thanks for the help even though it ended up being off-topic.
  4. I am as a matter of fact, I'll uninstall Kopernicus and see what happens first. I've got 16 gigs of RAM and a good video card, and it's just ground bases that do it. I've got some pretty outrageous orbital stations going on with basically no lag even though they're covered in lights and have loads of parts.
  5. I'll have to make another KSP instance and get rid of any other mods and try it then.
  6. So, is it better to construct a linked together base or a bunch of separate structures? I have orbital stations with tons of lights and easily twice the part count of a simple ground base that have no lag but as soon as a basic base on the ground gets loaded I am getting single digit FPS. I'm mostly just using MKS parts, is there something I can do to troubleshoot what might be causing it?
  7. It's the basic 'airship envelope' I'm having the issue with. It also looks like the nodes on the 2 crew gondola are all facing 90 degrees off as well.
  8. I'm having this same problem. does removing Kopernicus do anything? I don't have SVT, is anybody else having this happen?
  9. I'm getting a weird bug. Whenever I place an envelope in the SPH, sometimes I can't surface attach or click on it after it's been placed. Usually done after loading a craft from the menu. Something appears to be wrong with the collider, there's errors saying; "Non convex mesh collider with non-kinematic rigidbody is no longer supported in Unity 5, If you want to use a non-convex mesh either make the RigidBody kinematic or remove the rigidbody component"
  10. This is going to have everything except an aluminum piano isn't it?
  11. This is pure madness, I love it. Been playing with HL airships since forever ago, nobody's made anything quite like this before.
  12. I can't seem to locate the large K&K Ground Base, what category did it move to? It's a fairly crucial part for most of my stuff. I can still get it out of containers, but it's not coming up in a search for "ground base," just the small one is.
  13. Whoa, thanks for porting these over, they've been sorely missed since what, 1.0 or so? Easily my most used wheels before Kerbal Foundries took its place, and that's still not working 100% either.
  14. Is there a way to change the root of a vessel in flight? I've accidentally set the root to the construction port and already launched and docked with a station. Now I can't weld them together. Edit: I've fixed it, I think? I had to rename the station to a regular ship, dock a probe named as a station to the main part of it with the claw, and this restructured it somehow and let me weld the ports.
  15. I have done something to make my scansat toolbar button disappear. The parts are still here and from what I can tell the mod appears to be working, but I can't open or change anything as the button is gone. I'm not using blizzy's toolbar, just the stock one. Is there a config file I can check somewhere? I don't recall when it disappeared, but I'm using the latest version and 1.2.1 KSP.
  16. SEP Just updated , should the wedge come up automatically now or has it be deprecated?
  17. I'm starting to work on this some more, going to try to use as many as the Kerbin City textures as possible. Can we even make kerbtown statics yet in 1.2.1? [
  18. I'd rather have it now with the basic coast guard missions and ignore the carrier and resort missions, those take a long time to get around to doing for me at least.
  19. There's some stuff that still requires it I have installed... somewhere...
  20. Is there an option to use the stock toolbar? Clicking on everything is rather hectic without the UI
  21. The Curse download is still 3.0.0 fyi, I just downloaded it and still got the out of date error on start. Spacedock is 3.0.1
  22. I do indeed. That's a weird conflict to have. I don't think it did that in 1.1.3
  23. I can't get the UI to come up in flight, and I don't see a button for it. Everything's working otherwise, is there a setting somewhere I need to change?
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