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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. It is better. Something far, far better.
  2. Bob is beholding something. But what?
  3. That is the message you will receive if you convert the cosmic background radiation into sound! Thank you! And for those on here who just found out about the glorious horror that is Great Naked Man Space, it is basically the home dimension of this guy:
  4. I can't give an exact date. But I'd expect it to be ready in July. The poem is finished. I just need to make all the illustrations. The character is fairly straightforward. The environments might be trickier.
  5. Can you feel the intensity? Bob certainly can!
  6. 8/10 I've seen you and your train quite a lot.
  7. Thank you! And yes, it will be a parody of Interstellar.
  8. Thank you! And I'm sure Bob appreciates that. But alas, this is a journey he must make alone. Here is an actual image from the video!
  9. Including some unrealistic elements in a game, or anything for that matter, doesn't mean that everything else necessarily has to be similarly unrealistic. KSP may be set in a tiny universe with little green men, but the gameplay is still intended to resemble real life space travel. So any argument stating that an engine shouldn't be able to perform landings, when its real life equivalent needs months to accomplish anything worthwhile, is not automatically invalid just because the game happens to have little green men and compact planets.
  10. That would easily be the time when I probed every body in the Jool system, back in 0.18. I sent a single probe carrier with the six probes I needed, and then I inserted them all into their final, low altitude orbits. One by one. All with ion engines.
  11. A rogue planet is a planet that doesn't orbit a star and drifts through interstellar space on its own. Flies away.
  12. I believe the intended meaning of the utterance "school always sucks" actually resembles something along the lines of It is extremely common for the time spent in elementary school, and possibly high school, to be an emotionally unpleasant experience, not something that supposedly "degrades those in education".
  13. Now Naal's got an update, too! Just Orbo left.
  14. 6/10 I recognize your name. Your avatar might have been a bumblebee at some point.
  15. Thank you! I hope Dr. Mann isn't lonely anymore.
  16. Here is a parody of the Dr. Mann part of Interstellar! But told from the perspective of Dr. Mann.
  17. I used this mod in a little video. It is an extremely accurate retelling of Interstellar, but from Dr. Mann's point of view.
  18. I once sent an orbiter-lander duo there. All I remember is that the orbiter was called Jaime, and the lander that it dropped to the surface was called Bran.
  19. Having a fully functional GNSM in-game. Now that is my dream.
  20. I decided to add my fourth GNSM video here, as well. If found the lack of symmetry in the original post quite unsettling.
  21. HarvesteR is the original member from which all other members were born.
  22. I decided to try out the new aerodynamics and quickly threw a little plane together. I didn't even check the CoL or CoM before takeoff and expected nothing from it, but it performed flawlessly.
  23. Today will give birth to a new medical condition: Post-KSP depression.
  24. I'd never be able to forgive myself if I didn't nominate The Great Naked Space Man for "Best Educational Video".
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