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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. I'm just a master Kerbal engineer. It's best to be humble.
  2. This just inspired me to open up the version history in the wiki and calculate the average development time for updates.
  3. I'd recommend that you change your rating system a bit. Each poll option is currently connected to the one before it (0-2, 2-4, 4-6 etc.), and while your rules explain how it's supposed to be answered, it still looks pretty bad. It would be better to arrange them like this: 0-2, 3-5, 6-8, and so on.
  4. Felsmak


    By the way, has anyone else realized that the name Hamlet could be interpreted as a little piece of ham?
  5. Felsmak


    Let's get down to business! To defeat the puns!
  6. Felsmak


    I sure hope pun threads aren't against the rules. Then we'd all be punished.
  7. Thank you! My engineers have developed an experimental test craft that will be used to discover new ways to minimize the falling height even more. The scientists have even theorized that a complete closing of the gap could be achieved if I removed the launch clamp and just let the craft lie directly on the pad. I wonder what lies beyond. I really don't know if it's even possible to make the fall any shorter than that. Not without completely altering the universe as we know it, anyway.
  8. This little craft did not go to space. But that wasn't the point either.
  9. I have spent countless hours refining my cool little craft. Now it barely moves at all!
  10. This is not exactly a craft, but I hope that's okay! It's from when I tried to resurrect the Kraken earlier this year. The ritual failed for some mysterious reason that not even the finest scientists at the KSC have managed to figure out.
  11. An old one. At least he looks happy!
  12. Ahh, the memories. Somehow, the ones you didn't have always seemed to be the coolest.
  13. It was given to us by Squad, and we are thankful.
  14. 0/10 I've never seen you before.
  15. 4/10 I recognize the train in your signature, but that's about it.
  16. I don't think even struts can save this.
  17. Space filler space filler.
  18. That scene is far too intense for a mere human to even comprehend, I'm afraid.
  19. The first thing I noticed was the two Kerbals holding hands on the left, so I thought you were talking about Kerbals dating at work.
  20. So I got bored and made a video with some low-pitched commentary just for the heck of it. If you've seen my dragons before, then you'll finally get to see how they really work!
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