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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. Tried out my newest manned spacecraft and sent three Kerbals to orbit the Mun and collect some science. I also did a few data transmission contracts just to make the mission pay for itself.
  2. 3/10 I just saw you in the username thread. I remember that you gave yours randomly to a save and wanted to have a 3 in it.
  3. Mine is literally "wrong flavour", mashed into a single word. It's based on a real life inside joke. A friend once offered me some Coke that he had mixed with vodka, just as a joke. I took a sip and stoically declared that it did not taste like Coke, and that was apparently funny enough to repeat forever. It was annoying at first, but eventually I just went along with it.
  4. I sent a probe to both the Mun and Minmus, where it eventually crashed after having transmitted data from both bodies.
  5. Thanks! It's a lot more complicated than the ones I've made so far.
  6. Launched a robotic plane and landed again on the runway. The purpose of the mission was to test the Structural Pylon in orbit.
  7. I'm making Jupiter now! I... think it's done.
  8. 10/10 I wouldn't be able to correctly spell your name without looking, but that avatar is unforgettable. EDIT: mrrpamplemousse Ha! I did it!
  9. I'm getting a little bored right now, so I'll just bump this (shamelessly) and see what happens. I did tweak the lyrics some, though. That's an excuse!
  10. "You're really attractive. I can't believe you haven't assumed hydrostatic equilibrium yet!"
  11. I have landed a probe on every body in the System. I've only sent (and returned) Kerbals to Mun, Minmus and Duna, however.
  12. They aren't 3D; I just draw them. I create a flat disc in Photoshop, and then I draw the cloud bands on it. Then I just apply a few effects to enhance it some more. I'm sure I could create a texture map as well, though. After all It's really just a bigger and more rectangular gas giant. I would not be able to include the effects, though. So the planets would not look like this in the game.
  13. When you try to get a gravity assist from the Sun.
  14. Do Kerbin again! By foot! Or maybe Jool. Perhaps it can be done as long as you tread carefully?
  15. Hmm, you're probably right. It would be better to bring some Quad-Couplers and add additional ports for maximum support!
  16. Debris is awesome. It makes me feel like I'm marking my territory.
  17. Nice! It would be cool if there were camera parts in the game that let you take pictures like that.
  18. Now that you say it you could attach all experimental engines by docking ports. You could have a truck full of, say, LV-Ns parked at the KSC and then use some robot arm mod to attach them where they need to be. Then, when you've returned to Kerbin, you take them off and put them back in the truck.
  19. It's not that secret. My satellites are spying on you right now!
  20. I'm looking forward to seeing the result!
  21. These are awesome! Keep it up!
  22. And now a comet and another tribute to Nova! As you can see, it's named after him, and just because I remember the time when he developed the planets so fondly I even based the shape of the nucleus on Fry from Futurama, which was his avatar at the time.
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