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Everything posted by Corona688

  1. I think I'm getting better at flying modern KSP spaceplanes, as it only took about 150 more fuel to add a bunch more cargo to the Lammergeir -- 4 passengers, a bunch of RCS, and a docking clamp: Easily the biggest spaceplane I've ever made, now.
  2. Try converting it to a lower-resolution jpeg. KSP screenshots are max-resolution png's which take up ridiculous amounts of space. Today I built my first new spaceplane since atmospheric heating became a thing, the Lammergeier: Also the first thing I've successfully built using the RAPIER. The awkward probe core stuck to the back is because I was still doing unmanned trials. The last batch couldn't make it to orbit, this one did so with 200 fuel to spare.
  3. Solar orbit isn't a good place to keep things and a horrible stopping point. Whatever you toss out there could be lost for centuries, you could expend as much time and fuel reaching it as you would have just going to your destination direct. I like minmus better. Low grav, easy to get to, easy to leave, made of fuel. If you get a contract paying you for solar orbit, no reason you have to *keep* it in solar orbit. Move it a nudge out of kerbal SOI, then straight back in.
  4. That would mean it ever worked. I don't think it ever did.
  5. I've been getting better at hauling entire ships... A fuel plant on minmus filling autonomous orange tanks lets me get away with more dv. whoops, the mun rescue doesn't have enough fuel? send Tanker #3 that way and do a rendezvous. I've also got little robots to grab and reposition things so the real lander can pick them up more easily. Sometimes used in pairs even, rough grab, reposition, fine grab. What's hurting right now is the lack of an orange-tank equivalent for pure LFO. Trying to make do with mk2 fuselages.
  6. It happens when dragging, too. Pulling a node causes a fast change, pushing one causes a fine change. It may have been intended to be helpful but is quite aggravating. The burn's almost never as accurate as the node anyway, though.
  7. Is this waypoint thing the same as, independent of, or completely replacing manuever nodes? Duplicate competing features is not a good thing.
  8. I don't know what you're all talking about, I use rockets!
  9. Full SAS functionality, that's kind of lame, what point in using a hecs instead of an okto now? Full kerbnet, there wouldn't be much point having a probe without it now.
  10. It doesn't need to, but seems willing to. give things a nudge with whack-a-kerbal and they fly. They combined the VAB with the rest of the game in order to make switching between them faster, but I don't think it actually got faster, since the really intensive parts, the generation of ships, didn't change.
  11. Only from certain points. Otherwise you'll revert to the last autosave.
  12. True. Yes and no. Sandbox games generally include large amounts of randomly generated features which you can interact with and shape to your own uses. That's the "sand" part. The only interactive environmental features in KSP are asteroids, everything else is static. More of a "concrete floor" than "sand box". It could become a sandbox, but I don't think it is one just yet, not quite.
  13. My uninformed wild guess is Porkjet followed the path of many overenthusiastic modders and built textures more appropriate for 3-parts-per-render than 300, with the resulting product very pretty but unsuitable for vanilla game. Either that, or the new meshes have structural differences which would cause save incompatibility. Both would explain why the assets are being released rather than incorporated into the game.
  14. Radiation spectrometer, to measure mineral compositions? In the end it's still a grind -- the game telling you to drive long distances to clear an arbitrary check mark, not because its an interesting experience, not because you'll find any useful in-game information. The nature of the game is problematic here. There isn't any information it could give us -- nothing we couldn't have gotten just from reading the wiki. Players must either conquer game goals "because it's there", like a mountain, or cynically grind them for points. There's no real discovery. The only element that's actually unknown in the game right now is asteroids.
  15. If your parachutes aren't literally exploding, they're OK. The red flag is completely unrelated to heat, they're just warning you they'll rip right off at this velocity.
  16. Cruise control, or perhaps a way to tie the throttle to the motors.
  17. It always reminds me of an easter island statue, somehow.
  18. To a degree, aesthetics have become important in the game, too... Aerodynamics will now punish you for any flat tops and gaping holes found in your craft and fairings mandatory for some things. Once in space anything goes, but it still has to get there. Still, I have a weird aesthetic. Partial symmetry is interesting. I really liked the look of this thing but gradually realized it horrified my friends
  19. I'd call that the ARL minotaur... I suspect your definition of 'light' isn't the same as mine also
  20. I sent up my first asteroid miner with landing legs on it to see if I could turn an asteroid into a kraken drive. The grabber would keep the legs forced into the rock... *KABOOM* No more legs.
  21. Did you know that, if a radial RCS tank manages to detach from an impact without exploding, it rolls away like a wheel in a bad action movie!? It's true. Only the round part seems to touch. ...incidentally, I attempted another night landing...
  22. Why would I change the rules just when I'm starting to get good at something? Actually, I'm behind the curve somewhat. I'm not limiting myself to stock as much as I haven't caught up with stock yet. I gave KSP a long break and came back to pretty large changes. I'm also a weirdo who actually enjoys orbital intercepts and docking.
  23. I use exactly two mods, "Kerbal Alarm Clock" and the force-undock fix. I've considered installing a pack for more career missions but haven't yet. I'm just not that interested in parts mods, and the realism mods seem like overkill to me.
  24. Probably better to check OSX's system monitor or equivalent thing rather than guess. Maybe it's paging, maybe it's not.
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