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Everything posted by Pipcard

  1. Thanks, but that's not how they would deploy. They just fold out like most solar panels. Also, hexagons are cool and futuristic-looking.
  2. Thanks, all of you. Space Station "Mirai" insignia: (font: ITC Legacy Sans LT Bold)
  3. Note that this is a Solid Edge render (with post-processing in GIMP) and is not the final version that will appear in Orbiter.
  4. I have a country on NationStates (Hatsunia), but I don't really follow the issues that much or do story RPs. Instead, I use it as an theme for my "Hatsunese space program" of Orbiter add-ons.
  5. If I wanted to play this, how would I upgrade the graphics card on this computer? I checked SystemRequirementsLab and that was the only issue for minimum requirements. I don't know what the inside looks like, it's probably full of dust, and I'm afraid I might break something if I open it up. The other option is getting an entirely new PC. Currently it is an integrated AMD Radeon HD 6410D GPU.
  6. Also, SpaceX doesn't want to use hydrolox due to it being hard to handle.
  7. That's a great idea, changing the center of gravity. I was thinking of body flaps, like on the Japanese space tourism SSTO concept "Kankoh-maru" (note that Kankoh-maru would have been 18 meters in diameter and able to carry 50 people)
  8. How is SpaceX going to control their Dragon V2 in order to make it land precisely from orbit? Just with the minimal lift from the capsule along with RCS thrusters?
  9. I see people talking about how there are too many people in this world, and that the population needs to be lower because there aren't enough resources to go around. How would the population decrease to that level, though, if it had to occur? It might likely be a horrible method. It's also unlikely that people would stop having children voluntarily. Also, you mention "500 million," like what it says on the Georgia Guidestones (although I don't believe in the conspiracy theories surrounding it, i.e. I don't believe it is a plan that is actually going to happen, or is already happening). But then if the population shrinks (even though if it is voluntary), you have another problem. I've read about how Japan has a very low birth rate, resulting a shrinking and aging population, which puts more stress on the economy.
  10. Kerbal isn't like real life. For example, in Kerbal, you can just stack fuel tanks, engines, decouplers, capsules, solar panels, etc. together in just a few minutes. In real life, however, the design and development process for a launch vehicle or spacecraft has its own costs (both in time and money) associated with it, and it may take years to research and develop all the systems.
  11. (note: does not reflect final appearance) Space Station "Mirai" (future) I made this in the CAD program "Solid Edge" for a college course project, but I will have to make it again in Wings3D (so that I can export it to a format compatible with Orbiter).
  12. Then there will be confusions ("Delta 5" or "change in velocity"?)
  13. My next mission was going to be a Kethane refueling demonstrator spacecraft, but since 1.0 is going to have a stock fuel resource (which is more based on Karbonite, apparently), and Kethane hasn't even been updated for 0.90, I'm going to have to wait (for who knows how long). (I never actually used Kethane besides scanning satellites. And I've never used Karbonite either.) The future of KASDA may also have more expendable heavy-lift boosters like the Symphony-ex-4L. I'm also working on my other space program, too.
  14. I saw this several years ago, I just liked the pretty futuristic city images and didn't care about how the ideology behind it was too idealistic.
  15. I'll watch it after I'm done with Space Brothers.
  16. KSP is not dying. The KSP community is way more active than the Orbiter community, and the latter isn't dying.
  17. NASA's got to have their budget increased for any human activities beyond Earth orbit. just a small note: the solution is to have YYYY/MM/DD.
  18. First of all, what Chinese space forum? You can't just say "I found it on some website where they were talking about this" without telling the actual source. Also, I wish there was a Japanese manned spacecraft, but the Lost Decade said no to that. Not until the 2020s at least, unfortunately.
  19. Unlike a lot of people here, it was Orbiter that made me want to become an aerospace engineer, but I appreciate KSP for making spaceflight concepts more accessible.
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