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Everything posted by Anomalous_Matter

  1. HarvesteR, how will the custom scenarios work? Will we be able to make our own, and if so how does that work? Will we just choose a bunch of parameters and a goal and it\'ll start us in a certain place? Or are there just a couple pre-made scenarios we can use and that\'s it?
  2. Hmm... Since this is KSP and the devs get to make up the laws of the universe, would it be possible to add a tiny planet with a small SOI but REALLY STRONG gravity that makes it nearly impossible to get off the ground once you land?
  3. Them? Can you give us a few more examples of 'them?' GIVE US MOAR PICTURES1!1!!
  4. I agree. I think it would hurt my eyes to stare at that first red for too long, and the second one looks a bit more realistic as well. Also, Nova, is there some special program you have that generates planets quickly? It seems like you pumped out a land-able planet with hills, terrain scatters and a moon rather quickly.
  5. In my opinion, the way to use Mechjeb is not to enable it every time you can\'t get something done, but for doing things automatically once you know you could already do it on your own. For example, I can get a hundred-meter-perfect orbit by myself and get satisfaction out of the fact that I did it, but I can still use Mechjeb and get satisfaction out of knowing that I can do that same thing manually if I choose. Another reason I might use Mechjeb at times is when the overall purpose of a mission requires multiple relatively boring steps (finding out what it\'s like to EVA on Minmus requires exiting the atmosphere, orbiting, inclining the orbit, circularization, landing in a suitable spot, and then takeoff and doing everything backwards again) that I know I could accomplish, but I decide to let the computer take me there and then I can focus on the actual achievement in question. My only exception to this rule is when letting Mechjeb do it for me first will let me know how to to it myself - for example, my first Minmus landing was thanks partially to Mechjeb. But after this I could do it all by myself, because I\'d watched and learned when to do the insertion burn, when to incline the orbit, how much fuel I\'d have left when I landed. It\'s the same way with rendezvous and interplanetary missions (in the future). I know I\'m not going to be able to compute all these numbers and calculations in my head, so I watch what Mechjeb does and then do roughly the same on my own. I use it like a hands-on teaching tool that shows me how to do things correctly/efficiently.
  6. In that case: • First, exit Kerbin\'s SOI. • Next, get into an orbit with an apoapsis the same as Murz\'s orbit and a periapsis slightly lower. • WARP • Enter Murz\'s SOI • Don cool sunglasses • Circularize barely within Murz\'s atmosphere, wait for orbit to slowly decay, parachutes + small amount of thrust to land • Take off again • Rendezvous with orbiting rocket, EVA all crew into it • Exit Murz\'s SOI • Get into an orbit with an apoapsis the same as Kerbin\'s and a periapsis slightly lower • WARP! • Land on Kerbin. Or, if/when that doesn\'t work: • Give up • Use Mechjeb
  7. Yes, but even then Pluto was discovered in the 1930s, a good decade or two before the first space program started. Assuming KSP is around the tech level of the Apollo missions, they would\'ve known about pretty much all the planets for a while. One other thing I\'d like to see is randomly generated asteroids and comets that generate at a random orbit in the Sun\'s SOI, and if you pass within a distance close enough to see them you get to name them. From there, some would be captured by various SOIs and end up in orbit, while others would just pass straight through the solar system.
  8. Telescopes have existed for a LOOOOOOOOONG time. Even back in ancient Greece and Rome they had a good idea of all of the planets and their orbital paths.
  9. By the way, guys, what is this: It could just be bits of light, but it seems a bit like there may be an extremely dark moon or planet sitting there, with light reflecting off of it.
  10. One thing I\'d like to see is a little easter egg planet, hidden really far out of the way of the solar system (As in, further than Pluto is in our solar system), on a really inclined plane; It would be a little ball the size of Minmus with trees, grass, oceans, et cetera. Maybe somewhere on it would be a little colony filled with Kerbals. Also, it would be a cool easter egg if one of the desert planets had a tiny hidden oasis somewhere on it.
  11. Actually the picture on the left could just be our Mun; it has a large crater in that exact spot that gives it a striking resemblance to the Death Star. Picture two is a large, sandy ball of rock orbiting close to the sun. Bascially, KSP\'s version of Mercury or Venus.
  12. Are you sure they\'re not just using shrouds or editing the .cfg of the decoupler to give it RCS fuel? You can cover small parts with the decouplers, but then they don\'t attach to anything.
  13. Okay, so let\'s imagine that it\'s .17 and a new planet called Murz has been added to the game. If I were in a circular orbit around the sun and wanted to use a Hohmann transfer to get to Murz, is there any formula to calculate the time at which I would burn to transfer into orbit around Murz? Like, when transferring to the Mun from Kerbin, you have to wait until it shows up on the horizon; what formula did whoever discovered that use to find it out? Is it still at the point when it shows up on the horizon, or would it be different for every orbiting body? I\'m interested in this because in .17 planetary travel will become a must, so I\'m trying to learn some more advanced mechanics - however, I figured that if it\'s possible to just boost into solar orbit and then use a Hohmann to get to the new planet, it would be simple enough for me to do easily.
  14. Anyone have any idea if my interplanetary idea up a few posts above would at all feasible? Otherwise it\'s time to start Googling and looking at wikipedia pages to find some orbital mechanics... I\'ll learn *Shudders* math, if that\'s what i have to do to get to Murz...
  15. Am I the only one who\'s almost more excited for making custom scenarios than for new planets? Imagine this: Your rocket, planned for simply orbiting around Murz, has spun out of control and left you low on fuel and hurtling towards the surface of Murz with no parachute, no landing gear, and not enough fuel to land. A rescue ship is on its way, but it\'ll never make it in time to save you before you crash into the rocky surface. Your only option is to quickly maneuver into an orbit out of Murz\'s atmosphere and await rescue... And then, if you manage to get into a stable orbit, you take control of the rescue ship: You\'re the commander of the first-ever Murz rescue mission. The ship you\'re meant to save is in a highly elliptical orbit (Of course, this would change depending on how you performed in the first scenario), and it\'s up to you to maneuver over to it using limited RCS fuel and hold your ship in the same area by any means for long enough to EVA the crew over. If you succeed, you still have the difficult task of returning back to Kerbin ahead of you, with limited fuel and a boatload of desperate Kerbals. Will you make it? Of course, this would only be awesome if we could create scenarios ourselves and then upload them for other people to download. If it\'s just a few prebuilt scenarios (Get to the Mun, get into orbit, get to Minmus, go to Murz) it\'ll be boring. Also, on an unrelated note, one thing I\'d like to see is a little red or gold marker on the screen that shows where a planet you can see is, and how far away it is (Like with other ships when you pass near them, they have a little purple marker and you can hover the mouse over it to see the distance). It would help with Minmus missions, or anything that involves going somewhere that might just look like a speck of light on the far horizon.
  16. My plan would probably fail miserably (I\'m just basing it on a Kerbin-to-Mun mission), but here goes: • First, boost into Kerbol\'s orbit. From that point, maneuver into a relatively low circular orbit around Kerbol. • Next, wait (Looots of waiting, probably on highest warp) for the planet to show up at the edge of Kerbol. • Then burn prograde until I reach the planet\'s SOI. • Circularize, deorbit. • Finally, deploy landing legs and landing engine and land. If landing on Murs, attach lots of parachutes to make use of its atmosphere. Most of my interplanetary missions will probably involve a lot of horrible failures and/or Mechjeb, because I\'ve only even made it manually to the Mun twice and one of those times I just accidentally slingshot-ed around the Mun and ended up there. Also, suggestion for desert planet\'s name: DESmond the moon bear!
  17. Is there any way to make a part that is both a MechJeb module and an SAS? I\'m trying to design a radial SAS module for myself, and it\'d be nice if the part had MechJeb functionality as well. It\'s fine if it\'s not possible, though, because I can always just attach a radial MechJeb below it or something.
  18. Just as the name says, I\'m confused on how to move vertically during EVA. Jeb\'s capsule is above him and he can only move to the sides as it drifts further away.
  19. If anyone draws some awesome fanart fitted for a Mac desktop, I will be eternally grateful.
  20. The owner of this minecraft server I used to play on was obsessed with it for a few months. I eventually decided to try it out and have been hooked ever since.
  21. Allow me to help you out. http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2012:Quickstart_guide
  22. Here you guys go: http://krp.net78.net/
  23. I don\'t know, but this should solve the problem:
  24. Just going to keep using this hammer until we stop with the computers.
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