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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. I'd recommend using a specular map as well, one where the oceans are pure white and the land is pure black. That makes the water look shiny, while the land does not.
  2. I've crashed so many times I've reached the end of the number line.
  3. But who controls that account, really? Is it you, Red?
  4. I survived the coming of Green Iron Crown.
  5. This is among the most memorable and most fun things I've ever experienced on these forums.
  6. Man, I can't believe just how close we are now.
  7. Someone on Reddit said that it could be V for Voyager, which would mean that they're going to add outer planets. I want to believe.
  8. I've blasted you with 10 points, and I'm worth 94 times that amount!
  9. This is what he looked like only two days ago. If it makes him feel better.
  10. Perhaps he is ready to talk now. Who summoned you, demon?
  11. The one who either has horns, animal ears or a combination of both.
  12. I usually don't dream about video games (I hardly ever play them unless it's for video making purposes), but while I still played League of Legends it occasionally happened that I saw fragments of actual matches. That game kind of gets into your head, man.
  13. I have a feeling that Green Iron Crown is not going to accept my friend request.
  14. I improved it a little, since I had no idea what the negative rep bars actually looked like before. Behold, the worst member of the forum! He is still imprisoned deep within the code, but the destruction of his son, Green Iron Crown, is all it will take to set him free. He's so terrible you can't even report him!
  15. The defeat of Green will not be the end. He is only the final seal that must be broken to release Black Iron Crown.
  16. You might be trying a little too hard.
  17. This is kinda like that Digimon movie where they lag a computer monster to death by forwarding a ton of emails to it.
  18. Here's my idea for the ringed gas giant. The moons Daphy, Eeloo, Fonso and Potatus were invented by NovaSilisko.
  19. No, no, no. Let's not start depriving him of his identity now.
  20. It is legend that the next update will be released once the beast has been slain.
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