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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. So, SkyRex. Does this planet look familiar? I'll use it as a reference for the texture when it's done. It's only a preview, so more things will be done to it. But I hope you like it so far!
  2. "Okay, this thing isn't getting anywhere. We'll have to toss someone overboard! Eeny, meeny, miny, moe..."
  3. I've done a few improvements on Titan, as well! The details in the yellow haze now stand out more, and the blue haze on the limb has a more layered appearance than before.
  4. Thanks, guys! I'm glad to hear you've missed me, hehe. Anyways, Huygens has now been added to the picture. It's finally finished! And I absolutely hate drawing gold foil.
  5. Thanks! Here's the Saturn again, added to the background of a Titan I drew back in August. Now all that's missing is the Huygens.
  6. Hello, guys! Remember me? I've been suffering from a massive creativity drought lately, so I've basically been doing anything but drawing for the past few months. However, I just managed to pull together this picture of Saturn, intended to be used in the background of a picture I've wanted to draw for a long time, with the Huygens probe approaching Titan. I thought it went pretty well, so I'm hoping to get to Syterion soon - like I haven't said that before. Sorry, SkyRex.
  7. And that would be a homonym, just like Aqua said. Anyway, here's more Swedish! The word finne can mean both pimple and Finn, i.e. a person from Finland. Jag såg en finne klämma en finne på tunnelbanan igår. I saw a Finn pop a zit on the subway yesterday. Finnar får inte fler finnar än andra människor. Finns don't get more pimples than other people.
  8. I dreamt that I could no longer earn science and funds in my save, where I had completed the tech tree. It was awful.
  9. The Swedish word gift, pronounced 'yift', can mean both poison and married. A few examples: Giftförsäljaren försörjer sig på att sälja gift. The poison vendor sells poison for a living. Giftförsäljaren är gift med en annan giftförsäljare. The poison vendor is married to another poison vendor.
  10. Well of course he's screaming! His job is to get hot liquids poured into his head!
  11. I don't really have a part limit, but I generally try to use as few parts as possible to avoid any performance issues.
  12. I created a new interplanetary spaceship.
  13. Oh, look who [the thread] came back from the dead! And thank you, Overfloater! That's a shame, though. It would've been nice to see it in a video. Thanks! You can't do that in the stock game, though - assuming that's what you're asking. You need a texture replacement mod such as Universe Replacer. And then you just go to the mod's folder, find the appropriate file and dump the texture there.
  14. I just completed the entire tech tree with a single Eve landing probe. I suspect that the outsourcing strategy might be a little overpowered.
  15. You can see it around midnight. But don't put any Kerbals on it, because they'll never come back again.
  16. Yeah, I'm pretty sure drug references are against the rules.
  17. That would be the special Danger Dimension.
  18. Heh. Yeah, that sculpture sure was evil.
  19. So, as some of you might already know, I've started making video commentaries with KSP and some other things. I generally try to make them as weird as I possibly can, all while still talking as if I were reading from a grocery list, and my goal is basically to make the viewer go "Wat". YouTube channel Facebook page Here are the KSP videos I've made so far: As an added bonus, I'll also show you an unrelated video from real life. My channel has only been active for a month, so I've just made six commentaries in total. The ones that have actually been noticed have received some good response so far, however, and I'm hoping to expand my audience a little more. So like and subscribe if you enjoy them! And maybe share them with your friends!
  20. 10/10 It's simple and instantly recognizable. And it belongs to Red Iron Crown.
  21. Or why not a huge, huge crop circle?
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