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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. Oh, I see. Good thing I kept myself in check, then!
  2. Heh, it has actually happened that I've considered posting things that could potentially net me an infraction (or at least a removal, or maybe a warning) just because "I have so much rep. They'll forgive me". That's not the way it should work, but it usually turns out that way whenever there's some kind of rating system, unfortunately. Also, I wonder if Green Iron Crown would ever have been created if I hadn't mentioned the idea of an "evil" Red. I'm currently feeling a kind of Schrödinger's pride over this.
  3. Forum rule number 2.2 k. Do not question the mittens.
  4. 5/10 I see you once in a while. Mostly here, though.
  5. Granted. You are trapped in a time loop and have to relive the same day forever. I wish for a spoon.
  6. It started as an easter egg in a drawing I never finished. The picture itself was of a Kerbal looking all blissful as he takes his first space walk, and at some point I just randomly decided to add the reflection of a naked human in his visor. They would simply fly towards each other, with their arms reaching for each other and stuff. I abandoned the picture before I actually drew those two, but the idea stayed long enough for me to give it a name. And then I just kept going, haha.
  7. Thanks! There probably won't be anything more about the GNSM, but I'll definitely make more rhyming videos sometime.
  8. Entire space programs have been wiped from the universe by new, incompatible updates. I think people can survive having a few planes becoming unusable.
  9. So, Age of Ultron? Is that, like, the movie where you get to find out how old Ultron is?
  10. I start up an unmodded game on a separate computer and finish a new career.
  11. I like to pronounce the name of the RAPIER in pseudo-French: hrapyeahr.
  12. 0/10 Maybe I've seen your name once. But other than that, it's not ringing any bells.
  13. The Great Naked Space Man is a tall humanoid entity whose flawless, masculine physique could cause anyone who gazes upon him to swoon. It lives in a separate dimension known as Great Naked Man Space, but is frequently seen in orbit around Kerbin. It feeds on the souls of Kerbals, which it harvests when its irresistible charm - invariably - causes them to embrace it and approach it for a kiss. However, no Kerbal has ever managed to actually kiss the Great Naked Space Man, as he always kills them by removing their helmets. Attempts to prolong the lives of lovestruck astronauts have been made, mainly through the development of increasingly complex locking mechanisms for helmets. But despite all efforts, the Great Naked Space Man has so far managed to open them in exactly the same time as usual.
  14. They say that the coming of Green Iron Crown is the first sign of the apocalypse.
  15. Well, I guess that answers my questions about collecting red bars!
  16. But... But... Why... WHAT?
  17. I think Black Iron Crown would sound cooler. Like this:
  18. I wonder if you can collect them, like the green bars. And if you could eventually get orange bars and become an evil version of Red Iron Crown.
  19. Granted. You become extremely intoxicated and start to think it would be a good idea to upload some very embarrassing pictures of yourself. I wish for a spoon.
  20. Send him flying through the atmosphere at orbital speeds and you'll have a Ghost Rider more badass than Ghost Rider!
  21. Holy Jool, you have become a moderator. This combination of your power, your rep and your kingly avatar gives me no choice but to bow.
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