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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. Here's an old drawing of Laythe. It's pretty sloppy, but I basically imagine it as a chilly, Mars-ish world with rather thin clouds, and sometimes with frost on the ground.
  2. Here is yet another poem about the Great Naked Space Man, this time in the form of a parody of the movie Event Horizon. Here's a transcription of the text: A really cool spaceship had once disappeared. It travelled with portals and looked kind of weird. "We built it from scratch", all the governments lied. But lo and behold what was hidden inside! The Great Naked Space Man, all captured and bound. With powerful magnets in arcs all around. Then one day that spaceship appeared next to Jool. Now that was just scary. And not at all cool! So Bill, Bob and Jeb were all sent on a trip. A long trip to Jool and the strange, ghostly ship. They hoped that it still would have crewmen around. But all that was left was recordings of sound. Recordings where screams could be heard as they played. From Great Naked Man Space, where those had been made. To Great Naked Man Space this ship would return. Unless they could break it and hide in the stern. There, in the bow, was a hunk in distress. Those eyes could buy Russia; the hair little less. It spoke, and it simply said "Jeb, come to me!" And now he just knew that he must set it free. His friends tried to stop him. But they were too late. The Space Man Drive started and sealed the team's fate. And here are a few pictures of the spaceship and the mysterious dimension known only as Great Naked Man Space:
  3. 1/10 Don't really know you. Might have seen your name or your signature once before.
  4. Internet Explorer is so slow that an hour on 9GAG is equivalent to an entire semester for the rest of the world. Watch it, students!
  5. Not a good idea. The fedora is basically Medusa's head in the form of a hat, and unless it's worn with perfectly matching clothes, it will petrify anyone who looks upon the wearer. It was created by the goddess Athena, as a reward for the hero Perseus. Because of its divine origins, any hat that copied the design of the fedora received the same magic properties as the original. The Greeks actually tried to exploit this by mass producing it as a weapon of war, but it backfired hilariously when the magic turned out to work from behind and from the sides as well, making it extremely difficult to use in the standard troop formations. Other than that, it was also expensive to produce, both in money and manpower, and eventually it was banned by the Romans, who wanted to protect their dwindling sculpture industry. And that's why fedoras are bad.
  6. I once sent an orbital science station to Minmus. Kerbin blocked the Sun so I couldn't make the final burn.
  7. My experience with YouTube is a little strange. I had a channel there when I was twelve, where I just posted crappy videos about my shenanigans in various games - which people might have found more hilarious than I realized at the time. All of those got thousands of views, all by themselves, but that's not happening now. I guess it might have something to do with everyone and their mother making video game videos these days.
  8. No. But alas, there wasn't enough space to fit all of them in one picture. For with great surface area comes great lag.
  9. Speaking about realism, I thought I'd just share a little reminder about how small our favorite planets really are. Just for the fun of it.
  10. And now: A size komparison between the Kerbal planets and reality!
  11. 6/10 I have seen your name many times before.
  12. Thanks! Now Orbo's moons have been changed. Dack was the worst offender, with its ugly crater and all, so I altered it completely to make the impact look more traumatic.
  13. And now I've added Voon itself. Hmm... Sixth post in a row. It's starting to get awfully lonely in here.
  14. Now the moons of Voon have been updated!
  15. And now the entire stock system is finished! Note that I've finally given some love to Dres and Eeloo as well!
  16. Well look at that. I've recreated the moons of Jool as well!
  17. Very special astronaut food.
  18. Aaand I think I could comfortably call Syterion finished!
  19. I don't mean to get all sentimental now, but I always feel a little sad when I see that a familiar forum user has gone inactive. Just looking at that long gone date on their profile makes me think about the fleetingness of life, and stuff.
  20. Thanks! I also just realized that my first planet picture - the one of the inner planets in the Kerbal solar system - was in desperate need of a makeover. So here they are: the new and improved planets! Compare these with the originals.
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