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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. I don't mean to get all sentimental now, but I always feel a little sad when I see that a familiar forum user has gone inactive. Just looking at that long gone date on their profile makes me think about the fleetingness of life, and stuff.
  2. Thanks! I also just realized that my first planet picture - the one of the inner planets in the Kerbal solar system - was in desperate need of a makeover. So here they are: the new and improved planets! Compare these with the originals.
  3. Here is another demonstraton of the texture. I'm starting to feel it's nearing completion. It just needs a little more detail here and there, and those two storms you were talking about.
  4. I could look into that later, but not before SkyRex has his! Anyways, the texture is now in the making. I am going for a somewhat cartoony look, compared to the concept, so that it won't look out of place in the game. Here is a demonstration of what it could look like in the game. It's still a work in progress, so there will still be more detail at the southern hemisphere.
  5. It has an automatic, built-in pill dispenser than can deploy any medication inside your body, without you having to do anything. But it can only fit one pill at a time, and it only stays inside your body for as long as your food does. And you have to swallow the thing.
  6. So, here's another slow update on Syterion! (Sorry). Here are the rings. You said you wanted them blue, so I went for a blue-ish, gray-ish, green-ish colour scheme that looked somewhat blue while still being believable. I also added a tiny hint of red in the middle for variety. You also wished for the rings to be about half as wide as those of Saturn, but just as big. I felt that this looked a little strange, however. So I made a compromise and added a bunch of not-so-dense areas below the main belts. You like? (These are just low-resolution demonstrations and are not fit to be used. Don't want a bunch of old, obsolete textures floating about.) Still doesn't work that well on the model, though. Here is the concept with appropriate ring shadows added.
  7. My Kerbal world ends with every update. It's Kermageddon all the time.
  8. It's all right. Now I can pretend that I'm inside a black hole! Like that guy in Interstellar!
  9. So I just got started building space shuttles. How am I doing so far? The shuttle is named Quasimodo.
  10. So I tried to build a space shuttle. Not much success so far!
  11. Banned for having more rep than me, while also being far younger than me. Seriously, I never realized that you only joined last year! And good to see that you followed my advice of throwing something out to improve the TWR of your former rocket avatar! With a spin like that, it sure must have been violent. Poor Kerbal.
  12. Granted. Being sick now drastically lowers your IQ, and until you get well again, not leaving napkins everywhere is the only thing you can do. I wish for this wish to be granted in an hour.
  13. I also tend to feel that I'm really not getting all that much information out of them. But I usually keep it to myself, because I don't want people to think I'm stupid.
  14. Many thanks! And now, in the unlikely event that anyone would actually want to produce fanart of the GNSM and his soul-devouring escapades: You are totally encouraged to do so! By me, at least. Just keep it... You know, family friendly. And in this thread.
  15. It's the Voyagers that are a reference to the Great Naked Space Man.
  16. 5/10 I know you from the Spacecraft Exchange forum.
  17. Random piece of GNSM lore: He originates from a separate dimension known as Great Naked Man Space. I... just needed to get that one out of my system.
  18. War er auf dem Kopf gelandet? Ich habe es nicht selbst getestet, aber ich glaube, dass Kerbals fast jeden Fall überstehen können, wenn sie einfach auf dem Kopf landen. Das finde ich ziemlich lustig.
  19. Thank you! I'll take that as a compliment, haha!
  20. I started the game like I do all the time, but suddenly everything started to rhyme. And then this happened. Three little Kerbals were stranded in space. Their ship had been stuck there for sixty three days. It was Bill, and then Bob. And Jeb was there too. Just three restless Kerbals with nothing to do. "Why are you scared, Bob? There's nothing to fear!" But Jeb couldn't see that the Space Man was near. The Great Naked Space Man with skin made of gold. And glorious muscles for all to behold. "That's just the Sun, Bob!" Was all Jeb replied. But then even he saw the hunk by their side. Bill just dismissed it as random debris. But then they could hear it. It said: "Come to me!" Its body was flawless and caused him to cry. He needed its love, but he didn't know why. They opened the hatch and flew off into space. And Bill was the first one who finished the race. Now things got serious. It asked for a kiss! But all Bill could hear was a loud, scary hiss. His helmet was open! The Space Man had lied! The precious air left while the poor Kerbal died. It opened its mouth like a scary black hole. And then it just casually swallowed his soul. The others just screamed. And they screamed many times. You know you are doomed when your life story rhymes.
  21. Three little Kerbals were stranded in space. Their ship had been stuck there for sixty three days. It was Bill, and then Bob. And Jeb was there too. Just three restless Kerbals with nothing to do. "Why are you scared, Bob? There's nothing to fear!" But Jeb couldn't see that the Space Man was near. The Great Naked Space Man with skin made of gold. And glorious muscles for all to behold. "That's just the Sun, Bob!" Was all Jeb replied. But then even he saw the hunk by their side. Bill just dismissed it as random debris. But then they could hear it. It said: "Come to me!" Its body was flawless and caused him to cry. He needed its love, but he didn't know why. They opened the hatch and flew off into space. And Bill was the first one who finished the race. Now things got serious. It asked for a kiss! But all Bill could hear was a loud, scary hiss. His helmet was open! The Space Man had lied! The precious air left while the poor Kerbal died. It opened its mouth like a scary black hole. And then it just casually swallowed his soul. The others just screamed. And they screamed many times. You know you are doomed when your life story rhymes.
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