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Everything posted by Anomalous_Matter

  1. Still waiting on an acceptance so I can start RPing Also, the confirmation email still isn\'t sending...? Is it automatic, or does Radion send them?
  2. I\'ve tried to send my confirmation email multiple times, but it hasn\'t sent. Am I missing something obvious, or do I have to be accepted by Radion before it will send? I\'ve double-and-triple-checked the email I set, and it\'s still not working.
  3. Just sent in an application for membership a few minutes ago, can\'t wait until RP officially begins.
  4. Now somebody try to get Munwig and Munbald on the same flight together, just through random generation.
  5. I think he was just doing it by nation. Also, I imagine a few trade routes would go through the Lunusian Canal, so long as this isn\'t a restart and it\'s still there.
  6. My plan is as follows: First, I\'m going to spend the week and a half I\'ll have once this opens beefing up Lunus\'s infrastructure, technology, et cetera. Then I\'m going on a vacation then a mission trip for a total of two weeks, so I\'ll end up coming back in at the end of the 60s. I\'ll be really late to the Mun scene, but my nation will at least be ready for whatever I have to do to catch up.
  7. So we can do a lot of things around Kerbin, but we can\'t go to the Mun for two weeks? Okay, then.
  8. I just did some research, and the first lunar orbit wasn\'t until around 1965, sadly... But in the late 50s the Soviets crashed a probe into the moon, so we can at least do that. I think the Mercury missions were either in the late 50s or early 60s. EDIT: It seems like the most fun we\'ll have is the 60\'s, which is when we get Mun landings and orbits, more manned missions, et cetera. And while I\'m on the topic of manned missions - will we be able to launch a lot of manned rockets, or will we be restricted to mechjeb-type unmanned pods?
  9. Are we allowed to put up satellites orbiting the Mun, or are we restricted to Kerbin for our time level? Also, does anyone know any modpacks that would be considered good for our current tech level? Otherwise, I\'m sticking with stock, modular missiles, railgun (To simulate various other weapons), and carts.
  10. Wow. Nova, Accelerando, teach us your mystical quick-typing ways!
  11. Colonization? Meaning... Future Mun colonies?
  12. Awesome! Take your time though; I\'m helping with my church\'s summer bible school thing for a few hours tomorrow morning, anyways.
  13. 65 words per minute, better than 82% of everyone who took the speed test. That site\'s actually helpful, going to try and use it to bump up my typing speed. My main problem is that I rush while typing and have to correct various spelling errors.
  14. Aww, I wish people hadn\'t already claimed the land above and below my nation... Maybe once I get rich from the Lunusian Canal I can take some of the land off their hands.
  15. Would the people who own countries be able to RP as citizens of that nation? Otherwise, there\'s still a lot of open land left and I don\'t think it would see much use. Also, Radion, if you have my corporation page saved, there\'s no need to put it back up. I\'m going to go with something else, probably military-related, instead.
  16. Not sure it would be much of a good book, really; I\'m decent at short stories and things where I know most of the details I want, otherwise I get hit really hard with writer\'s block and it\'s hard to continue. I am glad Lolnewb is continuing it, though.
  17. Is the ETA still Tuesday, or will we be lucky enough to get it up tomorrow? I can\'t wait
  18. Nice picture! I like how it shows Kerbin looking tiny instead of how you can hardly see Minmus from an orbit around Kerbin. I can hardly ever get my rockets into an orbit around Minmus; I can never time it right just by looking at the map view.
  19. Welcome to the KSP forums, I hope you enjoy your stay!
  20. Hmm... I like the new chapter, but it could use a bit more length and detail to it. Also, the sentences seem a bit cut off and short - in places you could combine multiple sentences into one. But I like the general idea, and I can\'t wait to see what you do with this story
  21. I\'m pretty sure GIMP is available on every operating system, although I could be wrong. Oh, wait. iOS is for iPads and iPhones and stuff, right? Never mind, then. On a separate note, Radion, what will the site name be when it goes up? Or can you not tell us because then we\'d be able to access the forums before they\'re done?
  22. Wow, that is truly amazing. I love the design of the folding plane inside as well.
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