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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. When someone won't turn the vacuum cleaner off before they unplug it.
  2. I hope no one minds if I revive this one. It has a nice name and deserves to live! - People who make tutorial videos where they make you watch them type their instructions into Notepad. - And people who make tutorials that don't show you the final product right at the beginning.
  3. I had to do that to get my CSM home from the Mun once. It was glorious.
  4. It could be worse. You could have gotten an F-!
  5. When all funds go to boosters, you can save quite a lot by using only one kind of Bill for both.
  6. Dinr. An awesome eating simulator that lets you socialize like never before. It's fully interactive, and it uses the best graphics engine to date.
  7. Why settle for running? Accelerate to lightspeed again! Relative to the box!
  8. I fail to understand why you care so deeply about how other people choose to play their copies of the game. No one is obligated to become good at it or accept any of the challenges it offers, and your idea of fun is not universal. KSP is a game. A pastime. Something you play with when you're bored. The fact that you "didn't use any mods for over 200 hours of gameplay, and still got to and landed on a lot of planets/moons" is not relevant to anyone in any way whatsoever, and at the end of the day you haven't really accomplished anything. You've just had your fun for a little while, and so has everyone else who plays it. How they go about doing it isn't even worth having an opinion about, and if you act like they're doing something wrong or neglecting some kind of responsibility just because their idea of fun differs from yours, then that makes you come off as pompous and quite rude. OnT: I don't even use MechJeb myself. I used to install it once in a while whenever I got bored with launching rocket after rocket, but then it went bananas for some reason, and I haven't bothered with it since.
  9. But what would happen if they'd make that choice before they've learned manual flight? No but seriously, no one "should" do anything. How you play is a personal decision and no one else's business.
  10. It basically flies your rocket for you. Takeoff, landing, orbital maneuvers - anything you want.
  11. Did you see any static while you were looking at him? Because that's very important.
  12. Perhaps you've met Dresmeralda, Queen of Dres and all that is lumpy? There was another, smaller queen present on the surface of Dres. But she was no queen; she was an impostor posing as the just and mighty Dresmeralda. Something had to be done, so she took her shoulder mounted rocket launcher and blew her to pieces. Then she sat down on her remains and ruled alone for a thousand years.
  13. I also feel that an immediate and permanent ban would be in order for anyone who types in yellow text.
  14. Somehow, someone will have to be the first to get their tongue stuck to the surface of an icy moon.
  15. The question is just: If anyone were to guess it correctly, would Rows say so?
  16. 0/10 I don't think I've ever seen you before. Nice post count, though!
  17. Oh oh! I think I get it! The mystery feature is... the love for learning and... the joy of exploration... that is in the hearts of all of us? Right?
  18. Adopt it and give it a name. I named mine Selma.
  19. Landed on Ike for the first time in quite a while. Haven't been there since 0.18.
  20. I built an interplanetary spaceship. It's incredibly slow and turns when I accelerate, but I like it anyway!
  21. That's the spirit! No need to waste time on those regular turtle rides.
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