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Everything posted by Corona688

  1. 2011-ish. Started on 0.8.5 or thereabouts. I think I was one of the first 5 preorders.
  2. There's a (somewhat bad) reason for that - RCS thrusters are rather down the tech tree, you need something else first.
  3. Remember, this video game's target audience is 12-year-olds! When their crude but painstakingly built ship fails for no better reason than the RNG hates them today, they will throw their controller at the screen, leave a zero-star review, and return the game. Too much verisimilitude can be a bad thing. Not everyone wants to play "Apollo 13 Investigation Committee".
  4. Kerbal Alarm Clock. I just haven't gotten around to installing it. And the new warp-to-node feature partly obsoletes it. Chatterer got old when I started to recognize each radio clip individually.
  5. Decided to take the entire tanker to Minmus for extra dv. Got almost perfect balance just by shutting down two engines. The bit with the fairing is a satellite that'll be deployed in polar orbit. The tanker itself will be allowed to crash into minmus.
  6. Then all I can say is you really haven't been paying attention. *shrug* The lolsplosion and happy-go-lucky violence schtick has opposition even among the devs themselves but can't really be changed now. Anyway, think we understand each other now, even if not agree. Exactly -- there's no point. The only use of this game mechanic would be creeping out other people.
  7. a) It *is* kind of dumb and tastless - not sure where you got 'absolutely fine' - but b) Media and gameplay make it clear it's no big deal. Also the differences mentioned earlier, which are important in real life too, by the way. c) It's already endemic anyway, so d) Trying to stop anyone would be a stupid argument. Not the 'mistreating digital sentient beings' bit, but the whole 'aggressively accosting other people with your animal abuse fantasies' thing.
  8. That's not what 'animal' means, but that's besides the point. I don't know why you linked those videos either. Do you think digital creatures actually suffer? It's not about the game being gross, tastless and crude. Adding animals to the game would not make it that. It's about you.
  9. Manuever nodes don't have the option to use universal time, which can be quite annoying when you want to schedule a manuever for some event in the future.
  10. Kerbals are implicitly willing participants; animals aren't. It's not a difference in game terms, but torturing helpless animals is very poor taste. That is all.
  11. We see it happen in one of the KSP shorts. They grasp the bottom and twist. If you mean, how do they do it by themselves, I have my doubts that a human spacesuit can be donned on one's lonesome either. They weigh at least 200lbs.
  12. Only recently has this kind of precision in main engines made this possible. Before then, they packed things with RCS or vernier engines for correction. Generally by RCS. Not only was the main engine inaccurate, it wasn't generally throttleable, or even restartable. The LEM had the world's first variable, restartable main engine IIRC. Once again things appear in the tech tree not by the order humans developed it but by the order the game devs added it. So we're forced to rely on reaction wheels for early game.
  13. Say you have half a ton of monoprop aboard. Plug 41, 40.5, and 240 ISP into http://www.strout.net/info/science/delta-v/ Meaning about 30m/s
  14. Because people screamed for years "there should be fuel in these massive, empty, useless structural parts" until the devs got the idea "You know what? Maybe we should put fuel in these massive empty useless structural parts" and they put fuel in these massive, empty, useless structural parts. They also added the ability to change the amount of fuel in the VAB in case you really did just need an empty nosecone.
  15. Like I always say, a pair of thuds atop a rocket can control almost anything. They and a skipper even got his incredibly draggy lander into orbit without a fairing or anything. ...and when the game crashed, LEFT it in orbit irrevertably, before I'd finalized the design. I guess this is my life now. Time to refuel, get a real engineer aboard, and dock a few missing parts (like the Polar Scanner), then minmus-ho!
  16. It's really not. Using fuel is always more effective than jettisoning it. Period. Full stop. And it got used up irretrievably either way.
  17. After years of complaining about it, and years of blissfully being free of it, people are starting to mod it back. I don't get it
  18. Did that by accident once - hit 'Z' to correct with the little spider engines, and woke up the slumbering pipe-organ of mainsails. It bent it in half like a kid kicking a loaf of bread
  19. Now that's an old one. "Over thrust"? Did the engines literally go over 100?
  20. That's pretty clever - - wait - wait a moment. Couldn't you have actually USED that fuel? Burned it in RCS thrusters instead of just jettisoning? Then you'd get even *MORE* delta V, losing the weight and getting actual thrust from it! Jettisoning oxidizer sounds legit though.
  21. That's even more impressive than my old collection of space junk. Some of those could still be decent tugs or couriers. Quicksave and hit Z. Do it.
  22. I think this topic needs to be seen again. As does this, as I love it.
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