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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. He looks like he's saying: "Why did you create me? Please, return me to the void!"
  2. I can't decide if this ugly [SNOW] is funny or creepy.
  3. Have another picture of the spaceship!
  4. MAJOR UPDATE! I just finished the spacecraft that will be used in the video. I may or may not include the S-II stage as well, depending on how things turn out. I also decided to invent my own design for the lander, since I eventually gave up on trying to model that geometric nightmare.
  5. All these buttons and none of them work against the Great Naked Space Man!
  6. The control panel was tricky.
  7. No worries! I'll keep the camera above the waist and/or employ my full arsenal of conveniently placed props to cover up his naughty bits. Here's the lower stage of the lander. The upper stage is such a pain to model that it's not even funny.
  8. Thank you! So is the GNSM. Human souls are far more nutritious than Kerbal ones!
  9. Thank you! Here us a picture from inside the capsule.
  10. Greetings! I'm still sort of working on my remake of my that one glorious video that brought the Great Naked Space Man into the world. At first, I decided to make it a slideshow and draw each and every slide, but since I'm bad at perspective, I decided to make it 3D instead! Also, the Kerbals have been replaced with humans, in order to introduce the Great Naked Space Man to a wider audience. Anyway, here are some renders of the models I've made so far! The beach will not be included in the final animation.
  11. Yeah, that's the site! I agree. Those Earths with bright green continents are absolutely hideous.
  12. I actually used a picture from the same photo series as yours for reference. Those photos are among the best photos of Earth I've ever seen. On most pictures you can find on the web, the colors have been amplified to the point where they look unnatural.
  13. Anyhow, I'm starting to get the hang of this cloud thing! Earth is by far the most difficult planet for me to draw. The picture is still a work in progress.
  14. I have yet to actually use the game's "new" mining feature.
  15. I currently don't draw a lot of planets, but I'll consider your request the next time I do. Though I should probably mention that I'm not used to making actual planet maps. All planets shown on these pictures are regular drawings, not 3D models.
  16. Granted, but that means that I actually explain what a Trebuchet day is. I wish for a spoon.
  17. Stranded on Dres? Please, spare me, Jeb!
  18. Oh dear! I had no idea. Better find some other site, then.
  19. I just remembered my password to Mediafire! Now I just have to figure out where I put the texture, as the texture on the site appears to have turned into a .zip file.
  20. No particular reason, really. I was watching some dubbed versions of a Disney song, and the Hungarian one caught my interest. Then I saw the language in writing and thought "That language is weird. I want to know it!"
  21. Since late June this year, I've been making an effort to teach myself Hungarian. And as a fun way to practice and learn new words, I've started a series of KSP videos that are exactly the same as my usual videos, except that they're narrated in my crappy beginner's Hungarian. In this thread, I have posted my latest one (with English subtitles, of course). Obviously, learning the language is pretty difficult, as I don't have any teacher that can explain stuff and don't even know anyone I can ask for help. So I'm basically stuck with Google, Wiktionary and random Disney songs. Thus, even though I feel like I understand the grammar somewhat (at least in theory), I still worry constantly that I'll only manage to produce nonsense whenever I actually try to write even the simplest sentences myself. Therefore, I would really appreciate any feedback from anyone who speaks Hungarian as their first language! Just some linguistic advice on grammar, sentence structure, phrasing... that kind of stuff. Anything that I can use to improve on the parts where I mess up. I have provided a transcript of the video below, in case my shaky pronunciation makes the words too difficult to make out. TL;DR for those who don't speak Hungarian: here's a simple, short video that I hope you will find amusing! Transcript: Hétfő van. Az igazi Bob emelkedik a tengerből. Jó napot kivánok, Bob! Igazi Bob! Örülök, hogy újra élsz! Akarsz te is az űrbe utazni? Azzal a rakétával? Nem. Sajnos nem elég magas vagy. Valóban nagyon alacsony vagy, drága Bob. Az épület ott pedig magas. Menj oda, kicsi űrember! Mássz fel a tetőre, hogy magasabb és boldogabb légy! Jó! Mit csinálsz a tetőn, Bob? Mi rakétánk haldoklik! Mire vársz? Jöjj le! Segíts neki! Túl késő. A szegény rakéta most halott. És az a te hibád! Menj most vissza addig az épületig és gondolj arra mit tettél. Menj oda, nézz arra a falra, és állj ott örökre.
  22. I tried to draw something like this a long time ago, but gave up when I couldn't find a neat way to keep the creature from getting split in half by its own digestive tract. Never thought about the food bubble idea!
  23. If I ever get the skill (and courage) to translate the Great Naked Space Man into Hungarian, I think I would call it a ragyogó űrférfi (the shining space man), or maybe a ragyogó űrember (the shining space human). At least, that's the best I can come up with for now, as my Hungarian vocabulary is pretty small.
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